We appreciate and welcome all contributions!
- Pull Requests (PRs): Each PR should clearly describe what the feature does and the reason for the change.
- Documentation: Include relevant documentation that explains how the new feature or change works.
- Code Quality: Ensure that the code is generic, reusable, and adheres to common coding standards.
Follow these steps to contribute to the project:
- Fork the Repository: Start by forking the project repository to your GitHub account. Click here to fork: platformos-check-vscode fork.
- Create a Feature Branch: Create a branch for your new feature:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit Changes: Commit your changes to your branch:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to GitHub: Push your changes to your GitHub repository:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a Pull Request: Go to the original project repository and submit a pull request from your feature branch.
For specific development guidelines, refer to the contributing guide for the liquid-tm-grammar, which includes additional details on setting up your development environment.
To package your changes into an installable VSIX file for VS Code, follow these steps:
Build the Extension:
npm run build
Run this command every time you make changes to ensure that your changes are included in the build.
Package the Extension:
vsce pack --out pos-vscode.vsix
This command creates a
file that you can install in VS Code or distribute to others.