This dashlet shows DocWeb website.
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`*` | -`**` | -`//` | -`\\ ` | -`xx` | -`-:` | -`@` | -`o+` | -`ox` | -`o.` | -`sum` | -`prod` | -`^^` | -`^^^` | -`vv` | -`vvv` | -
`!=` | -`<=` | -`>=` | -`-<` | -`>-` | -`in` | -`!in` | -`sub` | -`sup` | -`sube` | -`supe` | -`O/` | -`nn` | -`nnn` | -`uu` | -`uuu` | -
`and` | -`or` | -`not` | -`=>` | -`if` | -`<=>` | -`AA` | -`EE` | -`_|_` | -`TT` | -`|--` | -`cong` | -`-=` | -`~=` | -`~~` | -`prop` | -
`"text"` | -`"quad"` | -`del` | -`grad` | -`+-` | -`oo` | -`aleph` | -`diamond` | -`square` | -`|__` | -`__|` | -`|~` | -`~|` | -`<< x>>` | -`/_` | -`:.` | -
`uarr` | -`darr` | -`larr` | -`->` | -`|->` | -`harr` | -`lArr` | -`rArr` | -`hArr` | -`hata` | -`ula` | -`bara` | -`dota` | -`ddota` | -`{(1 if x>=0),(0 if x<0):}` | -|
`NN` | -`ZZ` | -`QQ` | -`RR` | -`CC` | -`bbA` | -`bbbA` | -`ccA` | -`frA` | -`sfA` | -`ttA` | -`veca` | -`stackrel(+)(->)` | -`upsilon` | -||
`alpha` | -`beta` | -`gamma` | -`Gamma` | -`delta` | -`Delta` | -`epsilon` | -`zeta` | -`eta` | -`theta` | -`Theta` | -`iota` | -`kappa` | -`lambda` | -`Lambda` | -`mu` | -
`nu` | -`pi` | -`Pi` | -`rho` | -`sigma` | -`Sigma` | -`tau` | -`xi` | -`Xi` | -`phi` | -`Phi` | -`chi` | -`psi` | -`Psi` | -`omega` | -`Omega` | -
Note: enclose long variable names with double quotes (e.g., "mass").
- -ASCIIMath | -MathML | -
(x+1)/(x-1) | -`(x+1)/(x-1)` | -
x^(m+n) | -`x^(m+n)` | -
dy/dx | -`dy/dx` | -
ASCIIMath | -MathML | -
sqrt(x) | -`sqrt(x)` | -
root(n)(x) | -`root(n)(x)` | -
sum_(n=1)^oo | -`sum_(n=1)^oo` | -
ASCIIMath | -MathML | -
int_a^b f(x)dx | -`int_a^b f(x)dx` | -
[[a,b],[c,d]] | -`[[a,b],[c,d]]` | -
((n),(k)) | -`((n),(k))` | -
"); - st = st.replace(/\\begin{(theorem|lemma|proposition|corollary)}((.|\n)*?)\\end{\1}/g,function(r,s,t){tcnt++; return ""+s.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+s.slice(1)+" "+tcnt+". "+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")+""}); - st = st.replace(/\\begin{(definition|example|remark|problem|exercise|conjecture|solution)}((.|\n)*?)\\end{\1}/g,function(r,s,t){dcnt++; return ""+s.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+s.slice(1)+" "+dcnt+". "+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")}); - st = st.replace(/\\begin{proof}((.|\n)*?)\\end{proof}/g,function(s,t){return "Proof: "+t.replace(/^\s*<\/?\w+\/?>|\s*<\/?\w+\/?>$/g,"")+" □"}); - st = st.replace(/\\emph{(.*?)}/g,"$1"); - st = st.replace(/\\textbf{(.*?)}/g,"$1"); - st = st.replace(/\\cite{(.*?)}/g,"[$1]"); - st = st.replace(/\\chapter{(.*?)}/g,""); - st = st.replace(/\\bigskip/g,"
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