Releases: Orange-OpenSource/Orange-Boosted-Bootstrap
First boosted4 alpha tag based on Bootstrap v4-dev
The Boosted V4, based on the bootstrap v4-dev branch wich is currently work in progress, will be updated as soon as bootstrap progress in their releases.
From our side, we will provide more componnents align with the Orange Brand
v4.0.0-alpha.1 (2016-05-26)
Bug Fixes
- build:
- component:
- accordion arrow (1790d5d9)
- supra bar icons (f53c6d4d)
- megamenu (f035abf2)
- navbar & megamenu (b9c9be61)
- dropdown (95042f00)
- dropdown (45b51210)
- megamenu mobile (cb2d6662)
- navbar optimisation (132d3760)
- search bar (39de5d90)
- megamenu documentation (39dc6c18)
- mega-menu (872855d4)
- navbar & mega-mega-menu (f8445e9d)
- stepbar accessibility (c13df4c9)
- orange stepbar (036d4a8f)
- navbar (36064e57)
- orange stepbar (69806439)
- navbar comfort (5fdc5802)
- navbar branded (6eb4f242)
- button height (ccc2da8d)
- primary button pressed state (ed3e8085)
- buttons clear background (6ca2aa09)
- stepbar fix (84342e8e)
- tab height (0429fcf3)
- buttons on black background (3cc1f444)
- removed carousel glyphicon dependency (5e951cfb)
- danger button text color (edf6fc81)
- megamenu variables (b36d8429)
- o-button scss clean up (b2de3847)
- buttons states styles (0b1bf2c5)
- buttons states styles (31d4ce22)
- pagination (234556e6)
- pagination (d9dd2dea)
- button height (f5098f9d)
- form input height and padding (e29c12db)
- components:
- navs (4074a954)
- secondary buttons styling (213a2f26)
- accordion (93b73ffb)
- tooltip (531aac70)
- dropdown (a9379745)
- modal (e20ada5b)
- modal (fe777ba2)
- nav-tabs arrows (1fc3b1f9)
- dropdown (145c27ef)
- dropdown (37b20870)
- megamenu (b4efdd04)
- boostwatch (aed902e9)
- boostwatch (ede0c4cf)
- boostwatch (02efafb9)
- boostwatch (1f3d2ff8)
- boostwatch (6bb490d9)
- boostwatch (4d4827a2)
- boostwatch (225a7687)
- core:
- fix brand color (43fa9737)
- update grid frameworkgrid mixin due to libsass update (e959fb99)
- fix qunit test (e7598279)
- glyphicon references (b765fcd8)
- deprecated screen- var (fb31d21e)
- base font size (8993912d)
- font icon and minor fixes (30606be7)
- fix eslint errors into dropdown.js (49c08424)
- fix eslint errors and add tether.min to sample pages ([49c03fd](
fix accordions and buttons, improve code quality - more info into the release note
Bug Fixes
- component:
- core:
- clean notice.txt (f6cf52b7)
- fix eslint warning (cf0d7ada)
- fix glyphicons name for arrow next and previous (5b16999e)
- fix css linting errors and eslint errors (8abe3aa1)
- fix cssmap file who generate error onto chrome, update less and cssmin dependenc (2afd9c39)
- IE8 sizes (b3664785)
- remove icon-orange increment after file name for IE8 compatibility reasons (742539f0)
- doc:
- test: passing bs unit tests (2e2d2b2c)
Brand update, and icon library also
<a name"3.3.0-alpha.2">
3.3.0-alpha.2 (2016-04-28)
Bug Fixes
- build: update commit link for changelog generation (ca360ce2)
- component:
- accordion borders (77087ce9)
- accordion borders (6c1e5d32)
- navbar searchbar (f593b82e)
- nav tabs height (9ea00753)
- pagination branding (9fb67f2d)
- orange icon fonts (26d17383)
- local navigation (5079cbed)
- stepbar (f6b81927)
- navbar branding (47d483cc)
- buttons branding (29a1b4b8)
- stepbar branding (29076327)
- navbar branding (8674f7f9)
- core:
- accordions multipleatatime (0fd694a6)
- try to fix accordions multipleatatime (9c9e6163)
- remove the shadow into tabs, move the border for accordions (bdc9488a)
- update breadcrumb and navigation sizes (0421254e)
- fix step_bar padding (d9ec17f9)
- add the missing comma for font inclusion (e734a060)
- add the missing comma for font inclusion (81a490e2)
- regenerate the dist (4c801db9)
- fix navbar-text class into menu position and add a class for brand name near the (bbb04e3a)
- fix navbar-text class into menu position and add a class for brand name near the (5241a0bc)
- fix tooltip width calc onto IE11 enterprise fallback IE8 (755206e3)
- css: font loading error on chrome (013fb3af)
- doc:
- examples: icon names (19705a2a)
- build: tag v3.3.0-alpha.1 (b263ac6d)
- core:
- doc:
Update Icons library and some fixes
3.2.1 (2015-12-21)
Bug Fixes
- megamenu: fix bg color of dropdown for mobile display
- forms: button position and size in formgroups
- helvetica fontfamily: Font-familly woff was buggy (1px upper on firefox)
- core:
- Update Orange Icons library (337) solaris icons
- Update Orange grey palette
- Horizontal form : label align left according to the brand guidelines
Icon migration guide :
About -> Info
Calendar-> calendar_30
call_log -> call_log
camera -> camera
contacts -> Address_Book
email -> email
favorite_TV-> Recommend
favorites-> favourite.png
film-> Video
home-> Home
internet_usage-> Data_Services
location-> location_pin_compass
messaging-> Messaging
Messaging_Unified-> Messaging_Unified
Music -> Music_file ou Music_player
My_Account-> My_Account
Numero_Unique-> Numero_Unique
Orange_Assistant-> Orange_Assistant
orange_library ->book_download
Orange_Radio-> Orange_Radio
Orange_TV-> Orange_TV
Orange_Wallet-> Orange Wallet
Orange_Wifi-> Orange_Wifi
Search-> search
Settings-> settings
Sport-> football
Voicemail-> visual_voicemail
Wallpaper-> change_wallpaper
Tv_remote-> remote_control
Orange_updates -> software_update
Battery-> Battery_1_bar ou Battery_2_bar ou Battery_charging ou Battery_empty ou Battery_full ou Battery_full_2
Mini_Games -> mini_games
contacts_card -> contact_card
offers->advertising ou free_tag ou tariff
cinemas -> Cineday_Silhouette
photography-> Image
gauge_remaining-> Gauge-Mon-Reseau
Orange Boosted with Bootstrap 3.3.6 v 3.2.0
First release