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TeamCity Build OpenTelemetry Exporter Plugin

A TeamCity plugin that sends build trace data to an OpenTelemetry collector endpoint.

This plugin helps you visualize how you can better optimize your TeamCity builds and their dependency trees, by exporting TeamCity build pipeline data automatically to existing OpenTelemetry collector such as Honeycomb, Zipkin or Jaeger.


What is OpenTelemetry

From the OpenTelemetry docs:

You can use OpenTelemetry to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces) for analysis in order to understand your software's performance and behavior. Create and collect telemetry data from your services and software, then forward them to a variety of analysis tools. For more information about OpenTelemetry go to

How to use this plugin

Installing the plugin to TeamCity

  1. Build the plugin using the "Building" instructions below.
  2. In your TeamCity instance go to the configuration settings for the project which you want to start sending data for (the root project is a good candidate for sending everything!), and choose OpenTelemetry in the left menu
  3. Tick Enable, and enter the required settings
    1. If you are using, use the following settings:
      1. Service:
      2. Api Key: The api key
      3. Team: Your team name from honeycomb (as shown in the browser url)
      4. Dataset: The dataset you want to send data to
    2. If you are using
      1. Service: Zipkin
      2. Endpoint: The url of your zipkin instance (eg http://localhost:9411/)
    3. If you are using another service, use the following settings:
      1. Service: Custom
      2. Endpoint: The url of the service
      3. Headers: The service specific headers required
  4. Note that settings are inherited and can be overridden by child project settings
  5. Install the .zip using your TeamCity instance UI via Administration -> Plugins -> Upload. Restart if required.


To view logs from the plugin, add the following sections to the conf/teamcity-server-log4j.xml file in your teamcity installation:

Under Appenders:

      <RollingFile name="OTEL.LOG" fileName="${sys:teamcity_logs}/teamcity-otel-plugin.log"
                   append="true" createOnDemand="true">
        <PatternLayout pattern="[%d] %6p - %30.30c - %m%n" charset="UTF-8"/>
        <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 MB"/>
        <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="3" fileIndex="min"/>

Under Loggers:

    <Logger name="com.octopus.teamcity.opentelemetry" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
      <AppenderRef ref="OTEL.LOG" />

Local Development

Using Docker

For detailed instructions check the TeamCity docker hub docs.

  1. Ensure you have docker running
  2. Run docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-server
  3. Run
docker run -it --name teamcity-server-instance \
   -v <path-to-data-directory>:/data/teamcity_server/datadir \
   -v <path-to-logs-directory>:/opt/teamcity/logs  \
   -p <port-on-host>:8111 \
  1. Run docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-agent
  2. Run
docker run -it -e SERVER_URL="<url to TeamCity server>"  \
   -v <path to agent config folder>:/data/teamcity_agent/conf  \      

Running Locally

You must have a TeamCity instance running. To run a TeamCity instance locally:

  1. Download the TeamCity distro for your OS from
  2. Unzip the distro and place in a directory of your choosing.
  3. To run the default server, open terminal then cd in your TeamCity directory then run ./bin/ run. An alias these commands for repeated future can be made.
  4. In a separate terminal, to run the default agent, cd in your TeamCity directory then run ./buildAgent/bin/ run.
  5. Open localhost:8111 in a browser.
  6. On your first run create an admin login (this setup only needs to take place once due to the configuration mount). Once the server starts up, navigate to Agents->Unauthorized and authorise the agent that was started in a container alongside the server.
  7. (Optional) If attaching a remote debugger run in your TeamCity directory export TEAMCITY_SERVER_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8111 && $SCRIPT_PATH/bin/ run for the server and export TEAMCITY_SERVER_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8111 && $SCRIPT_PATH/buildAgent/bin/ run for the default agent.
  8. Configure the settings as per Installing the plugin to TeamCity above.
  9. To stop the TeamCity server and agent from running, in a separate terminal cd to your TeamCity directory and run ./bin/ stop


To build the plugin from code:

  1. Ensure your $JAVA_HOME points to a java17 JDK installation
  2. Install TeamCity
  3. Inside the root project folder run ./gradlew build. The gradlew script will download Gradle for you if it is not already installed.
  4. The plugin is available at <project_root>/build/distributions/Octopus.TeamCity.OpenTelemetry.<version>.zip.
  5. Copy to .zip to your TeamCity data_dir/plugins directory and restart TeamCity server OR install the .zip using your TeamCity instance UI.


JUnit tests have been added to package test folders.

To test the plugin from code:

  1. Ensure your $JAVA_HOME points to a java17 JDK installation
  2. Inside the root project folder run ./gradlew test. The gradlew script will download Gradle for you if it is not already installed.


To clean the project root directory of builds:

  1. Inside the root project folder run ./gradlew clean. The gradlew script will download Gradle for you if it is not already installed.

Extending to support a new service

Adding a new endpoint

  1. Add a new enum value to OTELService
  2. Create yourself a new folder under server/endpoints
  3. Create an implementation of IOTELEndpointHandler.
    • getBuildOverviewModelAndView - set which ui page to use on the build overview
    • buildSpanProcessor - create an OTEL Span Processor to use to configure OTEL
    • getSetProjectConfigurationSettingsRequest - convert the incoming settings POST to your settings request object
    • mapParamsToModel - Convert the saved settings to the UI model
  4. Create an implementation of SetProjectConfigurationSettingsRequest
    • serviceSpecificValidate does any validation you require of your settings
    • mapServiceSpecificParams maps settings to a hashmap to save
  5. Add a new case in OTELEndpointFactory.getOTELEndpointHandler for your enum value
  6. Add a new jsp file in resources/buildserverResources/buildOverviewXXXExtension.jsp to show info on the build overview
  7. Modify ProjectConfigurationTab. projectConfigurationSettings.js and projectConfigurationSettings.jsp to show the settings you need (this part still needs refactoring to split things out)