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Releases: PhpGt/Http

Stable release

19 Jun 19:41
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PSR-7 is a far reaching set of interfaces, but their implementation within this repository has been satisfactory for PHP.Gt development for a number of months, so a stable release is being made to allow for PHP.Gt/WebEngine v3 release.

Stream improvements

10 Jun 14:41
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Stream improvements Pre-release

Functionality has been slightly modified after introducing unit tests for working with Streams in the following ways:

  • String representation of Stream objects
  • Detaching a stream's resource object mid-use
  • Tell, Eof, Seek methods
  • Writing to Streams sequentially
  • Accessing Stream metadata
  • Getting stream contents in one operation


27 Jan 12:47
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ServerRequest Pre-release

The ServerRequest object has the most functionality as it represents the main object in use in a server-side Http library. This release marks the commit where the ServerRequest object has reached 100% test coverage. There have been many tweaks to achieve this along the way, and a few bugs found too.

Still to test are three objects: Message, Stream and UriResolver.

Request/Response objects

27 Jan 12:45
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The Request and Response objects are arguably the most important in this repository. They contain references to many other objects within the repository and in the process of fully unit testing them, have reached 100% coverage on the Header, Uri and ParameterType objects.

Unit tests and fixes

27 Jan 12:43
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Unit tests and fixes Pre-release

This release consists mainly of unit tests. The intention is to get the codebase to 100% test coverage before the v3 WebEngine release is considered stable.

There are no new features planned to be implemented in this repository before v1 release, but the process of chasing 100% coverage always finds missing functionality or bugs.

Fetch/Curl usage

27 Oct 16:04
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Fetch/Curl usage Pre-release

Enough of the Interfaces are implemented now to use Fetch/Curl classes that require the PSR-7 interfaces. There are still many functions to implement, which is why this release is considered a patch, rather than minor version, even though there is a lot of new functionality introduced.

Test bed

14 Dec 23:19
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Test bed Pre-release

Build process set up

  • PHPUnit
  • CircleCI 2.0
  • Scrutinizer

Bare bones

28 Nov 23:15
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Bare bones Pre-release

This first pre-release marks just enough functionality to implement the rest of the WebEngine.