This is a tutorial for setting up bot and configuring gramhopper.
- Create a bot using BotFather.
- Save the received token in
. - Enable receiving messages from groups for the bot by sending
to BotFather, then select the new bot and clickDisable
To use user nicknames, you have to get the user IDs first.
Getting a Telegram user ID can be done using @userinfobot:
- Go to @userinfobot and press "START". The bot will then print your user ID.
- To get the user ID of another user, just forward a message from this user and the bot will print their user ID.
The configuration file is located at ~/.gramphopper/rules.yml
Basically, the configuration file has three parts:
- Global triggers: triggers that can be used in rules without redefining.
- Global responses: responses that can be used in rules without redefining.
- Rules: Pairs of triggers and responses, which define together what triggers the bot and how it responds.
The following configuration file:
Click to view
- name: cat
type: text.has_exact_word
- Meow
- meow
- name: duck
type: text.has_exact_word
word: Quack
- name: found_dog
type: preset.reply
- Hey, here's a dog!
# Identifies a cat (a global "cat" trigger) and sends "Hello cat!" (an inline response).
- trigger: cat
type: preset.message
preset_response: Hello cat!
# Identifies a dog (an inline trigger) and replies "Hey, here's a dog!"
# (a global "found_dog" response).
- trigger:
type: text.has_substring
- Woof
- woof
- Ruff
- ruff
response: found_dog
# Identifies an animal sound (an inline trigger) and replies
# 'I hear "(the animal sound)"' (an inline response), with a 30% probability.
- trigger:
type: text.regexp
pattern: ^(Quack|Meow|Woof|Moo)$
type: match.message
template: I hear "{0}"
probability: 0.3
# Identifies 5 occurrences in 60 seconds of a duck sound (an inline event_streak
# trigger that uses a global "duck" trigger") and replies "Shut up duck!".
- trigger:
type: event_streak
counting_event_trigger: duck
streak_timeout_sec: 60
event_count: 5
type: preset.message
preset_response: Shut up duck!
will yield the following conversation: