Software Architecture with C++, Second Edition, Published by Packt
To compile the examples, you need the recent versions of CMake, Ninja, Clang and Conan 2.0.
The package manager Homebrew installation
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then install these tools with Homebrew
brew install cmake
brew install ninja
brew install llvm
brew install lld
brew install conan
Add these settings to your shell configuration files (.zshrc, .bashrc) for clang and clang++ compilers. Make sure your IDE's compiler settings use these settings
export PATH="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin:$PATH"
export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix llvm)/lib -L$(brew --prefix llvm)/lib/c++ -L$(brew --prefix llvm)/lib/unwind -lunwind"
export CPPFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix llvm)/include"
The newer libc++ is used to build software on older macOS systems. The tools are installed in /usr/local/bin/
and /usr/local/opt/
Conan is integrated with different IDEs including CLion (plugin), Qt Creator (plugin) and Visual Studio Code (plugin) that support CMake-based projects.
- microk8s (tested)
- minikube
- kind
- Rancher Desktop
- Docker Desktop
Tools to manage Kubernetes clusters and deploy applications