一开始只能望官方 demo 发愣,因为没找到一个完整的 API 文档,所以只能自己慢慢记录
在线预览 bpmn-modeling-api-cn
原版 bpmn-modeling-api
- Canvas
- BpmnFactory: 根据 bpmn-js 的内部数据模型
的工厂 - ElementFactory: 根据 bpmn-js 的内部数据模型
的工厂。 - ElementRegistry: 知道添加到图中的所有元素,并提供 api 来根据 id
。 - Modeling: 提供用于
的 api
- canvas.getDefaultLayer
- canvas.getLayer
- canvas.getContainer
- canvas.addMarker
- canvas.removeMarker
- canvas.hasMarker
- canvas.toggleMarker
- canvas.setRootElement
- canvas.addShape
- canvas.addConnection
- canvas.removeShape
- canvas.removeConnection
- canvas.getGraphics
- canvas.viewbox
- canvas.getGraphics
- canvas.scroll
- canvas.zoom
- canvas.getSize
- canvas.getAbsoluteBBox
- canvas.resized
canvas = modeler.get('canvas')
* Returns the default layer on which
* all elements are drawn.
* @returns {SVGElement}
* Returns a layer that is used to draw elements
* or annotations on it.
* Non-existing layers retrieved through this method
* will be created. During creation, the optional index
* may be used to create layers below or above existing layers.
* A layer with a certain index is always created above all
* existing layers with the same index.
* @param {string} name
* @param {number} index
* @returns {SVGElement}
canvas.getLayer(name, index)
* Returns the html element that encloses the
* drawing canvas.
* @return {DOMNode}
* Adds a marker to an element (basically a css class).
* Fires the element.marker.update event, making it possible to
* integrate extension into the marker life-cycle, too.
* @example
* canvas.addMarker('foo', 'some-marker');
* var fooGfx = canvas.getGraphics('foo');
* fooGfx; // <g class="... some-marker"> ... </g>
* @param {string|djs.model.Base} element
* @param {string} marker
canvas.addMarker(element, marker)
* Remove a marker from an element.
* Fires the element.marker.update event, making it possible to
* integrate extension into the marker life-cycle, too.
* @param {string|djs.model.Base} element
* @param {string} marker
canvas.removeMarker(element, marker)
* Check the existence of a marker on element.
* @param {string|djs.model.Base} element
* @param {string} marker
canvas.hasMarker(element, marker)
* Toggles a marker on an element.
* Fires the element.marker.update event, making it possible to
* integrate extension into the marker life-cycle, too.
* @param {string|djs.model.Base} element
* @param {string} marker
canvas.toggleMarker(element, marker)
* Sets a given element as the new root element for the canvas
* and returns the new root element.
* @param {Object|djs.model.Root} element
* @param {boolean} [override] whether to override the current root element, if any
* @return {Object|djs.model.Root} new root element
canvas.setRootElement(element, override)
* Adds a shape to the canvas
* @param {Object|djs.model.Shape} shape to add to the diagram
* @param {djs.model.Base} [parent]
* @param {number} [parentIndex]
* @return {djs.model.Shape} the added shape
canvas.addShape(shape, parent, parentIndex)
* Adds a connection to the canvas
* @param {Object|djs.model.Connection} connection to add to the diagram
* @param {djs.model.Base} [parent]
* @param {number} [parentIndex]
* @return {djs.model.Connection} the added connection
canvas.addConnection(connection, parent, parentIndex)
* Removes a shape from the canvas
* @param {string|djs.model.Shape} shape or shape id to be removed
* @return {djs.model.Shape} the removed shape
* Removes a connection from the canvas
* @param {string|djs.model.Connection} connection or connection id to be removed
* @return {djs.model.Connection} the removed connection
* Return the graphical object underlaying a certain diagram element
* @param {string|djs.model.Base} element descriptor of the element
* @param {boolean} [secondary=false] whether to return the secondary connected element
* @return {SVGElement}
canvas.getGraphics(element, secondary)
* Gets or sets the view box of the canvas, i.e. the
* area that is currently displayed.
* The getter may return a cached viewbox (if it is currently
* changing). To force a recomputation, pass `false` as the first argument.
* @example
* canvas.viewbox({ x: 100, y: 100, width: 500, height: 500 })
* // sets the visible area of the diagram to (100|100) -> (600|100)
* // and and scales it according to the diagram width
* var viewbox = canvas.viewbox(); // pass `false` to force recomputing the box.
* console.log(viewbox);
* // {
* // inner: Dimensions,
* // outer: Dimensions,
* // scale,
* // x, y,
* // width, height
* // }
* // if the current diagram is zoomed and scrolled, you may reset it to the
* // default zoom via this method, too:
* var zoomedAndScrolledViewbox = canvas.viewbox();
* canvas.viewbox({
* x: 0,
* y: 0,
* width: zoomedAndScrolledViewbox.outer.width,
* height: zoomedAndScrolledViewbox.outer.height
* });
* @param {Object} [box] the new view box to set
* @param {number} box.x the top left X coordinate of the canvas visible in view box
* @param {number} box.y the top left Y coordinate of the canvas visible in view box
* @param {number} box.width the visible width
* @param {number} box.height
* @return {Object} the current view box
* Gets or sets the scroll of the canvas.
* @param {Object} [delta] the new scroll to apply.
* @param {number} [delta.dx]
* @param {number} [delta.dy]
* Gets or sets the current zoom of the canvas, optionally zooming
* to the specified position.
* The getter may return a cached zoom level. Call it with `false` as
* the first argument to force recomputation of the current level.
* @param {string|number} [newScale] the new zoom level, either a number, i.e. 0.9,
* or `fit-viewport` to adjust the size to fit the current viewport
* @param {string|Point} [center] the reference point { x: .., y: ..} to zoom to, 'auto' to zoom into mid or null
* @return {number} the current scale
canvas.zoom(newScale, center)
* Returns the size of the canvas
* @return {Dimensions}
* Return the absolute bounding box for the given element
* The absolute bounding box may be used to display overlays in the
* callers (browser) coordinate system rather than the zoomed in/out
* canvas coordinates.
* @param {ElementDescriptor} element
* @return {Bounds} the absolute bounding box
* Fires an event in order other modules can react to the
* canvas resizing
- bpmnFactory.create
- elementFactory.createRoot
- elementFactory.createLabel
- elementFactory.createShape
- elementFactory.createConnection
elementFactory = modeler.get('elementFactory')
* Create a model element with the given type and
* a number of pre-set attributes.
* @param {Object} attrs
* @return {djs.model.Base} the newly created model instance
- elementRegistry.add
- elementRegistry.remove
- elementRegistry.get
- elementRegistry.getAll
- elementRegistry.updateId
- elementRegistry.filter
- elementRegistry.forEach
- elementRegistry.getGraphics
const elementRegistry = modeler.get('elementRegistry')
* Register a pair of (element, gfx, (secondaryGfx)).
* @param {djs.model.Base} element
* @param {SVGElement} gfx
* @param {SVGElement} [secondaryGfx] optional other element to register, too
elementRegistry.add(element, gfx, secondaryGfx)
* Removes an element from the registry.
* @param {djs.model.Base} element
* Return the model element for a given id or graphics.
* @example
* elementRegistry.get('SomeElementId_1');
* elementRegistry.get(gfx);
* @param {string|SVGElement} filter for selecting the element
* @return {djs.model.Base}
* Return all rendered model elements.
* @return {Array<djs.model.Base>}
* Update the id of an element
* @param {djs.model.Base} element
* @param {string} newId
elementRegistry.updateId(element, newId)
* Return all elements that match a given filter function.
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {Array<djs.model.Base>}
* Iterate over all diagram elements.
* @param {Function} fn
* Return the graphical representation of an element or its id.
* @example
* elementRegistry.getGraphics('SomeElementId_1');
* elementRegistry.getGraphics(rootElement); // <g ...>
* elementRegistry.getGraphics(rootElement, true); // <svg ...>
* @param {string|djs.model.Base} filter
* @param {boolean} [secondary=false] whether to return the secondary connected element
* @return {SVGElement}
elementRegistry.getGraphics(filter, secondary)
// 更新业务对象属性(常用) 包括 id
modeling.updateProperties(elements, attr)
* Create a shape at the specified position.
* @param {djs.model.Shape|Object} shape
* @param {Point} position
* @param {djs.model.Shape|djs.model.Root} target
* @param {number} [parentIndex] position in parents children list
* @param {Object} [hints]
* @param {boolean} [hints.attach] whether to attach to target or become a child
* @return {djs.model.Shape} the created shape
modeling.createShape(shape, position, target, parentIndex, hints)
* Append shape to given source, drawing a connection
* between source and the newly created shape.
* @param {djs.model.Shape} source
* @param {djs.model.Shape|Object} shape
* @param {Point} position
* @param {djs.model.Shape} target
* @param {Object} [hints]
* @param {boolean} [hints.attach]
* @param {djs.model.Connection|Object} [hints.connection]
* @param {djs.model.Base} [hints.connectionParent]
* @return {djs.model.Shape} the newly created shape
modeling.appendShape(source, shape, position, target, hints)
modeling.createElements(shape, position, target, parentIndex, hints)
modeling.createLabel(labelTarget, position, label, parent)
modeling.removeShape(shape, hints)
modeling.removeConnection(connection, hints)
modeling.alignElements(elements, alignment)
modeling.resizeShape(shape, newBounds, minBounds, hints)
modeling.createSpace(movingShapes, resizingShapes, delta, direction, start)
modeling.updateWaypoints(connection, newWaypoints, hints)
modeling.reconnect(connection, source, target, dockingOrPoints, hints)
modeling.reconnectStart(connection, newSource, dockingOrPoints, hints)
modeling.reconnectEnd(connection, newTarget, dockingOrPoints, hints)
modeling.connect(source, target, attrs, hints)
modeling.toggleCollapse(shape, hints)