by Bruce Wilcox
Section 0 – Introduction
What and Who of ChatScript
Section 1 – Fundamentals of Scripting
- Overview of Meaning / ChatScript
- Patterns in depth
- Topics, Output, Data, Functions
Section 2 – How does the engine work
- My personal NL research project (Open Source)
- NL toolkit pipeline
- Dialog manager
- Expert system for understanding meaning
- Expert system for planning
- Hundreds of people in 25+ countries
- Basic of NL tech for some companies:
- Sensory, Inc (device control)
- YourMd (medical diagnosis)
- ToyTalk (own rewrite for children's software/toys)
- AISoy & Engineered Arts (robot control & personality)
- Kore, Inc (business bots)
- Conversational chatbots
- Ben + Meg (ESL conversation)
- K9 (for a robotic dog toy)
- Angela 18-year old female cat (60M+ downloads)
- Bodo (Star Wars alien demo)
- Big Bad Wolf & Pig (interactive stage play demo for kids with asthma)
- Kora (control over business bots)
- Morgan (Director Morgan Spurlock' clone)
- Rose + Suzette ( Loebner winning chatbots)
- Dark Design ARG (multiple human bots + 1 parrot)
- Pearl (receptionist to experts)
- Amazon improved product search demo
- Wiki demo indexing sentences in Wikipedia
- Omni command statistics analysis
- Genie commanded basic phone abilities
- NL controlled data retrieval from Dow Jones Database
- Patient simulator for doctor training (Ohio State University)
- Medical diagnosis app (YourMd)
Section 0 – Introduction
Section 1 Fundamentals of Scripting
- Overview of Meaning / ChatScript
- Patterns in depth
- Topics, Output, Data, Functions
Section 2 How does the engine work
No intrinsic meaning. Language is agreement.
Consists of:
- Words, grammar, punctuation
- Context
- topic of conversation – the bat flew out of his hands
- prior sentence in volley: I like apples. Do you?
- Prior sentence in prior volley – Do you like apples? Yes.
- Words in nearby sentences – pronoun resolution
- Idioms/Phrases - :) what do you do?
- Rules
- Topics
- Keywords
- Concepts
- Comments
for user comments#!
for ChatScript directive comments##<<
for block comments
- The basis for all meaning detection and action.
- Fundamentally an IF/THEN statement.
- 4 parts:
- kind – what types of sentences does it reply to
- label – way for other rules to refer to it
- pattern – IF test for allowing output to execute
- output – THEN part for taking action
u: MYRULE ( I love meat) So do I.
Responders – react to user input
- responds to questions from users:
- responds to statements from useru:
- responds to union of questions and statements
Gambits – program says when it has sente
t: Have you ever had a pet?
- Rejoinders – based on what we just said to user
a: (yes) What kind of pet?
b: (dog) I like dogs.
b: (cat) I prefer dogs.
a: (no) Pets are fun. You should try having one.
What if user omits punctuation?
System infers it from sentence structure, words. -
What is a command?
By default a statement. But script can remap them
to be questions: Describe an elephant is like What is an elephant? -
What about exclamations?
They are statements. You can match!
in patterns.
- Patterns detect meaning.
- Constrains when the output of a rule can fire.
- Patterns are like regular expressions, but for meaning instead of characters.
- Patterns consist of tokens separated by spaces rather than letters all jammed together.
- Executed if a rule's pattern matches
- Can be simple text
?: ( << you ~like pizza >>) I love pizza.
- Can be random text
?: ( << you ~like pizza >>) [Of course][Absolutely] I [love it.][ adore it.]
- Text autoformats
- Can be code and text intermix or code only
?: ( << what you age >>) I am ^compute(%year – 1989) years old.
- Rule output is discarded if code fails in a rule
Section 0 – Introduction
Section 1 Fundamentals of Scripting
- Overview of Meaning / ChatScript
- Patterns in depth
- Topics, Output, Data, Functions
Section 2 How does the engine work
- Generally done on the current sentence
- Tokens are instructions to process, left to right.
#! what is my name
?: ( what is my name) - simple pattern
u: LETTERS($$phone @_10+ _*1 ) - esoteric pattern
- Match words in sentence
u: (I love pizza)
match: I love pizza, I will love pizza
- Pattern words cased as they should be
u: ( I love pizza from Pizza Hut)
match: i love pizza from pizza hut, I LOVE PIZZA FROM PIZZA HUT, i LOVE pizza From pizza Hut
- Linear sequences not scalable.
- AIML improved this by:
- eliminate case – all upper case (losing useful data)
- eliminate punctuation (losing useful data)
- adding wildcard * to match 1 or more words
Requires match of entire input sentence.
Needs 4 patterns to match.
2015 AIML's 1 st revision in 20 years. Provides wildcard matching 0 or more words.
* WORD ... WORD *
Input creates 2 sentences - original + canonical
Matching looks at both
- nouns: bicycles -> bicycle
- verbs: were -> be
- numbers: two -> 2 2.0 -> 2 two thousand and fifty -> 2050
- determiners: the -> a
- personal pronouns: my -> I him -> he whom -> who
u: (I love pizza)
matches: I loved pizza, me loves pizzas
- Can require original form only using
u: ( 'I 'love 'pizza)
- Can require original form if not canonical
u: ( I loved pizzas)
matches: me love pizza, me loved pizzas
- find one
u: ( I love [ pizza bacon sausage hamburger])
- maybe find one
u: ( I love {the my} moon )
- find all in any order anywhere
u: ( << pizza I love >> )
Particularly important. Breaks the straight-jacket of sequence.
u: ( << I [like love adore] [pizza bacon] >>) So do I.
matches: I love bacon, Pizza is what I adore, I hate pizza but love rocks
u: ( I love [ meat << flesh animal >> ] ) So do I.
matches: I love meat, I love animal flesh, I love the flesh of an animal
Keeping sequence but not requiring contiguity
- any number of words (including 0)
u: ( I love * pizza) - matches "I love spicy pepperoni pizza"
but matches I love you and hate pizza – still a flaw with AIML
- 1 word exactly*2
u: ( I love *1 pizza)
matches I love pepperoni pizza
- 0 or 1 word*~2
u: ( I *~2 love *~2 pizza) ?? examples?
But I do not love pizza is a problem.
- make sure this not seen later in sentence
u: (!not I *~2 love *~2 pizza)
u: (!not !pepperoni I *~2 love *~2 pizza)
u: (![not pepperoni] I *~2 love *~2 pizza)
- Phrase = sequence of 1-5 words in
u: ( I * work * "International Business Machines")
How is this different from
u: (I * work * International Business Machines )
The phrase is a single idea, an entity. Your pattern should reflect that. Humans will understand your pattern better. And CS will handle it correctly against a range of tokenization options. Particularly if it involves periods and commas
u: (I * live * “Raleigh, North Carolina”)
A concept set is a bag of words.
concept: ~like (like adore love lust "be big on" )
Can be used in patterns in place of words. Same canonical rules as patterns, ' or not.
u: (!~negativeWords << I ~like ~nutrient >>)
This rule captures a probable meaning I like some kind of food or drink Can still go wrong. Rules are not perfect.
- memorize word of input
Auto assigned match variable numbering.
u: ( I * love * _~nutrient) I love _0 too.
Stores original, canonical, and position.
u: ( I * _~like * _~nutrient) I love '_1 too.
u: ( I like _{~pizzaToppings} pizza)
I like pizza -> _0
is null, I like pepperoni pizza -> _0
is pepperoni
- Can test relationships
u: ( _~number _0==3) # relatively pointless since u: (3) is equivalent
u: ( _~number _0>0 _0<10)
- Can test concept membership
u: ( _~animals _0?~pets)
- Can test bit patterns
u: (_~number _0&1)
- Can test existence (not null)
u: ( I love _{pepperoni} pizza _0) – but a pointless pattern here
Output requests more matching via ^refine()
Acts like a switch statement, only 1 can match.
u: ( I ~like _~nutrient) ^refine()
a: (_0?~dessert) I love brownies.
a: (_0?~meat) I like steak.
a: (_0?~beverage) I drink tea.
a: () All food is good.
Be aware:
- You can match forwards and/or backwards
- You can jump around in the sentence.
- You can match partial spellings of words.
u: ( my sign is Sagitt* )
- You can hide or add concept meanings
u: ( _coffee ~nutrient) ^unmark(~color _0)
I like coffee ice cream –> coffee is not a color
- Force alignment to start or end of sentence
u: ( < ice is nice > ) ice is 1 st word of sentence, nice is last word
Section 0 - Introduction
Section 1 Fundamentals of Scripting
- Overview of Meaning / ChatScript
- Patterns in depth
- Topics, Output, Data, Functions
Section 2 How does the engine work
A named collection of rules tried in order Can have keywords to find or invoked by name Has properties like don't erase, allow repeat
topic: ~funerals repeat (die death burial funeral)
?: ( will you ever die ) Not soon I hope
t: have you ever been to a funeral?
a: (yes) Did you enjoy it?
t: I have. It was boring.
Use relevant keyword (! prepositions/pronouns)
Match variables from memorization like _0
User variables like $var
$var = _0 -> single $ are permanent $$tmp = 20 -> double $$ last for the volley only
Read-only system variables like %time
- All data is text.
- Digit text autoconverts to numbers as needed.
- Active Strings
^"The answer is $answer."
Convert on use into simple text Is not autoformatted
A triple of relationship information
(you age 23) ("The Wind and the Willows" author "Kenneth Grahame")
Represents internals using MEMBER and IS
(black member ~colors) - CS representation of a concept (Laborador~1 is dog~2) - Wordnet relationship of word meanings
Can query for facts given one or more fields
- Can define tables of data to process into fact.
- Processing happens at build time
- Efficient scripting- all elaborate patterns in common topic
table: ^favetable(~foods)
chocolate candy "I love Cadbury's Flake chocolate bar."
Easter candy "I love marshmallow bunnies."
[salad _] dressing "I prefer sweet dressings to sour ones."
pizza topping "My favorite pizza topping is pepperoni because I like meat."
comfort food "My favorite comfort food is is a Gruyere cheese toastie."
_ pizza "My favorite pizza is pepperoni because I like pizza with meat toppings."
- Classic JSON data used in web calls
- Represented internally as facts
- Functions to create, query, etc.
- Classic functions with arguments start with
$$tmp = ^pick(~animals)
- Call by reference
- Variety of predefined functions
- Can define user functions for patterns or output
- Most useful are:
^gambit(~topic), ^respond(~topic)
^refine(), ^reuse(label)
Executes script vs Matches patterns, Functions Rules vs Rules Script (via If)
Can be called - Functions (with args) Rules (0 args)
So how are they different? They barely are.
- Rules are separately labelled
- Topics can be invoked by association (keyword)
- Rules stop when output is generated
- Functions & Rules execute to completion
- A control topic manages engine execution.
- Below default engine behavior can be altered.
- Input volley is processed sentence by sentence
- Rule execution is top to bottom in a topic
- Rules can invoke topics or other rules
- New rules tried until user output is generated.
- Rules erase after generating user output
- Rules decline to repeat output close together
- Section 0 – Introduction
- Section 1 Fundamentals of Scripting
- Section 2 How does the engine work
- What is the NL pipeline
- How does the engine work
Process characters into words/sentences
Apply standard transformations
- adjust case ( i->I )British → American
- expand contractions texting → American
- spell correction dialog act conversion
- remove end punctuation interjection splitting
- merge dates, numbers, proper nouns
- substitutions (FB -> Facebook, 1am → 1 am)
- separation (5'11” → 5 foot 11 inch, Bob's → Bob 's)
- remove noise (_anonymous strangerv -> stranger)
- Part-of-Speech tagging and parsing
- Dual stream of original and canonical words
- Mark words with what concepts and where
All stored in dictionary for hash lookup.
Can use :prepare
to see results or :trace
Now ready to execute script.
- Section 0 – Introduction
- Section 1 Fundamentals of Scripting
- Section 2 How does the engine work
- What is the NL pipeline
- How does the engine work
- Low memory – runnable locally in cellphone
- High speed – runnable on weak processors
- Concise – rules take few characters
- Precise – can represent specific meanings
- General – beyond chat, general NL tool
- Commercial grade
- scaleable
- script testing and analytic support
- Well documented
- Startup load dictionary, layer 0, layer 1
- Read user input (username + botname + input)
- Read in user topic file
- Run NL pipeline
- Run Script
- Write changed user topic file back
- Send output to user
- Every word, phrase, fact value, concept name, function name, etc stored in hashtable
- Lower & uppercase words have same hash
- Uppercase words use next bucket up
- Enables case-based lookups of same word
- New words from user go into reserved bucket
- Are ripped back at end of volley
- Every word has lists of facts using it as S V O
- Enables query by field value
- Facts also have lists of facts using it as S V O
- Dictionary entry for every word, phrase, concept
- Words have timestamp + loc. in sentence.
- Words have lists of facts they participate in.
- Marking takes original/canonical word
- Fills in location in sentence
- Propagates from facts in which word is subject
- using MEMBER & IS to object of fact and marks that
- Propagate restricted by POS or Wordnet meaning
- Pattern test can then look up word for status
No dynamic malloc/free
Mark/release per volley, no interim release
Memory pre-allocated to pools of:
- Dictionary entries
- Facts
- String space
- Buffers (buffer pool array, not mark-release)
Facts & Words inter-locked, unpeel to release
Bot definition assigns topics to variables.
Only $cs_controlmain
is required.
– once per volley at start$cs_prepass
- once per sentence$cs_controlmain
– once per sentence$cs_controlpost
– once per volley at end
The Harry control flow processes sentences until a single output is generated. Does this:
- See if rejoinder matches
- Respond in current topic
- Respond in other topics based on keyword.
- Respond from keywordless topic.
- Quibble sometimes.
- Gambit from current topic.
- Gambit from other topics based on keyword.
- Gambit from any topic.
All functions return 2 things:
Output - is either assigned or dumped to user
- result seen in user output$var = ^myfunction(_0)
- result stored on variable
Error code - tells how to proceed
ChatScript manages 2 channels of data
Input and output with the user
Input and output with the application
Application data (OOB) in
[category: vet specialty: cat] Hi, I'm Rosa.
[callback: 600] My name is Pearl.
- Application responsible for handling
in output - Script responsible for handling
in input - Engine aware of
, does not apply NL pipeline
- API routines for:
- Manipulating topics
- Word manipulation
- Marking and parsing
- Manipulating facts
- Input control
- Manipulating JSON
- Manipulating numbers
- Debugging
- Output generation and access Postgres DB use
- Controlling flow
- One thread devoted to CS main engine
- Other threads accept and read input
- Then queue for engine service
- Then handle output and file writing
- Can run server on each core, tied to same port.
- Server is CPU bound.
- Testing and display-
- Proving your code works-
- Analytics on logs-
- Document reading-
- Word information-
- Control-
- Topic data-
- and lots more
- Manuals: Guide to Documentation
- Basic + advanced User manuals
- System functions (API guide)
- JSON, facts
- System variables and Engine-defined concepts
- Finalizing a bot
- Debugging
- Papers on history and theory of ChatScript/chat