LXD native images are basically compressed files. OpenNebula uses block based images in its default operation mode. The default LXD images will NOT work with LXDoNe. This guide is meant for converting a LXD image into a OpenNebula-ready LXD image.
lxc launch images:16.04 lxdone
Now you should have a container named lxdone running. To check the container state:
lxc list
The output should be like this:
| lxdone | RUNNING | | | PERSISTENT | 0 |
LXD default profiles attaches a NIC to every new container. This behaviour must be removed for a lxd-node controlled by OpenNebula. If you did this in the setup guide then attach a NIC by:
lxc config device add lxdone eth0 nic nictype=bridged parent=br0
Enter the container as root.
lxc exec lxdone bash
Customize your container all you want. You can configure the previous NIC now.
root@lxdone: apt install bunch-of-stuff
root@lxdone: passwd
root@lxdone: exit
Install addon-context-linux-lxd. This is our modified version of OpenNebula contextualization package.
wget https://github.com/cloxcloud/addon-context-linux-lxd/releases/download/v5.4.2/$context && dpkg -i $context
- When using sudo as a non-root user inside a container you will likely receive sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified. When appending -S to sudo this gets fixed. It would be a good idea to create an alias.
- using su behaves abnormally too, but the fix for this is not that comfortable. Refer to this lxd issue. This strange behaviour occurs when entering by lxc exec, when you log by ssh things work normal.
- When login occurs via svncterm (which is the same as lxc exec), entering backspace key prints ^H instead of deleting the last character. Replace ERASECHAR 0177 by ERASECHAR 010 in /etc/login.defs to correct this. Ctrl+U keybinding deletes the whole line in the login prompt.
Check how much space your container needs.
sudo du -sh /var/lib/lxd/containers/lxdone/
Push container into block device. You may change the 1G size. The minimum required is a little bigger than the previous output.
lxc stop lxdone
truncate -s 1G /var/tmp/lxdone.img
loop=$(sudo losetup --find --show /var/tmp/lxdone.img)
sudo mkfs.ext4 $loop
sudo mount $loop /mnt/
sudo cp -rpa /var/lib/lxd/containers/lxdone/* /mnt/
Make sure there were no errors regarding space in the previous output.
sudo umount $loop
sudo losetup -d $loop
Optionally compress your image. This is useful if you copy it to /var/tmp/ in the frontend, extract it there and upload via "Path in OpenNebula server" in the image upload section in Sunstone.
tar cvJpf lxdone-custom.tar.xz lxdone.img