BaseField {
int id
string label
string shortCode
string dataType
datetime createdAt
Changemaker {
int id
string taxId
string name
datetime createdAt
Proposal {
int id
int opportunityId
string externalId
string createdBy
datetime createdAt
Outcome {
int id
int applicationId
string outcome
datetime createdAt
Opportunity {
int id
string title
string funder_short_code
datetime createdAt
ApplicationForm {
int id
int opportunityId
int version
datetime createdAt
ApplicationFormField {
int id
int applicationFormId
int baseFieldId
int position
string label
datetime createdAt
ExternalFieldValue {
int id
int baseFieldId
int sourceId
string name
string value
int position
datetime createdAt
ProposalVersion {
int id
int proposalId
int sourceId
int version
string createdBy
datetime createdAt
ProposalFieldValue {
int id
int proposalVersionId
int applicationFormFieldId
int position
string value
datetime createdAt
ActivityLog {
int id
string actionType
string log
datetime createdAt
DataProvider {
string shortCode
string name
datetime createdAt
Funder {
string shortCode
string name
datetime createdAt
Source {
int id
string name
string funder_short_code
int changemaker_id
string data_provider_short_code
datetime created_at
BulkUpload {
integer id
string file_name
string source_key
bulk_upload_status status
integer file_size
integer source_id
string funder_short_code
string created_by
timestamp created_at
User {
string keycloak_user_id
datetime created_at
Changemaker ||--o{ Proposal : submits
Proposal }|--|| Opportunity : "responds to"
Opportunity ||--|{ ApplicationForm : establishes
Funder ||--|{ Opportunity : has
Funder ||--|{ BulkUpload : has
Proposal ||--o{ Outcome : "has"
ApplicationForm ||--|{ ApplicationFormField : has
ApplicationFormField }o--|| BaseField : represents
Proposal ||--|{ ProposalVersion : has
ProposalVersion ||--|{ ProposalFieldValue : contains
ProposalFieldValue }o--|| ApplicationFormField : populates
Changemaker ||--o{ ExternalFieldValue : "is described by"
ExternalFieldValue }o--|| BaseField : "contains potential defaults for"
Source }|--o| Funder : "represents"
Source }|--o| Changemaker : "represents"
Source }|--o| DataProvider : "represents"
ProposalVersion }o--|| Source : "comes from"
ExternalFieldValue }o--|| Source : "comes from"
Proposal }o--|| User : "is created by"
ProposalVersion }o--|| User : "is created by"
BulkUpload }o--|| User : "is created by"
User }o--o{ Changemaker : "is granted permissions for"
User }o--o{ Funder : "is granted permissions for"
User }o--o{ DataProvider : "is granted permissions for"
Changemaker }o--o{ Changemaker : "may fiscally sponsor"
- An
submits aProposal
- A
is a response to anOpportunity
. AnOpportunity
represents a given challenge, RFP, etc. - An
establishes anApplication Form
. An application form is the set of fields that make up an application. AnOpportunity
might update itsApplication Form
over time, which is why anOpportunity
can have manyApplication Forms
. - An
Application Form
will define manyApplication Form Fields
. - An
Application Form Field
represents aBase Field
- A
can have more than oneProposal Version
. This occurs as a proposal is updated or revised. - A
Proposal Version
contains a set ofProposal Field Values
. These are the responses that were provided by theApplicant
. - A
Proposal Field Value
contains a response to a givenApplication Form Field
. Some fields might allow multiple responses, which is why we provide aposition
The thinking is that when a new proposal is being written, a Grant Management System could ask the PDC "is there any pre-populated data we should use for this changemaker?"
PDC would then:
- Collect the most recent ProposalFieldValues for each BaseField for that Applicant.
- Collect the most recent ExternalFieldValues for each BaseField for that Applicant.
It would use the ProposalFieldValue set as the primary source, and the ExternalFieldValue set as a secondary source.
actor Admin
participant API
participant Database
Admin ->>+ API : Here is a new application form
API ->>+ Database : Register any new base fields
Database ->>- API : OK!
API ->>+ Database : Register the new application form
Database ->>- API : OK!
API ->>- Admin : OK!
New Application Forms
will have to be externally defined; some day maybe we will make a user interface that generates an Application Form
definition, but for the short term this will be manually written JSON (or YAML, or something else highly structured). The form will define the full set of Application Form Fields
along with the id of the Base Field
to which the Application Form Fields
This might look something like this:
"fields": [
"name": "Applicant Name",
"type": "string",
"baseFieldId": 42,
"name": "Have you ever seen the Mona Lisa?",
"type": "boolean",
"baseFieldId": 43,
The PDC API would then ingest that new form document. It would first register any Base Fields
that did not already exist. It would then register the Application Form
and Application Form Fields
, with field-level associations to the Base Fields
The database does not differentiate between "core" and "custom" fields. Rather, there will be a set of Base Fields
that are used by varying numbers of Application Forms
. We will likely see that some Base Fields
are used more often than others, and some are only used by a single Application Form
. We might choose a subset of the Base Fields
to highlight in our documentation and might call those "core" fields; that decision is not directly relevant to the form.
participant GMS
participant API
participant Database
GMS ->>+ API : Get field values
API ->>+ Database : Get Applicant Field Values
Database ->>- API : Here they are
API ->>+ Database : Get External Field Values
Database ->>- API : Here they are
API ->>- GMS : Here they are
When an applicant begins to fills out a proposal, the Grant Management System would request all field values known for that Applicant
. Which values are returned could be based on business logic; it could be the complete set; it could be restricted to just the fields associated with a given application form -- these would be implementation details but the form would support any of them.
The API would use the Database to collect values associated with past applications (Application Field Values
); these have been directly entered by an applicant representative.
The API would use the Database to also collect values associated with external / independent sources (External Field Values
Which values are ultimately selected for prepopulation is an implementation detail. It could be that we decide that ALL distinct values should be returned, and the GMS should determine whether to render a "dropdown" the user could select from. It could be we decide that only the most recently updated values should be returned. It could be we decide that values associated with past proposals should override externally sourced values. Again, these would be implementation decisions but the form would support any of them.
participant GMS
participant API
participant Database
GMS ->>+ API : Save this completed Proposal
API ->>+ Database : Create a new Proposal
Database ->>- API : OK
API ->>+ Database : Save the Proposal Field Values
Database ->>- API : OK
API ->>- GMS : OK
The above flow is based on an assumption that we know this is the first time the applicant had submitted a proposal / it is not an update to an existing proposal.
The API would create a new Proposal, a new Proposal Version, and then it would store one Proposal Field Value
per Base Field
. Those field values would then be incorporated in future lookups according to the "Pre-filling an Proposal" logic.
The API might then send alerts to other GMSs depending on business logic, but that is an implementation detail and outside of the scope of this particular example.