For transfering a ICX to a particular wallet address or contract address we will make a transaction using TransactionBuilder()
Here we will be using this to transfer 99 ICX from our deployer wallet to our dice SCORE.
{% hint style="warning" %} If you don't have enough ICX in your wallet then the transfer will fail. Use ibriz-faucet for getting ICX.
Also use deployer wallet only to make the transfer because fallback method of Dice SCORE only accepts incoming plain ICX from its owner {% endhint %}
Execute the cell using Ctrl + Enter to transfer ICX to Dice SCORE.
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\
estimate_step = icon_service.estimate_step(transaction)
step_limit = estimate_step + 100000
# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, caller_wallet,step_limit)
# Reads params to transfer to nodes
# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)
@retry(JSONRPCException, tries=10, delay=1, back_off=2)
def get_tx_result(_tx_hash):
tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result(_tx_hash)
return tx_result
Execute the cell to get balance of Dice SCORE after transfer
balance = icon_service.get_balance(<YOUR_SCORE_ADDRESS>)