namerd is a service for managing linkerd (and finagle) name delegation (i.e. routing).
linkerd ----logical name-----> namerd <--> Service Discovery
<---concrete address-- <--> Dtab Storage
namerd is a service that resolves logical names to concrete addresses. By having linkerd use namerd for name delegation, we reduce the load on service discovery backends and can use namerd as a central place to control routing across a fleet of linkers.
namerd supports pluggable modules for dtab storage, naming and service discovery, and servable interfaces. For example, namerd can be configured to use ZooKeeper for storage, ZooKeeper Serversets for service discovery, and a long-poll thrift interface.
namerd can be run locally with the commands
./sbt namerd-examples/basic:run
./sbt 'namerd-main/run path/to/config.yml'
namerd provides an http interface to create, update and retrieve Dtabs, as
defined in HttpControlService
For a command-line tool which wraps this interface, try namerctl
Primary interface endpoints:
$ export NAMERD_URL=http://localhost:4180
Get all dtab namespaces:
$ curl $NAMERD_URL/api/1/dtabs
Get a dtab for the default
$ curl $NAMERD_URL/api/1/dtabs/default
Create or update a dtab namespace:
$ curl -v -X PUT -d"/foo => /bar" -H "Content-Type: application/dtab" $NAMERD_URL/api/1/dtabs/baz
Evaluate a path against a known dtab namespace:
$ curl -v $NAMERD_URL/api/1/delegate/baz?path=/foo
Evaluate a path against an arbitrary dtab:
$ curl -v "$NAMERD_URL/api/1/delegate?dtab=/foo=>/bar&path=/foo"
Resolve a logic or concrete name against a known dtab namespace:
$ curl -v $NAMERD_URL/api/1/resolve/baz?path=/foo