- Take me to the Lab
Solutions Lab - Validating and Mutating Admission Controllers:
NamespaceAutoProvision- Mutating , NamespaceExists - Validating
is correct for Mutating and validating admission controllers. -
First Mutating then Validating
is the flow of invocation of admission controllers. -
Create a namespace webhook-demo where we will deploy webhook components.
Run $ kubectl create ns webhook-demo
Create TLS secret webhook-server-tls for secure webhook communication in webhook-demo namespace.
Run $ kubectl -n webhook-demo create secret tls webhook-server-tls \ --cert "/root/keys/webhook-server-tls.crt" \ --key "/root/keys/webhook-server-tls.key"
Create a webhook deployment
Run $ kubectl create -f /root/webhook-deployment.yaml
Create a webhook service
Run $ kubectl create -f /root/webhook-service.yaml
If we apply the configuration by adding MutatingWebhookConfiguration, which resources and actions would be affected
Pod with CREATE operations
Deploy MutatingWebhookConfiguration
Run $ kubectl create -f /root/webhook-configuration.yaml
Deploy a pod with no securityContext specified.
Run $ kubectl apply -f /root/pod-with-defaults.yaml
What are runAsNonRoot and runAsUser values for previously created pods securityContext?
runAsNonRoot: true , runAsUser: 1234
Deploy pod with a securityContext explicitly allowing it to run as root.
Run $ kubectl apply -f /root/pod-with-override.yaml Then validate with $ kubectl get po pod-with-override -o yaml | grep -A2 " securityContext:"