- Require a user to authenticate using the QR code instead of sending a push notification when the webbrowser has not been used recently to authenticate (#316)
- Improve validation errors from the tiqr configuraton (#224)
- Fail early when session (cookie) is missing (#226)
- Show error in the webbrowser when the enrollment or authentication session is expired (#210)
- Add a "correlation ID" to the polling requests from the webbrowser (#227)
- Set session.cookie_samesite to none
- Handle tiqr clients that do not send a notificationAddress or notificationType or send a "null" like value (#197) This fixes enrolling android clients without Google services enabled and prevents spurious calls to the push notification service because the notificationAddress is null.
- Update tiqr-server-libphp to 4.3.1. This adds authenticationTimeout to the push notification payload and allows iOS clients to receive the push notification when the app is closed. (#198)
- Update composer dependencies (#199)
- Update monitor bundle 4.3.1, fixes exceptions escaping the monitor bundle (#196)
- Update health check to use the health checks from the tiqr-server-libphp. This performs health checks on the backends used by the StateStorage, userStorage and UserSecretStorage so that e.g. an unavailable database is reported in the healthcheck (#193)
- Add tokenCacheDir option for the Google FCM HTTP v1 API
- The tiqr code was upgraded to allow use of Symfony 6.4
- Many other dependencies were upgraded in the process
- We started to use the Openconext-devconf dev-env
- parameters.yaml was moved to config/openconext/parameters.yaml
- Requires php 8.2
- Update tiqr-server-libphp to 4.1.0, this version uses the FCM HTTP v1 API for Google push notifications. See the FCM.md in tiqr-server-libphp included for instructions on how to set up FCM for Tiqr. Using an apikey is no longer supported.
- make info and health endpoints available on /internal/info and /internal/health respectively
- Update Tiqr library to 3.0.2 (fixes #164)
- Update dependencies
- Update Tiqr library to 3.0.1
- Re-add Logging of Tiqr client information introduced in 3.1.4 (#155)
- Update twig (#154)
- Update Tiqr library to 3.0-rc2
- Update Tiqr library to 3.0. This version has improved logging and error handling
Breaking changes
- This version requires an update to the user table when using the UserStorage PDO See config/db/mysql-upgrade-user-table-3.4.sql
- The usersecretstorage in config/legacy/parameters.yaml must now be explicitly configured, it no longer implicitly uses the configuration from the userstorage.
- TravisCI and Ant have been replaced with GithubActions workflow and Composer scripts #143
- Tiqr server library upgrade #145
- Remove GCM and always use FCM instead #144
- Log tiqr client version information #147
- Catch the tiqr-server-libphp ReadWriteExceptions #146
- Create state table #137
- Update packages #142
- Setup Github Actions tag release workflow
- Added browserlist entry in package.json to ensure IE 11 support
- Re-enable the Jest tests that where disabled in 3.1.1
- Prevent session data collisions during enrollment
- Intermediate IE11 fix to resolve the Babel IE11 compatibility issues
- Add the enrollment link on the QR code #128 #129
- Updated travis runtime environment variables #119
- Update monitor-bundle to add opcache info #126
Security updates Multiple security updates have been installed in this new release. But one issue remains unresolved. This is the entire removal of the vulnerable version of ansi-regex. This should be fixed in the near future by webpack and its peers. As this is strictly a build-time only issue. It is considered an acceptable risk at this point.
- Fix favicon after SF4 update
- Update dependencies
- Disable unused fragments
- Fix error message for broken accounts
- Add X-UA-Compatible meta tag
- Add monitoring endpoints /health and /info
- Update dependencies
- Move from security-checker to local-php-security-checker
- Fix duplicate push-notifications
- Fix rare reloading-after-authentication issue
- Use location.reload() to prevent rare chrome issue
- Move parameters to legacy folder
- Drop php 5.* support
- Upgrade to SF4
- Update travis configuration
- Remove obsolete pre archive command
- Enable php code style checking
- Re-enabled running unittests
- Use syslog for logging in production
"This is a security release that will harden the application against CVE 2019-3465
- Upgrade xmlseclibs to version 3.0.4
- Use FCM always as fallback for GCM #80
- Update symfony/symfony and symfony/phpunit-bridge #79
This release adds some JavaScript browser support for older IE browsers. This should result in the ability to perform tiqr registrations and authentications in IE >= 8.
- Add ECMAScript 3 support #75
- Spinner support for non SVG SMIL supporting browsers #77
A bugfix release where Firebase push notifications would contain a duplicate text. See #74 for more details.
These releases added Firebase push notification support to Stepup-tiqr and fixed the security checker.
Support Firebase fallback. Tiqr needs a fallback mechanism to support Firebase as fallback notification mechanism in case GCM fails.
Changes on the registration page.
- Add request timeout notification request.
- Fix js IE issue (no const, use var in twig template)
- Add authenticateUrl to authentication page
- Textual changes
- Fix authentication status endpoint
Changes on the registration page.
- inline JS logic converted to typescript.
- Stop polling for status when an error or session is expired.
- Show styled error page for routes authentication, registration, cancel page when no AuthNRequest is active.
Changes on the authentication page.
- Stop polling for status when an error or authentication token is expired.
- Disabled automatic page refresh when authentication token is expired.
- Move logic for authentication request to client-side (fixes timeouts on push notification name resolvers).
The most notable changes are
- A user agent pattern can be set to ensure the users tiqr app is of the correct vendor.
- Many user experience upgrades have been applied. Like: QR code size optimization, hide mouse cursor on the QR code and many more.
- Locale cookie is no longer set by tiqr but is still sensitive to a local cookie for setting the correct locale.
- Security audit findings are addressed in this release, most changes have been fixed in the GSSP bundle which is updated in this release.
- The monitor bundle was added to tiqr.
No release notes available for these releases.
Remove phantomjs and use goutte instead for webtest
initial release