diff --git a/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.spec.tsx b/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.spec.tsx
index 6a3b2d42d8..e278a4bcc3 100644
--- a/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.spec.tsx
+++ b/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.spec.tsx
@@ -1,21 +1,46 @@
 import React from 'react';
-import { render, screen, act } from '@testing-library/react';
+import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
 import { MockedProvider } from '@apollo/react-testing';
 import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
 import { I18nextProvider } from 'react-i18next';
+import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
 import UserListCard from './UserListCard';
 import { ADD_ADMIN_MUTATION } from 'GraphQl/Mutations/mutations';
 import i18nForTest from 'utils/i18nForTest';
 import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { StaticMockLink } from 'utils/StaticMockLink';
-import { vi, describe, it, beforeEach } from 'vitest';
+import { vi, describe, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'vitest';
+// Test constants
+const TEST_USER_ID = '456';
+const TEST_ORG_ID = '554';
+const TEST_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = 'User is added as admin.';
+const TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'An error occurred';
+const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
+// Mock modules
+vi.mock('react-toastify', () => ({
+  toast: {
+    success: vi.fn(),
+    error: vi.fn(),
+  },
+vi.mock('react-router-dom', async () => {
+  const actual = await vi.importActual('react-router-dom');
+  return {
+    ...actual,
+    useParams: () => ({
+      orgId: TEST_ORG_ID,
+    }),
+  };
 const MOCKS = [
     request: {
       query: ADD_ADMIN_MUTATION,
-      variables: { userid: '784', orgid: '554' },
+      variables: { userid: TEST_USER_ID, orgid: TEST_ORG_ID },
     result: {
       data: {
@@ -28,24 +53,41 @@ const MOCKS = [
-const link = new StaticMockLink(MOCKS, true);
-async function wait(ms = 100): Promise<void> {
-  await act(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)));
+const ERROR_MOCKS = [
+  {
+    request: {
+      query: ADD_ADMIN_MUTATION,
+      variables: { userid: TEST_USER_ID, orgid: TEST_ORG_ID },
+    },
+    error: new Error(TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE),
+  },
 describe('Testing User List Card', () => {
+  const mockReload = vi.fn();
   beforeEach(() => {
     vi.spyOn(global, 'alert').mockImplementation(() => {});
+    Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', {
+      value: {
+        reload: mockReload,
+      },
+      writable: true,
+    });
+  });
+  afterEach(() => {
+    vi.clearAllMocks();
-  it('Should render props and text elements test for the page component', async () => {
+  test('Should show success toast and reload page after successful mutation', async () => {
     const props = {
-      id: '456',
+      id: TEST_USER_ID,
-      <MockedProvider addTypename={false} link={link}>
+      <MockedProvider addTypename={false} mocks={MOCKS}>
           <I18nextProvider i18n={i18nForTest}>
             <UserListCard key={123} {...props} />
@@ -54,17 +96,31 @@ describe('Testing User List Card', () => {
-    await wait();
-    userEvent.click(screen.getByText(/Add Admin/i));
+    const button = screen.getByText(/Add Admin/i);
+    await userEvent.click(button);
+    await waitFor(
+      () => {
+        expect(toast.success).toHaveBeenCalledWith(TEST_SUCCESS_MESSAGE);
+      },
+      { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT },
+    );
+    await waitFor(
+      () => {
+        expect(mockReload).toHaveBeenCalled();
+      },
+      { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT },
+    );
-  it('Should render text elements when props value is not passed', async () => {
+  test('Should show error toast when mutation fails', async () => {
     const props = {
-      id: '456',
+      id: TEST_USER_ID,
-      <MockedProvider addTypename={false} link={link}>
+      <MockedProvider addTypename={false} mocks={ERROR_MOCKS}>
           <I18nextProvider i18n={i18nForTest}>
             <UserListCard key={123} {...props} />
@@ -73,7 +129,63 @@ describe('Testing User List Card', () => {
-    await wait();
-    userEvent.click(screen.getByText(/Add Admin/i));
+    const button = screen.getByText(/Add Admin/i);
+    await userEvent.click(button);
+    await waitFor(
+      () => {
+        expect(toast.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
+      },
+      { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT },
+    );
+  });
+  test('Should render button with correct styling', () => {
+    const props = {
+      id: TEST_USER_ID,
+      key: 1,
+    };
+    render(
+      <MockedProvider mocks={[]} addTypename={false}>
+        <BrowserRouter>
+          <I18nextProvider i18n={i18nForTest}>
+            <UserListCard {...props} />
+          </I18nextProvider>
+        </BrowserRouter>
+      </MockedProvider>,
+    );
+    const button = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /Add Admin/i });
+    expect(button).toBeInTheDocument();
+    expect(button.className).toContain('memberfontcreatedbtn');
+  });
+  test('Should handle translations and URL parameters correctly', async () => {
+    const props = {
+      id: TEST_USER_ID,
+    };
+    render(
+      <MockedProvider addTypename={false} mocks={MOCKS}>
+        <BrowserRouter>
+          <I18nextProvider i18n={i18nForTest}>
+            <UserListCard key={123} {...props} />
+          </I18nextProvider>
+        </BrowserRouter>
+      </MockedProvider>,
+    );
+    const button = screen.getByText(/Add Admin/i);
+    expect(button).toBeInTheDocument();
+    await userEvent.click(button);
+    await waitFor(
+      () => {
+        expect(toast.success).toHaveBeenCalled();
+      },
+      { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT },
+    );
diff --git a/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.tsx b/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.tsx
index 157c18f404..fee79644c2 100644
--- a/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/UserListCard/UserListCard.tsx
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ function userListCard(props: InterfaceUserListCardProps): JSX.Element {
-      /* istanbul ignore next */
       if (data) {
         toast.success(t('addedAsAdmin') as string);
         setTimeout(() => {
@@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ function userListCard(props: InterfaceUserListCardProps): JSX.Element {
         }, 2000);
     } catch (error: unknown) {
-      /* istanbul ignore next */
       errorHandler(t, error);