Releases: Parkeymon/EXILED-SCP-SL-egg
Fix possible file path issues
Didn't have problems with file paths on my testing server but I did on my production server so I just swapped all the file paths to absolute paths so there should not be any problems.
- Use absolute file paths
- Remove file path changes so it stays the same
Auto add and update any ploogin you want!
This mainly adds the ability to for you to automatically add and update any plugin you add to customplugins.txt
(See the README on the main page for how to use)
- Automatically checks if you are using the latest version of the egg and tells you to update when a new release comes out.
- Custom plugin install and updating.
Report any bugs in Issues or DM me on Discord (Parkeymon#0001
Ok Joker here you go!
After shaming from Joker I have refactored a lot of the code
- Lots of code cleanup
- Now uses Yarn instead of NPM to install packages for Discord Integration.
- Removed MultiAdmin
(Its now irrelevant because LocalAdmin has pretty much all of the features and MultiAdmin does not have much support any more) - Removed bot version selection for Discord integration
I think thats all? Report bugs under Issues.
Specific Exiled Version Support
Lets you replace the true/false for "Use Exiled Pre-Releases?" option with a specific EXILED version.
Haven't tested but it should work.
Fix Bot Problems
This should fix bot config problems by moving it out of the bot folder. You can delete the bot folder after a reinstall.
It also adds config saver option so your bot configs arent cleared when you re-install.
Add FFmpeg + Pre-Release
This release adds ffmpeg to the docker image and a pre-release option for EXILED.
Fix Install Times
This update should massively decrease your install times.
My install times averaged about 90 seconds and are now about 45 seconds for a full install.
My reinstall times are about 20 seconds now.
These times are with a (slower) M.2 drive and relatively fast internet.
SCPStats Install + CommonUtils fix
Fixes issue with Common Utilities not installing and adds support for automatic SCPStats install.
Updated Discord Integration.
Now has support for the new discord integration bots that use node.
Extra plugin support.
Added support for automatic install of Admin Tools and Common Utilities.
It also adds support for automatically removing EXILED updater (because it was causing problems).