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Releases: OceanParcels/Parcels

Parcels v1.0.5: a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age

24 Aug 14:30
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Parcels v1.0.5 is a quick update of v1.0.4, mostly because of problems to create a conda-forge package from v1.0.4.

Nevertheless, there are also a few minor updates in this v1.0.5

  • Support for the ** operator to take power in JIT mode (#424)
  • Fixed a bug where runtime was sometimes not correctly set when deferred-loading fields (#422)

Note that installation instructions have changed. After creating the conda environment, users should now run python install

Parcels v1.0.4: a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age

22 Aug 13:41
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Parcels v1.0.4 builds on the previous v1.0.3 release. Major changes since then

  • Support for FieldLists (#393), which allows Kernels like AdvectionRK4 to work on multiple Fields at once. See also the tutorial
  • Changing the plotting routines from Basemap to cartopy (#401). Note that this means you will need to uninstall Basemap and install cartopy, as they are conflicting
  • Interpolation of velocities on C-grids. This also means that the angle file is not needed anymore in FieldSet.from_nemo() (#394)
  • Much smaller output files by controlling the NetCDF chunk size (#366)
  • Displaying a Progressbar for long (> 10 seconds) runs of ParticleSet.execute() (#381 and #418)
  • Possibility to initialise custom Variables directly in ParticleSet.from_list() (#397)
  • Numerous bug fixes

As always, please let us know if anything isn't working as expected.

Note that this release has some installation issues, so should not be used. Use v1.0.5 instead

Parcels v1.0.3: a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age

08 May 12:47
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Parcels v1.0.3 builds on the previous v1.0.2 release. Major changes since then:

  • Fixed bug in Windows install (#355)
  • Spatially varying Brownian (#340) and exponential variate (#333) diffusion
  • Added option for two-dimensional histograms in plotParticleTrajectories() (#367)
  • Arguments for Field.from_netcdf() have changed to match FieldSet.from_netcdf() (#364)
  • Minor other bugs fixed

Parcels v1.0.2: a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age

05 Apr 12:54
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Parcels v1.0.2 builds on the previous v1.0.1 release. Major changes since then:

  • Parcels is now also Python3-compatible
  • No need anymore for FieldSet.advancetime(), as advancing of time for large datasets is now dealt with under the hood. For datasets that have more than 3 time snapshots, Parcels runs in 'defer_load' mode, where the actual reading of NetCDF files is only performed when required. This means that longer lists of filenames in FieldSet.from_netcdf() (and FieldSet.from_nemo()) don't require more memory. If you still require the entire dataset to be loaded in one go, you can use full_load=True as an option to FieldSet.from_netcdf().
  • TheParticleFile class now always writes particle data in array format. See also
  • The website has been revamped at, with repository at

Parcels v1.0.1: a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age

02 Feb 15:08
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Parcels v1.0.1 builds on the previous v1.0 release. Major changes since then:

  • Changes to the arguments of ParticleSet.execute(): (#289)
    • the interval argument has been renamed outputdt and should now be set when creating the ParticleFile object
    • the show_movie argument has been split into a moviedt argument (to set the frequency of the animation) and a movie_background_field argument that determines which background field to show (either a Field object, or the string vector) or the default None for no background field
    • endtime cannot be a timedelta object anymore. Only valid formats for endtime are a datetime object or a double. If you want to give a timedelta object, use the runtime argument
    • Except for dt, all arguments controlling intervals should always be positive, regardless of whether you run in forward or backward mode. Hence, to change the direction of a run, the only thing to change is to negate dt
  • Renaming of old FieldSet.from_nemo() to FieldSet.from_parcels() and new FieldSet.from_nemo to handle Curvilinear NEMO grids (#285)
  • Adding of a timer class to profile CPU time (#288)
  • Adding of option ParticleFile(..., write_ondelete=True) to write only particle data when particle is deleted (#290)
  • Adding option to write Kernels directly as C-functions, for JITParticles (#278)

Parcels v1.0: a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age

20 Jan 20:30
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Parcels v1.0 build on the previous v0.9 release. Major changes since then:

  • Support for many more types of Grids, including curvilinear (horizontal) and s-grids (vertical) (#262)
  • Added a Brownian diffusion kernel. More diffusion kernels to come in future versions (#269)
  • Easier API for repeated particle release (#261)
  • Support for Fields with different Grids in one FieldSet (#241)
  • Support on Windows OS (#236) and easier install on macOS and Linux (#228)
  • Many bugfixes and tweaks

Future work now will focus on efficiency and parallelisation of Parcels. Thanks to all who contributed to this version 1.0!

Parcels v0.9: prototyping a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age

06 Jul 11:26
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Parcels v0.9 is a fully-functional, feature-complete code for offline Lagrangian ocean analysis. This version 0.9 is focussed on laying out the API, with future work concentrating on optimisation, efficiency and at-runtime integration with OGCMs.