Welcome to Book Store!
This is a simple web application I built using the MERN Stack, showcasing my skills in both backend development and API handling. The project helped me gain a grasp of backend concepts and how to build and manage APIs effectively.
The application itself is built with:
- React and Tailwind: for a clean and user-friendly frontend experience.
- Node.js and Express.js: for a robust and scalable backend.
- MongoDB: for efficient data storage and retrieval.
- Create: Add new books to the store.
- Read: See details of all books in the store.
- Update: Change the details of existing books.
- Delete: Remove books from the store.
Node version 18.x.x
git clone https://github.com/PerHac13/BookStore-MERN-Stack.git
npm i
cd backend
export const PORT = <localhost port number for backend>;
export const mongoDBURL = < mongoDB connection link >;
cd backend
npm run dev
cd frontend
npm run dev