diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/de.json b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/de.json
index 843acdeed21b..22b1dfe900cf 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/de.json
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/de.json
@@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@
"No mapping": "Kein Mapping",
"No Max Confidence Level": "Kein Max Konfidenzniveau",
"No notes about this entity yet.": "Noch keine Notizen zu dieser Entität.",
+ "No opinions have been added for this entity.": "Es wurden keine Meinungen zu dieser Entität hinzugefügt.",
"No potential duplicate entities has been found.": "Es wurde keine potentielle doppelte Entität gefunden.",
"No public dashboard created yet": "Noch kein öffentliches Dashboard erstellt",
"No relations history about this entity.": "Keine Beziehungshistorie zu dieser Entität.",
@@ -2661,7 +2662,6 @@
"The min value cannot be greater than max value": "Der Minimalwert kann nicht größer als der Maximalwert sein",
"The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.": "Die Operatoren und Modi sind für diese Filter eingeschränkt.",
"The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "Die Meinungen haben keinen in Ihrem Wortschatz definierten Wert. Bitte fügen Sie sie erst hinzu, um Meinungen hinzufügen zu können.",
- "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "Die Meinungen haben keinen in Ihrem Wortschatz definierten Wert. Bitte fügen Sie sie erst hinzu, um Meinungen hinzufügen zu können.",
"The password has been updated": "Das Passwort wurde aktualisiert",
"The public dashboard is disabled": "Das öffentliche Dashboard ist deaktiviert",
"The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.": "Die Beziehungen, die mit den ausgewählten Entitäten verbunden sind, werden in die zusammengeführte Entität kopiert.",
diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/en.json b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/en.json
index 046d27d53426..6febea142760 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/en.json
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/en.json
@@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@
"No mapping": "No mapping",
"No Max Confidence Level": "No Max Confidence Level",
"No notes about this entity yet.": "No notes about this entity yet.",
+ "No opinions have been added for this entity.": "No opinions have been added for this entity.",
"No potential duplicate entities has been found.": "No potential duplicate entities has been found.",
"No public dashboard created yet": "No public dashboard created yet",
"No relations history about this entity.": "No relations history about this entity.",
@@ -2661,7 +2662,6 @@
"The min value cannot be greater than max value": "The min value cannot be greater than max value",
"The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.": "The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.",
"The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.",
- "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.",
"The password has been updated": "The password has been updated",
"The public dashboard is disabled": "The public dashboard is disabled",
"The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.": "The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.",
diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/es.json b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/es.json
index 8fe96661c0a0..9cb311d1ad2d 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/es.json
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/es.json
@@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@
"No mapping": "Sin mapeo",
"No Max Confidence Level": "No Max Confidence Level",
"No notes about this entity yet.": "No se ha encontrado ninguna nota sobre esta entidad todavía",
+ "No opinions have been added for this entity.": "No se han añadido opiniones para esta entidad.",
"No potential duplicate entities has been found.": "No se han encontrado entidades potencialmente duplicadas.",
"No public dashboard created yet": "Aún no se ha creado ningún panel público",
"No relations history about this entity.": "No hay historial de relaciones sobre esta entidad",
@@ -2661,7 +2662,6 @@
"The min value cannot be greater than max value": "El valor mínimo no puede ser mayor que el valor máximo",
"The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.": "Los operadores y modos están restringidos para estos filtros.",
"The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "Las opiniones no tienen ningún valor definido en su vocabulario. Por favor, añádelas primero para poder añadir opiniones.",
- "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "Las opiniones no tienen ningún valor definido en su vocabulario. Por favor, añádelas primero para poder añadir opiniones.",
"The password has been updated": "La contraseña se ha modificado",
"The public dashboard is disabled": "El panel público está desactivado",
"The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.": "Las relaciones adjuntadas a las entidades seleccionadas serán copiadas a la entidad fusionada.",
diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/fr.json b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/fr.json
index 613d28a1dc07..13a218c8dbd4 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/fr.json
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/fr.json
@@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@
"No mapping": "Aucune correspondance",
"No Max Confidence Level": "Pas de niveau de confiance max",
"No notes about this entity yet.": "Aucune note concernant cette entité pour le moment",
+ "No opinions have been added for this entity.": "Aucun avis n'a été ajouté pour cette entité.",
"No potential duplicate entities has been found.": "Aucun potentiel duplicat d'entité n'a été trouvé.",
"No public dashboard created yet": "Aucun tableau de bord public n'a encore été créé",
"No relations history about this entity.": "Aucun historique de relations à propos cette entité.",
@@ -2661,7 +2662,6 @@
"The min value cannot be greater than max value": "La valeur min ne peut pas être supérieure à la valeur max",
"The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.": "Les opérateurs et les modes sont restreints pour ces filtres.",
"The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "Les opinions n'ont pas de valeur définie dans votre vocabulaire. Veuillez d'abord les ajouter pour pouvoir ajouter des opinions.",
- "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "Les avis n'ont pas de valeur définie dans votre vocabulaire. Veuillez d'abord les ajouter pour pouvoir ajouter des opinions.",
"The password has been updated": "Le mot de passe a été modifié",
"The public dashboard is disabled": "Le tableau de bord public est désactivé",
"The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.": "Les relations attachées aux entités sélectionnées seront copiées sur l'entité fusionnée.",
diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ja.json b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ja.json
index 1fad418dab80..02846bd495c1 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ja.json
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ja.json
@@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@
"No mapping": "マッピングなし",
"No Max Confidence Level": "最大信頼度なし",
"No notes about this entity yet.": "このエンティティにはまだノートがありません。",
+ "No opinions have been added for this entity.": "この団体に関する意見はまだない。",
"No potential duplicate entities has been found.": "重複する可能性のあるエンティティは見つかりませんでした。",
"No public dashboard created yet": "まだ作成されていない公開ダッシュボード",
"No relations history about this entity.": "このエンティティにはリレーションの履歴がありません。",
@@ -2661,7 +2662,6 @@
"The min value cannot be greater than max value": "最小値を最大値より大きくすることはできません",
"The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.": "これらのフィルタには演算子とモードの制限があります。",
"The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "意見には、あなたの語彙で定義された価値はありません。意見を追加できるようにするには、まずそれらを追加してください。",
- "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "意見には、あなたの語彙で定義された価値はありません。意見を追加できるようにするには、まずそれらを追加してください。",
"The password has been updated": "パスワードを変更しました",
"The public dashboard is disabled": "公開ダッシュボードは無効",
"The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.": "選択されたエンティティに付属するリレーションは、マージされたエンティティにコピーされます。",
diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ko.json b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ko.json
index af9a07839d6e..3fac38ea978a 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ko.json
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/ko.json
@@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@
"No mapping": "매핑 없음",
"No Max Confidence Level": "최대 신뢰도 수준 없음",
"No notes about this entity yet.": "이 엔터티에 대한 노트가 아직 없습니다.",
+ "No opinions have been added for this entity.": "이 엔티티에 대한 의견이 추가되지 않았습니다.",
"No potential duplicate entities has been found.": "잠재적인 중복 엔터티가 발견되지 않았습니다.",
"No public dashboard created yet": "아직 생성된 공개 대시보드 없음",
"No relations history about this entity.": "이 엔터티에 대한 관계 기록 없음.",
@@ -2661,7 +2662,6 @@
"The min value cannot be greater than max value": "최소 값은 최대 값보다 클 수 없습니다",
"The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.": "이 필터의 연산자 및 모드는 제한됩니다.",
"The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "의견에 대한 값이 정의되어 있지 않습니다. 의견을 추가할 수 있도록 먼저 추가하십시오.",
- "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "의견은 어휘에 정의된 가치가 없습니다. 의견을 추가하려면 먼저 의견을 추가하세요.",
"The password has been updated": "비밀번호가 업데이트되었습니다",
"The public dashboard is disabled": "공용 대시보드가 비활성화되었습니다",
"The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.": "선택된 엔터티에 연결된 관계가 병합된 엔터티로 복사됩니다.",
diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/zh.json b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/zh.json
index 63a1082cf665..736a3ecc3a01 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/zh.json
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/lang/front/zh.json
@@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@
"No mapping": "无映射",
"No Max Confidence Level": "无最大置信度",
"No notes about this entity yet.": "尚无关于此实体的注释",
+ "No opinions have been added for this entity.": "没有为该实体添加任何意见。",
"No potential duplicate entities has been found.": "未找到潜在的重复实体",
"No public dashboard created yet": "尚未创建公共仪表盘",
"No relations history about this entity.": "尚无关于此实体的关系历史",
@@ -2661,7 +2662,6 @@
"The min value cannot be greater than max value": "最小值不能大于最大值",
"The operators and modes are restricted for these filters.": "这些过滤器的运算符和模式受到限制。",
"The opinions has no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "意见在您的词汇中没有定义值。请先添加意见,才能添加观点。",
- "The opinions have no value defined in your vocabulary. Please add them first to be able to add opinions.": "意见在您的词汇中没有定义价值。请先添加意见,才能添加观点。",
"The password has been updated": "密码已更新",
"The public dashboard is disabled": "公共仪表板已禁用",
"The relations attached to selected entities will be copied to the merged entity.": "附加到选定实体的关系将复制到归并的实体中。",
diff --git a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/src/private/components/analyses/opinions/StixCoreObjectOpinionsList.tsx b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/src/private/components/analyses/opinions/StixCoreObjectOpinionsList.tsx
index 08816c3bab9c..a5c815f5d7bf 100644
--- a/opencti-platform/opencti-front/src/private/components/analyses/opinions/StixCoreObjectOpinionsList.tsx
+++ b/opencti-platform/opencti-front/src/private/components/analyses/opinions/StixCoreObjectOpinionsList.tsx
@@ -102,9 +102,18 @@ const StixCoreObjectOpinionsList: FunctionComponent