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166 lines (134 loc) · 10 KB

File metadata and controls

166 lines (134 loc) · 10 KB

Neovim Cheatsheet

Cheatsheet for Neovim with the plugins and configurations in the repository.

C# / OmniSharp

On .cs files:

Keymap Mode Usage
gd N Go to definition (:OmniSharpGotoDefinition)
<Leader>fu N Find usages (:OmniSharpFindUsages)
<Leader>fi N Find implementations (:OmniSharpFindImplementations)
<Leader>ca N Get code actions (:OmniSharpGetCodeActions)

Comments (tpope/vim-commentary)

Keymap Mode Usage
gcc N Comment/Uncomment single line
gc N,V Comment/Uncomment target motion, e.g. gcap for paragraph or selection in visual mode.


Using Visual Studio (Code) mappings, i.e.

let g:vimspector_enable_mappings = 'VISUAL_STUDIO'
Key Function API
F5 When debugging, continue. Otherwise start debugging. vimspector#Continue()
Shift F5 Stop debugging. vimspector#Stop()
Ctrl Shift F5 Restart debugging with the same configuration. vimspector#Restart()
F6 Pause debugee. vimspector#Pause()
F9 Toggle line breakpoint on the current line. vimspector#ToggleBreakpoint()
Shift F9 Add a function breakpoint for the expression under cursor vimspector#AddFunctionBreakpoint( '<cexpr>' )
F10 Step Over vimspector#StepOver()
F11 Step Into vimspector#StepInto()
Shift F11 Step out of current function scope vimspector#StepOut()

Diff & Folding

Keymap Mode Usage
zf V Create fold with the selection in visual mode
za N Toggle fold (under the cursor)
zo N Open fold
zc N Close fold
zd N Delete fold
zr N Open (reduce) folds by one level
zm N Fold (more) folds by one level
:diffthis N Make current file part of diff. Execute for two files.
dp N Put difference under the cursor to the other file
do N Obtain difference from other file to current difference
]c N Jump to next diff
[c N Jump to previous diff

Git (Fugitive)

Keymap Mode Usage
:G N Git status
dv Fug Show differences of the file currently under cursor
cc Fug Commit staged files.
- Fug Stage/Unstage file (Or s stage, u unstage).
:GV N,V Open commit browser for the whole repository
:GV! N Open commit browser for the current file
:GV? N,V Fills the location list with the revisions of the current file

Git (Checkout)

Keymap Mode Usage
<Option-Enter> :GCeckout Track remote branch locally
<Ctrl-b> :GCheckout Create a branch or tag with the current query as name
<Ctrl-d> :GCheckout Delete a branch or tag
<Ctrl-e> :GCheckout Merge a branch
<Ctrl-r> :GCheckout Rebase a branch


Keymap Mode Usage
I N Insert at the beginning of the line
ea N Insert (append) at the end of the word
Ctrl+h I Delete the character before cursor on the insert mode


Keymap Mode Usage
noh N Turn of search highlight until next search
n N Repeat searh forward
N N Repeat searh backword
#/* N Search and highlight words matching below cursor

Sneak (justinmk/vim-sneak)

Keymap Mode Usage
s{char}{char} N Activate search in text to jump forward to desired location.
S{char}{char} N Activate search in text to jump backward to desired location.
; N Go to next match
3; N Skip to 3rd match from the current position.
<Ctrl-o> N Go back to the starting point.
s<Enter> N Repeat the last Sneak-search
yszxy] N Surround in brackets up to xy>. Sneak is the z.
gUz\} N Upper-case the text from the cursor until \}
cl N Vim s (delete char and insert)remapped to cl
cc N Vim S (delete setence and insert)remapped to cc

Surround (tpope/vim-surround)

Keymap Mode Usage
cs{from}{to} N Change 'surrounds' {from} to {to}, e.g. cs"' to change from " to '
cst{to} N Change tag to {to}, e.g. cst" to change html-tag to "
ds{from} N Delete {from} surrounds.
yss) N Surround sentence with ()
S{to} V In visual mode, surround selection with {to}
ys{action}{to} N Add {to} surrounds based on {action}


Keymap Mode Usage
Ctrl-w T N Move current split windot to its own tab
gt N Move to next tab
gT N Move to previous tab
#gt N Move to tab number #
:tabm # N Move current tab to #th position (0-index) (:tabmove)
:tabc N Close current tab (:tabclose)
:tabo N Close all other tabs except current one (:tabonly)
:tab ba N Edit all bufferes as tabs


Keymap Mode Usage
<F7> N Toggle Undotree (:UndotreeToggle)

Visual mode

Keymap Mode Usage
v (lower) V Character mode
V (upper) V Line mode
Ctrl+v V Block mode

Window management

Keymap Mode Usage
Ctrl-h N Move to the window on the left (Ctrl-w h)
Ctrl-j N Move to the window below (Ctrl-w j)
Ctrl-k N Move to the window above (Ctrl-w k)
Ctrl-l N Move to the window on the right (Ctrl-w l)
Ctrl-w o N Only one window. 'This one'
<Leader>| N Split window to right (Which key mapping to Ctrl-w v)
<Leader>- N Split window to below (Which key mapping to `Ctrl-w s)