OpenBox Documentation | OpenBox中文文档
OpenBox 是解决黑盒优化(超参数优化)问题的高效且通用的开源系统,支持以下特性: 1) 多目标与带约束的黑盒优化。2) 迁移学习。3) 分布式并行验证。4) 多精度优化加速。5) 早停机制。 OpenBox是由北京大学DAIR实验室自动化机器学习(AutoML)小组设计并开发的,目标是 使黑盒优化在学术界和工业界的应用更加便捷,并促进数据科学的发展。
OpenBox是一个提供通用黑盒优化服务的系统。用户可以使用REST API便捷地访问服务,无需担心环境配置、代码编写与维护、执行优化等问题。 用户还可以通过我们提供的网页用户界面,监控与管理优化任务。
- 易用:用户以最小代价使用黑盒优化服务,可通过用户友好的可视化界面监控与管理优化任务。
- 性能优异:集成最先进(state-of-the-art)的优化算法,并可自动选择最优策略。
- 资源感知管理:为用户提供基于成本(时间、并行数等)的建议。
- 规模可扩展:对于输入维度、目标维度、任务数、并行验证数量等有较好的可扩展性。
- 高效:充分利用并行资源,并利用迁移学习、多精度优化加速搜索。
- 错误容忍、系统可扩展性、数据隐私保护。
- OpenBox based solutions achieved the First Place of ACM CIKM 2021 AnalyticCup (Track - Automated Hyperparameter Optimization of Recommendation System).
- OpenBox team won the Top Prize (special prize) in the open-source innovation competition at 2021 CCF ChinaSoft conference.
- Pasca, which adopts Openbox to support neural architecture search functionality, won the Best Student Paper Award at WWW'22.
Build-in Optimization Components | Optimization Algorithms | Optimization Services |
- Python >= 3.8 (推荐版本为Python 3.8)
- Linux (Ubuntu, ...)
- macOS
- Windows
我们强烈建议您为OpenBox创建一个单独的Python环境,例如通过 Anaconda:
conda create -n openbox python=3.8
conda activate openbox
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install openbox
如需使用高级功能,请先安装 SWIG
,然后运行 pip install "openbox[extra]"
git clone && cd open-box
pip install .
同样,如需使用高级功能,请先安装 SWIG
,然后运行 pip install ".[extra]"
import numpy as np
from openbox import Optimizer, space as sp
# Define Search Space
space = sp.Space()
x1 = sp.Real("x1", -5, 10, default_value=0)
x2 = sp.Real("x2", 0, 15, default_value=0)
space.add_variables([x1, x2])
# Define Objective Function
def branin(config):
x1, x2 = config['x1'], config['x2']
y = (x2-5.1/(4*np.pi**2)*x1**2+5/np.pi*x1-6)**2+10*(1-1/(8*np.pi))*np.cos(x1)+10
return {'objectives': [y]}
# Run
if __name__ == '__main__':
opt = Optimizer(branin, space, max_runs=50, task_id='quick_start')
history =
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from openbox import Optimizer, space as sp
# Define Search Space
space = sp.Space()
x1 = sp.Real("x1", 0.1, 10.0)
x2 = sp.Real("x2", 0.0, 5.0)
space.add_variables([x1, x2])
# Define Objective Function
def CONSTR(config):
x1, x2 = config['x1'], config['x2']
y1, y2 = x1, (1.0 + x2) / x1
c1, c2 = 6.0 - 9.0 * x1 - x2, 1.0 - 9.0 * x1 + x2
return dict(objectives=[y1, y2], constraints=[c1, c2])
# Run
if __name__ == "__main__":
opt = Optimizer(CONSTR, space, num_objectives=2, num_constraints=2,
max_runs=50, ref_point=[10.0, 10.0], task_id='moc')
history =
history.plot_pareto_front() # plot for 2 or 3 objectives
以及 auto_open_html=True
(可选) 来启用该功能:
opt = Optimizer(...,
visualization='advanced', # or 'basic'. For 'advanced', run 'pip install "openbox[extra]"' first
auto_open_html=True, # open the visualization page in your browser automatically
history =
对于更多可视化细节,请参考: HTML可视化文档。
如果您在使用OpenBox的过程中遇到Bug,请向我们提交issue。 如果您对Bug进行了修复,欢迎直接向我们提交PR。
- 在GitHub上提交issue。
- 通过邮箱联系我们:Yang Li, [email protected] 或 [email protected]
- [Q&A] 加入QQ群:227229622
OpenBox: A Python Toolkit for Generalized Black-box Optimization.
Huaijun Jiang, Yu Shen, Yang Li, Beicheng Xu, Sixian Du, Wentao Zhang, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui; JMLR 2024, CCF-A. [paper] [arxiv]
OpenBox: A Generalized Black-box Optimization Service.
Yang Li, Yu Shen, Wentao Zhang, Yuanwei Chen, Huaijun Jiang, Mingchao Liu, Jiawei Jiang, Jinyang Gao, Wentao Wu, Zhi Yang, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui; KDD 2021, CCF-A. [paper] [arxiv]
MFES-HB: Efficient Hyperband with Multi-Fidelity Quality Measurements.
Yang Li, Yu Shen, Jiawei Jiang, Jinyang Gao, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui; AAAI 2021, CCF-A. [paper] [arxiv]
Transfer Learning based Search Space Design for Hyperparameter Tuning.
Yang Li, Yu Shen, Huaijun Jiang, Tianyi Bai, Wentao Zhang, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui; KDD 2022, CCF-A. [paper] [arxiv]
TransBO: Hyperparameter Optimization via Two-Phase Transfer Learning.
Yang Li, Yu Shen, Huaijun Jiang, Wentao Zhang, Zhi Yang, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui; KDD 2022, CCF-A. [paper] [arxiv]
PaSca: a Graph Neural Architecture Search System under the Scalable Paradigm.
Wentao Zhang, Yu Shen, Zheyu Lin, Yang Li, Xiaosen Li, Wen Ouyang, Yangyu Tao, Zhi Yang, and Bin Cui; WWW 2022, CCF-A, 🏆 Best Student Paper Award. [paper] [arxiv]
Hyper-Tune: Towards Efficient Hyper-parameter Tuning at Scale.
Yang Li, Yu Shen, Huaijun Jiang, Wentao Zhang, Jixiang Li, Ji Liu, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui; VLDB 2022, CCF-A. [paper] [arxiv]
如果您使用 OpenBox,请考虑引用以下文章:
title={Openbox: A generalized black-box optimization service},
author={Li, Yang and Shen, Yu and Zhang, Wentao and Chen, Yuanwei and Jiang, Huaijun and Liu, Mingchao and Jiang, Jiawei and Gao, Jinyang and Wu, Wentao and Yang, Zhi and others},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery \& data mining},
author = {Huaijun Jiang and Yu Shen and Yang Li and Beicheng Xu and Sixian Du and Wentao Zhang and Ce Zhang and Bin Cui},
title = {OpenBox: A Python Toolkit for Generalized Black-box Optimization},
journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
year = {2024},
volume = {25},
number = {120},
pages = {1--11},
url = {}