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File metadata and controls

882 lines (635 loc) · 53 KB
title author date tags lang
Readme/documentation: ODD tei_periodicals
Till Grallert

GitHub release DOI

This repository contains the TEI schema for (early) Arabic periodical editions. The schema is under active development in the context of the following projects:

It can be called from XML files using the link to the gh-pages branch of this repository:

<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>

The data model / encoding for our authority files can be found at

1. Issues to be solved

Typographic marks

Early-twentieth century periodicals contain a lot of typographic markers indicating foreign words, technical terms, proper names, and the end of a section.

section dividers

The pages contain a large number of different graphic dividers. Sometimes they indicate the end or the beginning of a sections. Sometimes they are followed by a new headline, sometimes they are not. In order not to infer too much from these visual dividers and as they were not transcribed by, I have decided to encode them as "anonymous blocks": <ab>

Most of these blocks are centered and thus they carry a @rend="centered" attribute, which, at a later stage could be used to be automatically translated into a formal @rendition statement.

question and anwser sections

The structure is as follows

  • section title
    • question 1
    • answer 1
    • question 2
    • answer 2

multilingual references to terms

In many cases foreign terms that have been transliterated into Arabic are followed by their Latin spelling. How should that be encoded?

  • In the case of names for places and persons, I propose to wrap each spelling in its own <persName> and to then group them into another <persName>:

2. changes to the schema

1. additions

  • changes that would potentially render the files non-compliant:
    • allow <bibl> as child of <opener>,<byline>, <closer>
    • allow <q> as child of <persName> etc.
    • add @ref to <bibl>
  • changes to mark-up reflecting recent changes in the TEI guidelines:
  • add @rend to all inline elements with the following, most common, values and add some documentation below:
    • "quotation-marks"
    • "brackets"
  • add tag set for the mark-up of drama (e.g. نكارتر)
  • add <particDesc> to the list of available elements

2. deletions

  • tei:num/@confidence
  • tei:num/@facs
  • @part

3. current mark-up

3.1. Metadata

Our editions are orgnised as one file per issue of a publication. All information on the individual issue is part of the monographic level of bibliographic metadata.

3.1.1. bibliographic information

All bibliographic information pertaining to the file and the individual periodical issue should be encoded in a <biblStruct>

  1. In the <teiHeader> information should be provided in Latin script
  2. In the <front> information should be provided in Arabic, just as it would in the masthead of the actual issue


Current structure of the <biblStruct> in <sourceDesc>:

<!-- ... -->
        <title level="j" xml:lang="ar">المقتبس</title>
        <title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar">مجلة تبحث في التربية والتعليم والاجتماع والاقتصاد والاداب والتاريخ والآثار واللغة و تدبير المنزل والصحة والكتب وحضارة العرب والغرب</title>
        <title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar">تصدر في كل شهر عربي بدمشق</title>
        <title level="j" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">[Majallat] al-Muqtabas</title>
        <title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">Majalla tabḥath fī al-tarbiyya wa-l-taʿlīm wa-l-ijtimāʿ wa-l-iqtiṣād wa-l-adab wa-l-tārīkh wa-l-āthār wa-l-llugha wa tadbīr al-manzil wa-l-ṣaḥḥa wa-l-kutub wa ḥaḍāra al-ʿarab wa ḥadāra al-gharb</title>
        <title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">tuṣadir fī kull shar ʿarabī bi-Dimashq</title>
        <title level="j" xml:lang="fr">Al-Moktabas</title>
        <title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="fr">Revue mensuelle paraissant à Damas (Syrie)</title>
        <title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="fr">Pédagogie, sociologie, économie politique, littérature, histoire, archéologie, philologie, ménagerie, hygiène, bibliographie, civilisation arabe et occidentale</title>
        <idno type="oclc">4770057679</idno>
        <idno type="oclc">79440195</idno>
        <idno type="aucr">07201136864</idno>
        <idno type="shamela">26523</idno>
        <editor ref="">
            <persName xml:lang="ar">
                <surname>كرد علي</surname>
            <persName xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes" >
                <surname>Kurd ʿAlī</surname>
            <publisher notAfter="1914" notBefore="1908">
                <orgName xml:lang="ar">مطبعة المقتبس</orgName>
                <orgName xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">Maṭbaʿa al-Muqtabas</orgName>
            <pubPlace notBefore="1908" notAfter="1914">
                <placeName xml:lang="ar">دمشق</placeName>
                <placeName xml:lang="en">Damascus</placeName>
            <date type="official" xml:lang="ar" when-custom="1329-01-01" datingMethod="#cal_islamic" calendar="#cal_islamic" when="1911-01-02">١ محرم ١٣٢٩</date>
            <date type="official" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes" when-custom="1329-01-01" datingMethod="#cal_islamic" calendar="#cal_islamic" when="1911-01-02">1 Muḥ 1329</date>
        <biblScope unit="volume" from="6" to="6"/>
        <biblScope unit="issue" from="1" to="1"/>
        <biblScope unit="page" from="1" to="88"/>
<!-- ... -->

As part of the masthead of an issue

NOTE 2025-01-08: this is an outdated example

<!-- ... -->
        <title level="j">المقتبس</title>
        <editor>محمد كرد علي</editor>
            <publisher>المطبعة المقتبس</publisher>
            <date when-custom="1329-01-01" datingMethod="#cal_islamic" calendar="#cal_islamic" when="1911-01-02">١ محرم ١٣٢٩</date>
        <biblScope unit="volume" from="6" to="1">المجلد السادس</biblScope>
        <biblScope unit="issue" from="1" to="1">الجزء الاول</biblScope>
        <biblScope unit="page" from="1" to="88"/>
<!-- ... -->

main components

  1. title and subtitle:
    • <title level="j"> indicates a journal title
    • <title level="j" type="sub"> indicates the subtitle
  2. authors, editors, other persons in some way responsible for the content
    • <editor>
  3. imprint: <imprint>
    1. place of publication: <pubPlace>
    2. publisher: <publisher>
    3. date of publication: <date>
  4. scope of item (volume, issue, pages)
    • <biblScope> with @unit attribute of "volume", "issue", "pages" and @from, @to indicating the actual extent. If the reference is to a single page, issue or volume @from and @to should be provided with identical values (not @n!). The element should have no text() content to avoid language-specificity. publication dates

As noted somewhere else, al-Muqtabas did not provide publication dates in the masthead beginning with No. 4/10, which would have been scheduled for Shawwāl 1327 aH (Oct/Nov 1909). Thus, one needs a means to differentiate between the official publication date as recorded in the issues' mastheads and the cover leaves of each volume and the actual date of publication as deduced from other sources. The first suggestion is to differentiate between three different types of publication dates with a @type attribute:

  1. @type="official" The publication date as provided on the masthead
  2. @type="scheduled" The publication date according to the publication schedule
  3. @type="supplied" The publication date as indicated by other sources
    • such dates then require a @source attribute pointing to the source for this information
    • a bibliography of sources is kept in oclc_4770057679-master_bibliography.TEIP5.xml and the private URI scheme bibl: is dereferenced to point to @xml:ids in this file.
<date type="official" calendar="#cal_islamic" datingMethod="#cal_islamic" when="1910-03-13" when-custom="1328-03-01" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">1 Rab I 1328</date>
<date type="supplied" notAfter="1910-09-13" notBefore="1910-09-06" source="bibl:biblStruct_1.d1e1263"/>

3.1.2. Languages: @xml:lang

The use of language codes as values for @xml:lang follows BCP 47 and specifies that the language code is to be followed by information on the script, if the latter is not the common script for this language, followed by information on the transcribing convention. Use of languages is declared in the <langUsage> descendant of the <teiHeader>:

    <language ident="ar">Arabic</language>
    <language ident="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">Arabic transcribed into Latin script following the IJMES conventions</language>
    <language ident="ar-Latn-EN">Arabic transcribed into Latin script following common English practices</language>
    <language ident="ar-Latn-FR">Arabic transcribed into Latin script following common French practices</language>
    <language ident="en">English</language>
    <language ident="en-Arab-AR">English transcribed into Arabic script following common Levantine Arabic practices</language>
    <language ident="fa">Farsi</language>
    <language ident="fa-Latn-x-ijmes">Farsi transcribed into Latin script following the IJMES conventions</language>
    <language ident="fr">French</language>
    <language ident="fr-Arab-AR">French transcribed into Arabic script following common Levantine Arabic practices</language>
    <language ident="ota">Ottoman</language>
    <language ident="ota-Latn-x-ijmes">Ottoman transcribed into Latin script following the IJMES conventions</language>
    <language ident="tr">Turkish</language>

These codes can then be referenced throughout the file by means of the @xml:lang pointing to them; e.g.

<title level="j" xml:lang="ar">المقتبس</title>
<title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar">مجلة تبحث في التربية والتعليم والاجتماع والاقتصاد والاداب والتاريخ والآثار واللغة و تدبير المنزل والصحة والكتب وحضارة العرب والغرب</title>
<title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar">تصدر في كل شهر عربي بدمشق</title>
<title level="j" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">[Majallat] al-Muqtabas</title>
<title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">Majalla tabḥath fī al-tarbiyya wa-l-taʿlīm wa-l-ijtimāʿ wa-l-iqtiṣād wa-l-adab wa-l-tārīkh wa-l-āthār wa-l-llugha wa tadbīr al-manzil wa-l-ṣaḥḥa wa-l-kutub wa ḥaḍāra al-ʿarab wa ḥadāra al-gharb</title>
<title level="j" type="sub" xml:lang="ar-Latn-x-ijmes">tuṣadir fī kull shar ʿarabī bi-Dimashq</title>

A small XSLT (Tei-GenerateXmlLang) goes through the files and checks for every node if @xml:lang is present; if not, @xml:lang is generated based on the @xml:lang of the closest ancestor. Words in other alphabets than Arabic: <foreign>

Unfortunately, al-maktaba al-shāmila did NOT include these words, often technical terms in articles on science and medicine, in their transcription. These terms should be encoded as

<foreign xml:lang="fr">Physique</foreign>

3.1.3. URIs

each part of the edition down to, at least, the paragraph level should be addressable for reference in scholarly work with stable @xml:ids

  1. General principle: The URI should resemble a sequence of key-value pairs
    • key and value are deliminated by _
    • key-value pairs are deliminate dy -
  2. File names:
    • I decided to start with an existing identifier for al-Muqtabas, the OCLC number: oclc_4770057679, and
    • a continuous issue counter from 1 to 96: oclc_4770057679-i_60
    • Volumes run from 1 to 9: oclc_4770057679-v_6
  3. Elements inside the files:
    • Make use of @xml:base on the <tei:TEI> allows for shorter internal @xml:ids
    • facsimiles: they are simply identified by combining a short string signifying facsimiles (i.e. "facs_") with the image number provided by HathiTrust. facs_93 thus identifies a <surface> element with <graphic> children pointing to different file formats and locations.
    • graphics: facs_93-g_1
    • all other elements:
      • combine the element's name as key with the position of the element in the document tree and an automatically generated ID (through XPath function generate-id()) separated by a period: div_12.d1e1895
      • note that the first number after the underscore cannot and should be used to identify the position of an element in the tree, as these will most certainly change over time, while the @xml:id shall be stable.
      • the process of assigning IDs is automated through the XSLT Tei-GenerateIds.xsl and it needs to be run everytime someone has added mark-up to the file.

3.2. Structure

Each issue is conceived of as a single <text> that is then grouped into volumes and a complete edition of all issues by means of xPointer.

3.2.1. The periodical issue: <text>

Each periodical issue is conceived of as a single <text> with some bibliographic metadata (issue number, publication dates) that is commonly found in mastheads grouped in a <front> child. The content of the periodical issue is grouped into various <div>s (divisions) inside the <body>:

<text type="issue">
    <!-- some bibliographic data commonly found in the masthead -->
        <div type="item" subtype="article">
            <!-- ... -->
        <div type="section">
            <div type="item" subtype="article">
            <!-- ... -->

The bibliographic meta-data in the <front> is not necessarily found in the issue itself, since, according to Seikaly, issues carried no date whatsoever after Ramadan 1327 / September 1909.^["al-Muqtabas appeared regularly at the beginning of every Arab month only when it was published in Cairo (between Muharram 1324 / Februrary 1906 and Dhul-hijja 1909). When it was removed to Damascus and because of frequent official harassment, it appeared irregularly and somewhat haphazardly. Although after 1909, as indeed before it, each volume contained twelve numbers, nevertheless publication of each separate issue did not necessarily occur on time at the start of every month of the Muslim calendar. Indeed the last issue to which a specific month was affixed was Ramadan 1327 / September 1909. After that Kurd 'Ali merely numbered his journal by year, volume and issue. Because of this feature reference to al-Muqtabas in this study will throughout follow its owner's method of enumeration." {Seikaly 1981@126}] Unfortunately Seikaly's statement is caused by the absence of the cover sheets from most surviving copies and collections of al-Muqtabas. The copy of volume 4 from the holdings of OIB show that the cover sheet / wrapper still carried a date after Ramadan 1327: issue 12 was published for Dhū al-Ḥujja 1327

3.2.2. Sections and articles: <div>

Divisions can be of various types (@type), using a semi-controlled vocabulary of attribute values

  • structual information
    • section
    • item
  • genre information
    • advert
    • article
    • bill
    • letter
    • verse

As paragraphs (<p>) cannot interlace with <div>s after the first <div> child of a parent <div>, <div type="item" subtype="article"> is commonly the lowest level of tessellation but in the case of very long articles that might themselves contain @type="section" children.

The common structure of an issue would be a mix of <div type="item" subtype="article"> and <div type="section">

Serialised articles

The information that an article / work / book was serialised can be either explicit or implicit.

  1. The explicit, human-readable pointer is encoded with <ref> and the @target attribute pointing to the @xml:id of another element.
  2. The implicit information that a section, encoded as <div>, is not indeed a discreet <div> but rather continues text from another location can be encoded with the help of the @next and @prev attributes.

3.2.3. legal texts, bills: <div>

It is quite common to find legal texts in late nineteenth, early twentieth century periodicals and I would like to differenciate them by means of the @subtype="bill" attribute because they can be nested inside an article or appear as free-standing chunk of text on the article level. Legal texts are commonly structured into sections / chapters, articles, and paragraphs and shall be encoded thus; i.e. as <div type="section">, <div type="item" subtype="article">, and <p>.

In some cases the legal text itself is accompanied by a commentary intersecting with the legal text on the article level. they could be encoded in various ways, but the important thing is to link the commentary to the corresponding article by means of an attribute.

3.2.4. heads

Sections and articles are commonly introduced by a clearly distinguishable heading. These are marked-up as <head>. Some articles might also have sub headings, which should be marked up as <head type="sub">.

See for example i_50:

<div type="item" subtype="article">
    <head>الاتكال الشرقي</head>
    <head type="sub">نصيحة غربي</head>
        <!-- -->

Beware that what looks like a sub heading, might also be a section heading introducing a sub section of an article.

3.2.5. Page, line, and column breaks

Currently, only page breaks are recorded. They are marked up with the empty milestone element <pb/>. Page breaks found in al-maktaba al-shāmila, however, do not correspond to those in the original printed copies. They were therefore marked as <pb ed="shamila">. Page breaks corresponding to the original printed edition are identified by @ed="print".

Dār Ṣādir in Beirut published a reprint in 1992, which is almost entirely unmarked as such but for the information on the binding itself. The frontispiece carries the note "اعيد طبعها بالتصوير باشراف الدكتور محمد يوسف نجم" (reprinted facsimile under the supervision of Dr. Muḥammad Yūsuf Najm) but the original to this facsimile edition still needs to be established. Checking this reprint against the original, it appears that, in addition to the original edition, there was at least one reprint in the first half of the twentieth century with minor changes. This second edition (for the lack of a better title) corrected some of the typos found in the original edition and its pagination occasionally differs from the first edition/ print run. Traces of this edition are currently to be found among the digital facsimiles provided by the website Arshīf al-majallāt al-adabiyya wa-l-thaqafiyya al-ʿarabiyya ( and Dār Ṣādir. For an example see pages 67/68 of volume 1.

  1. Printed copys: <pb ed="print"/>
    • the page number is recorded in the @n attribute
    • These page breaks are then linked through the @facs attribute to the @xml:id of a <surface> element; i.e. <pb ed="print" n="78" facs="#facs_78"/>
  2. References to a specific print edition: @edRef
    • all known print editions relevant for the TEI representation should be recorded in the <sourceDesc>. @edRef can then be used to point to a specific <biblStruct> in the <sourceDesc>. The datatype is teidata.pointer.
  3. Transcription from al-maktaba al-shāmila: <pb ed="shamela"/>

The current state of mark-up for page breaks is kept in a second file.

3.2.6. Gaps in the transcription

Gaps in the transcription as copied from are marked as <gap resp="#org_MS" unit="pages" quantity="1"/>. Many, if not most of these originated as the gap between two halves of a single line of a qaṣīda.

Sometimes shamela's transcribers could not read a word and marked such omissions with ellipses:

مثل ال. . . . . ود لكن درها عسل

3.3. Textual phenomena

3.3.1. Footnotes and notes in general

Unfortunately, al-maktaba al-shāmila did NOT include the sometimes abundant footnotes in their transcription.

Notes should be encoded with <note> at the location it appears in the text. The super-scripted number is recorded in the @n attribute. A further @type="footnote" attribute specifies that this note appeared in the actual print edition, as opposed to potential editorial notes added by various editors of the digital edition, which should carry @type="editorial" and a @resp attribute pointing to the responsible editor.

UPDATE 2019-04-15: Instead of using the @type attribute for specifying the location of a note on the page, this function should be fulfilled by values of @place, which include "bottom", "inline", etc. @type is thus free for indicating the function of a note.

Key-value pairs:

  • @type:
    • 'bibliographic': for notes identifying authors, editors, or other sources of a text for cases that canot be covered by a byline (<byline>).
    • 'editorial': for notes added by editors of the digital edition. The editor is identified by means of the @resp attribute.
  • @place: location of a note on the page / in the text
    • 'inline'
    • 'bottom': footnotes
    • 'end': endnotes
    • 'margin': glosses on the margin of the page

3.3.2. Punctuation

There are two problems with punctuation in this corpus:

  1. The original prints show an inconsistent use of punctuation marks
    • the many quotes are sometimes wrapped in quotation marks, sometimes in brackets, but mostly they are not typographically marked
    • many quotes are preceded by a leading colon.
    • words in foreign languages are sometimes wrapped in quotation marks or brackets.
  2. The transcribers inconsistently transcribed existing punctuation marks and added some of their own, particularly full stops.

encoding in TEI

Punctuation marks are not consistently transcribed into TEI in consequence. I have chosen to retain all existing punctuation from In some cases I have added encoding for quotation marks and quotations:

  1. <q>: material visually marked by some sort of quotation marks, but which not necessarily constitute a quotation
  2. <quote>: a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text.

3.3.3. Lists

Lists have been encoded as <list> independent of their original formating (only rarely were lists indented etc.). In case lists apear with numbered labels in the original, i.e. "(الخامس)", "(٢)", the labels have been encoded with <label>.

3.3.4. Tables

Encoding of tables follows the standard encoding as <table>.

3.3.5. Verse: bayt

Many articles contain qaṣīdas with the characteristic printing of the two bayts on each line as two columns. After some talk with Mathew Miller from the Persian Digital Library and their TEI files of Persian poetry, I decided to follow their encoding of bayt as <l type="bayt"> with two <seg> children. Successive lines are then wrapped in <lg>:

    <l type="bayt">
        <seg>أبرموا أمرهم عشاء فلما</seg> <seg>أصبحوا أصبحت لهم ضوضاء</seg>
    <l type="bayt">
        <seg>من منادٍ ومن مجيبٍ ومن تص</seg><seg>هالٍ خليل خلال ذاك رغاء</seg>

As the second line in the above example shows, there are cases when words are split between the two lines of the qaṣīda. This can be encoded thus:

<l type="bayt">
    <seg>من منادٍ ومن مجيبٍ ومن <seg>تص</seg></seg><seg><seg>هالٍ</seg> خليل خلال ذاك رغاء</seg>
</l> Verse: 3 columns

In rare cases we find lines of poetry that are formatted in three colums of text:

example from Muqtabas 1(2)

3.4. Facsimiles

Digital facsimiles of individual pages, either local or online, are linked through the <facsimile> child of <TEI>:

    <surface xml:id="facs_445">
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_1" url="../images/oclc-4770057679_v6/njp-32101073250910_img-445.tif" mimeType="image/tiff"/>
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_2" url="../images/oclc-4770057679_v6/njp-32101073250910_img-445.jpg" mimeType="image/jpeg"/>
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_3" url=";seq=445" mimeType="image/jpeg"/>
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_4" url="" mimeType="image/jpeg"/>
  • The @url of <graphic> links to local downloads of the image as well as to facsimiles hosted by various vendors.

3.5 non-structural phenomena of interest to the historian

3.5.1. Measures and prices

For the moment I would settle for the following pattern:

Imagine, someone bought <measureGrp><measure commodity="wheat" quantity="2" unit="kile">two kile of wheat</measure> at the price of <measure commodity="currency" quantity="3" unit="ops">Ps 3</measure></measureGrp>.
  • for prices, I suggest using @commodity="currency".
    • The @unit then follows standard three-letter shorthand for currencies.
      • Ottoman piasters shall be recorded as @unit="ops"
      • Ottoman pound (£T) shall be recorded as @unit="lt"
    • the @quantity attribute has some restrictions as to its value and cannot contain the string 8-2-4 to signify, for instance, £ 8"2"4 or 8l 2s 4d. Yet it would be extremely tedious to encode all the fractions of non-metrical currencies as individual measures. One way of doing it would be on-the-spot conversion into decimal values, but this needs computing on the side of the encoder.
    • non metrical values can be recorded without @quantity
  • for wages, I suggest the same as for prices of commodities, but instead of, for instance, wheat, @commodity="labor" would be counted in @unit="day" or @unit="month"
  • to ease data entry, I wrote small snippets in aText:
    • $measg expands into <measureGrp/>and copies the content of the clipboard between the tags
    • $price expands into <measure commodity="currency"> etc. and copies the content of the clipboard between the tags
    • $meas expands into <measure commodity=""> etc. and copies the content of the clipboard between the tags

3.5.2. Numbers and numerals

The transcribers at transcribed all numbers---the originals use the eastern Arabic numerals common in the Levant---into Arabic numerals; i.e. when the original read "١٢٨٥" the transcription recorded "1285". To reconstruct the original without loosing the convenience of machine-readability, I wrote a small XSLT script (Tei-MarkupNumerals) that uses regex to identify all numerical values in <tei:text>. It wraps the result in a <num> element with the original value as @value and converts the number to eastern Arabic numerals. It also indicates the responsible editor with @resp and the method of generating the mark-up as @type="auto-markup" e.g.

  • original: 1285
  • markup: <num resp="#pers_TG" type="auto-markup" value="1285" xml:lang="ar">١٢٨٥</num>

important: I did not notice that many original numericals were recorded with a dot every three digits and thus the XSLT marked every continuous sequence of digits (regex \d+) with a <num>, which now must be joined in a future operation:

  • original 1.000.245
  • markup: <num value="1">١</num> . <num value="000">٠٠٠</num> . <num value="245">٢٤٥</num>, which is displayed as ١ . ٠٠٠ . ٢٤٥

A second XSLT stylesheet (Tei-MarkupNumerals-Correction) corrects this fault in the original conversion.

3.5.3. Persons, Places, Organisations

Any file might contain a personography etc. as part of the <standOff> child of <TEI>. The following is the template for records of persons:

<person xml:id="">
    <!-- more than one persName in any language -->
    <persName xml:lang="ar"></persName>
    <!-- birth and death can be retrieved from VIAF -->
    <birth when="" notBefore="" notAfter=""></birth>
    <death when="" notBefore="" notAfter=""></death>
    <!-- potential children -->
    <idno type="viaf"></idno>
    <event when="" notBefore="" notAfter=""></event>
</person> Persons:<persName>

How to encode this string: "حسين كاظم بك والي حلب الحالي" ? Should the information on his position be included in the <persName>?

The canonical scheme of <surname> and <forename> is insufficient to markup the components of personal names in pre-modern and/or non-Western contexts: How should we mark up the following names?

  • حضرة صاحب الدولة المشير عبد الله باشا
  • جناب رفعتلو فريد افندي كركبي
  • حضرة سعادتلو احمد برهان الدين بك افندي
  • جناب عزتلو صبحي بك ابو النصر
  • جزائري زاده الامير علي باشا ابن عبد القادر افندي الحسني

Soulah and Hassoun 2012 propose to use available elements <surname>, <forename>, and <addName> with a controlled vocabulary of @type and @subtype attributes.

  • <surname>: to encode the laqab evoking a real or assigned quality
  • <forename>: for the ism
  • <addName> with @type
    • "nasab": a patronym introduced by "ibn" or "ibnat"
    • "kunyah": a teknonym / mark of distinction applied to prominent figures to honor them. For example, “Abū Yūsuf” is often used for someone called Yaʿqūb
    • "khitab": an honorific name, which is usually ended by the suffix al-Dīn
    • "nisbah": an adjective formed by using the suffix ī in order to indicate the person origin, his birth place, or his residence. It represents the relationship name, which can be a genealogical, political or ideological affiliation of a person.

Late Ottoman contexts necessitate further amendments to this scheme to account for titles and honorific addresses. Version 1 of the ODD therefore uses additional values to the @type attribute of <addName>

  • "title": covering the wide range of Ottoman titles, e.g. Pasha, Bey, Efendi
  • "honorific": for the highly regularised honorific addresses and salutations, e.g. rif'etli, saadetli, utufetli, lizetli, devletli. This also includes equivalents of Mr., Ms. etc.
  • "rank": indicates ranks within an administrative, military or religious hierarchy
    • @type='rank' can carry the @subtype attribute with the following values
      • military
      • civil
      • religious

Following this proposal

<persName xml:lang="ar"> جزائري زاده الامير علي باشا ابن عبد القادر افندي الحسني</persName>

could be marked up as

<persName xml:lang="ar">
    <addName type="nisbah">جزائري</addName>
    <addName type="honorific" xml:lang="ota">زاده</addName>
    <addName type="title">الامير</addName>
    <addName type="title" subtype="civil" xml:lang="ota">باشا</addName>
    <addName type="nasab">ابن
        <forename>عبد القادر</forename>
        <addName type="title" subtype="civil" xml:lang="ota">افندي</addName>
    <surname type="laqab">الحسني</surname>

Important note for version 2: after further study of the guidelines, I propose to shift some of the mark-up from <addName> to <roleName>. This covers all of the use cases of <addName type="title">. The examples from the Guidelines are the following:

  • nobility: An inherited or life-time title of nobility such as Lord, Viscount, Baron, etc.
  • honorific: An academic or other honorific prefixed to a name e.g. Doctor, Professor, Mrs., etc.
  • office: Membership of some elected or appointed organization such as President, Governor, etc.
  • military: Military rank such as Colonel.
  • epithet: A traditional descriptive phrase or nick-name such as The Hammer, The Great, etc.

Thus, the above example would be encoded as follows:

<persName xml:lang="ar">
    <addName type="nisbah">جزائري</addName>
    <roleName type="honorific" xml:lang="ota">زاده</roleName>
    <roleName type="nobility">الامير</roleName>
    <roleName type="title" xml:lang="ota">باشا</roleName>
    <addName type="nasab">ابن
        <forename>عبد القادر</forename>
        <roleName type="title" xml:lang="ota">افندي</roleName>
</persName> Places: <placeName>

All references to places with an explicit name (toponyms) including geographic names such as "Taurus Mountains", "Euphrates River" and geo-political names such as "Province of Aleppo" are encoded as <placeName>. The <geogName> tag is not used in this project. <placeName> can self nest.

  • examples:
أجمع الجغرافيون من العرب والإفرنج أن حد الشام من عريش مصر إلى <placeName xml:id="placeName_1.d1e1343">الفرات</placeName> ومن البحر الرومي إلى جبال طي ولكن مما يشوش الذهن أن جميع أعمال <placeName xml:id="placeName_5.d1e1346">حلب</placeName> اليوم هل هي داخلة حدود سورية أم بعضها خارج عنها يعد من آسيا الصغرى فقد قال بوليه في معجمه الجغرافي التاريخي أن حد سورية شمالاً إلى آسيا الصغرى من خليج <placeName xml:id="placeName_6.d1e1349">اسكندرونة</placeName> إلى <placeName xml:id="placeName_2.d1e1352">نهر <placeName xml:id="placeName_2.d1e1354">الفرات</placeName></placeName> وشرقاً <placeName xml:id="placeName_4.d1e1357">نهر <placeName xml:id="placeName_4.d1e1359">الفرات</placeName></placeName> والبادية إلى بلاد العرب وجنوباً قسم من العربية
  • Many of the large cities have epithets:

    • "فبفطر الراكب في الصباح في الفيحاء ويتعشى في حاضرة سورية البيضاء"?
    • الفيحاء (al-fayḥāʾ) and الشهباء (al-shahbāʾ) are clearly references to places by name, i.e. Damascus and Aleppo, but are they a <placeName>?
    • Beirut is commonly referred to as الثغر (al-thaghr), the seaport.
  • In order to automatically tag as many toponyms as possible, one can make use of the API, which allows for a "findnearby" search such as: This query will return all names of inhabited places within a radius of 250km around Damascus and their corresponding locations. Organisations: <orgName>

3.5.4. Dates and calendars

There are two attributes that specify the dating system used in an element:

  1. @calendar specifies the dating system of the text content of a <date> element

  2. @datingMethod specifies the dating system of the normalisation in the @...-custom attributes of the <date> element. This means that the normalisation is only available with @datingMethod.

  3. @calendar="#cal_gregorian"

  4. @calendar="#cal_islamic"

  5. @calendar="#cal_julian"

  6. @calendar="#cal_ottomanfiscal"

  7. @calendar="#cal_coptic"

3.5.5 authorship information, bylines

If a byline is present, this is encoded as <byline>

Many articles include information on authors, editors or translators of the text but not in the form of a byline. In the process of working through al-Muqtabas and al-Ḥaqāʾiq, we have come up with a number of encodings that will need to be unified and that need to be reflected in the creation of bibliographic metadata.

  1. In those cases were simple byline information is sufficient, we have added a <byline> and wrapped its content in <supplied> with @resp attribute pointing to the respondible editor.
  2. In more complexe cases with more detailed bibliographic information, such as, but not limited to, translators, editors, provinence, editions, <byline> is generally not suitable due to its limited content model. In these cases the following structure should be used:
<note type="bibliographic" place="inline">
    <!-- The use of <supplied> depends on whether the bibliographic information is present at this point of the edited text -->
    <supplied resp="#xml:id-of-the-editor">
        <bibl><!-- ... bibliographic information --></bibl>
  • NOTE: The second case has not always been wrapped in a <note>. This must be corrected either manually or automatically.
  • NOTE on translations: <bibl> allows <textLang mainLang=""> to describe the language of a text.
  • NOTE: sometimes there is both a bibliographic note and a byline present in the original; e.g. here.


حجاب المرأة في الإسلام
تحت هذا العنوان قرأنا في المقتبس عدد ٥٩٣ و ٥٩٤ مقالة للكاتب المغربي ذكر فيها ما محصله

<head>حجاب المرأة في الإسلام</head>
<p><note type="bibliographic" place="inline">تحت هذا العنوان قرأنا في <bibl><title level="j">المقتبس</title> <biblScope unit="issue" from="593" to="594">عدد ٥٩٣ و ٥٩٤</biblScope> مقالة للكاتب <author><persName>المغربي</persName></author></bibl> ذكر فيها ما محصله</note></p>

supplied authorship information

There is a variety of intrinsic and extrisic authorship information, which could be added to articles. These should be recorded (in order to be automatically retrieved for analysis) but also clearly marked as something not explicitly mentioned in the original.

I propose to mark-up such information with <byline> <supplied> and <note>

    <supplied resp="#xml:id-of-the-editor">
        <note type="editorial" resp="#xml:id-of-the-editor" xml:lang="en">This information was provided by <bibl>an article in <title level="j">al-Muqtabas</title> itself</bibl></note>
1. intrinsic
  • serialised articles: there are plenty of serialised articles, which carry a byline only once. All other articles in the series lack this information. But such serialised articles should be linked to gether by means of the @prev and @next attributes. Based on these attributes a single <div> can be compiled, which will carry the original authorship information.
2. extrinsic
  • computational stylistics / stylometry
    • @resp="stylo": would signify stylometry
multiple references

Regularly entire articles are reprinted verbatim or in translation. The source is either provided at the beginning or the end. How to mark this up?

معرباً بتصرف من مقالة لجان فينو في المجلة الباريزية.

دمشق: جرجي الحداد

3.5.6 bibliographic references

Bibliographic references are marked up with a combination of <title> or <bibl> with further, but unstructured, markup.

Periodical titles are identified through references to authority files by means of @ref. Such references can be either manually or automatically generated. To differentiate between the two, we use @resp.

3.6 Documentation of editorial changes

The guiding principle is a faithful transcription of the printed edition. The original print edition has numerous obvious errors, particularly in the case of non-Arabic names and terms in Arabic script. In addition, the anonymous transcribers at made corrections and errors. These should be encoded with the appropriate editorial tags and @resp="#org_MS.

  • obvious errors:

    Obvious errors shall not be encoded without explicitly providing a correction. In this case the character string as found in the printed edition shall be encoded as <orig> and NOT <sic> to simplify the mark-up.

        <corr resp="#xml:id-of-the-responsible-editor"></corr>
  • corrections:

    • Corrections for any reason shall follow the above example of <choice>, <orig> and <corr>
    • In numerous instances journals published corrections of printing errors. These could also be encoded with <choice>, <orig> and <corr>.
      • The @resp attribute on <corr> should point to the editor of the journal.
      • The @source attribute on <corr> should point to the <div> containing the corrections. This might require adding
  • additions and deletions: Additions and deletions are differences between the original print edition and the digital transcription. These are mainly due to errors by the transcribers at

    They are encoded with <add> and <del> both of which require the @resp attribute.

references to internal or external URIs

The TEI provides a means to employ private URIs as values of all attributes that belong to att.canonical which are then dereferenced by means of a <prefixDef>:

    <prefixDef ident="oclc"
        <p>Private URIs using the <code>oclc</code> prefix are pointers to bibliographic items in worldcat. For example, <code>oclc:4770057679</code> dereferences to <code></code>.</p>
    <prefixDef ident="viaf"
        <p>Private URIs using the <code>viaf</code> prefix are pointers to entities in the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF). For example, <code>viaf:32272677</code> dereferences to <code></code>.</p>

The private URIs can then be used as values of @ref, @corresp etc. In the context of OpenArabicPE, references to external authority files are encoded with @ref, i.e.

(مجلة <title level="j" ref="oclc:644997575">الحقائق</title>)

references to intellectual works

There are two types of references to intellectual works: explicit and implicit ones. Take for example the reference in al-Muqtabas 6/2 to a book by an American author from 1888 that had described a technocratic utopia at the end of the 20th century. This, obviously is a direct, yet implicit, reference to Bellamy's "Looking backward, 2000-1887".

Such implicit references can always be encoded with the attribute @ref pointing to an entry in Worldcat or VIAF, i.e. @ref="viaf:187002650. VIAF is always the better reference for abstract references to a work as it should not contain duplicate entries, while Worldcat should be used to reference a specific edition.

Explicit references are the much easier case:

1. references to articles in the same periodical: <ref>

Use <ref> and @target to encode explicit references to articles in the same periodical.

2. encoding with <bibl> and its children

Almost all issues of Muqtabas contain review sections titled "مخطوطات ومطبوعات" on recent books or "مقالات المجلات", "المجلات الإفرنجية والعربية" on recent articles in (scholarly or scientific) journals.

Often times a full bibliographic reference is given in the title of the review article:

<div type="item" subtype="article">
        <bibl><title level="m">الجوهر المحبوك في نظم السلوك</title> <author>لسيد علاء الدين علي الملقب بعلوان الحسيني الحموي</author></bibl>

Whenever it is possible to point to an external resource, use @corresp to do so.

Use @ref to point to some authority file that provides more information on that concrete edition or copy.

I really think there is a strong case for allowing @ref on <bibl> and <biblStruct>. The guidelines state in

If it is desired to capture additional information like this in a short-form reference, then bibl may be used with the corresp attribute pointing to the full bibliographic reference

@corresp is member of and has only very limited semantics: "points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way”. @ref, on the other hand, is much more explicit and often what I would like to have as it "provides an explicit means of locating a full definition or identity for the entity being named by means of one or more URIs”. As such @ref is available on <title> but, as you point out, <title>isn’t always present in actual sources. Once could, of course, add an empty<title>with@ref`, but this seems like a cumbersome hack.

3. encoding with <title>

References to titles of intellectual works, such as books, periodicals etc., could be encoded with <title> using the @level attribute for some granularity. Note that references to titles should be conceived as references to abstract intellectual works and not individual editions or copies of that work (which should be encoded as <bibl>.

حتى بلغ المطبوع منها مليون نسخة وأصبحت اليوم تطبع مليوناً ومائتي ألف نسخة في حين تطبع <title level="j">التيمس</title> 55 ألفاً فقط و<title level="j">الديلي اكسبرس</title> 700 ألف و<title level="j">الديلي تلغراف</title> 350 ألفاً والديلي نيوز 300 ألف والمورنن ليدر 350 والستاندارد 120 ألفاً

Use @ref to point to some authority file:

<p xml:id="p_153.d1e3706" xml:lang="ar"><bibl xml:id="bibl_4.d1e4520" xml:lang="ar">كتب <num xml:lang="ar" type="auto-markup" subtype="d1" resp="#pers_TG" value="1" xml:id="num_116.d1e4502">أحد</num> الباحثين في <title level="j" ref="oclc:472961924" xml:id="title_12.d1e4505" xml:lang="ar">المجلة</title> الباريزية بحثاً في النوم</bibl> وما ينبغي للإنسان منه حتى تجود صحته فقال أن النوم هو <num xml:lang="ar" type="auto-markup" subtype="d1" resp="#pers_TG" value="1" xml:id="num_117.d1e4508">أحد</num> نواميس الكون وجميع البشر على اختلاف في أعمارهم خاضعون له وأن الرجل العادي يموت من قلة الهواء في <num xml:lang="ar" type="auto-markup" subtype="d1" resp="#pers_TG" value="5" xml:id="num_118.d1e4511">خمس</num> دقائق ومن قلة الماء في أسبوع ومن قلة النوم</p>

4. encoding with <rs>

References to intellectual works, such as books, periodicals, laws, etc. should be encoded using <rs> with the @type="work" and a more specific @subtype attribute:

  1. Books: <rs type="work" subtype="book">
  2. Periodicals: <rs type="work" subtype="periodical">
  3. Laws, bills: <rs type="work" subtype="bill">

Dictionary-like entries

How to encode the following?

(طاولة اللعب) نرد، (عماص) غمص أن سال، رمص أن جمد، الغمص ما سال من الرمص غمصت العين كفرح فهو أغمص والرمص وسخ أبيض، يجتمع في الموق رمصت عينه كفرح فهو أرمص والتقييد من وضع الأستاذ الشيخ حمزة.

عود الفرن محش، المحش حديدة تحش بها النار أي تحرك كالمحشة

مصلحة الفرن المطردة، المطردة خرقة تبل ويمسح بها التنور ومثلها الطريدة.

(هلب السفينة) انجر كلوب، الانجر مرساة السفينة وهو خشبات يفرغ بينها الرصاص المذاب فتصير كصخرة إذا رست معرب لنكر، والكلوب من وضع الأستاذ الشيخ حمزة قال في شرح القاموس ومن المجاز كلاليب الباز مخالبه جمع كلوب.

(هلب البئر) حصرم، الحصرم الحديدة يخرج بها الدلو من البئر.

(هباب اللمبة) سناج، السناج أثر دخان السراج في الحائط.

Or a list like that:

(١) - الرياضيات (mathématiques) (٢) - الهيأة (الفلك) (Astronomie) (٣) - الفلسفة الطبيعية - (Physique) (٤) - الكيمياء (Chimie) (٥) - الفلسفة العضوية (Physique organique) (٦) - الفلسفة الاجتماعية (Physique sociale)

<list xml:lang="ar">
    <item xml:lang="ar"><label>( <tei:num value="1" xml:lang="ar">١</tei:num>
            )</label> - الرياضيات (<foreign xml:lang="fr"
    <item xml:lang="ar"><label>( <tei:num value="2" xml:lang="ar">٢</tei:num>
            )</label> - الهيأة (الفلك) (<foreign xml:lang="fr"
    <item xml:lang="ar"><label>( <tei:num value="3" xml:lang="ar">٣</tei:num>
            )</label> - الفلسفة الطبيعية - (<foreign xml:lang="fr"
    <item xml:lang="ar"><label>( <tei:num value="4" xml:lang="ar">٤</tei:num>
            )</label> - الكيمياء (<foreign xml:lang="fr"
    <item xml:lang="ar"><label>( <tei:num value="5" xml:lang="ar">٥</tei:num>
            )</label> - الفلسفة العضوية (<foreign xml:lang="fr">Physique
    <item xml:lang="ar"><label>( <tei:num value="6" xml:lang="ar">٦</tei:num>
            )</label> - الفلسفة الاجتماعية (<foreign xml:lang="fr">Physique

Or this

الاجتماع الخاص - الذي لا يسوغ لكل الناس الاشتراك به لغير المدعوين مثل الضيافات بأنواعها. وهذه حرة عندنا بدون قيد أو شرط. الاجتماع الدنيوي - هذا الاجتماع بالجوامع والكنائس. لإقامة الشعائر واستماع النصائح. وهذه الاجتماعات أيضا غير تابعة بصور وشروط قانونية. الاجتماع المشروع - ما كان موافقا للقوانين. وأما الغير المشروع الغير موافق للقوانين الأخرى. الاجتماع المهيأ - الذي يكون مبنيا على نية معلومة وقصد محدود معين. الاجتماع المشوش - هو الذي يكون من قبيل التصادف أو التشويق الوقتي.