Module implements fake payment gateway. It does not process any money. It should be used for testing purpose. You can simulate success or failed payment.
Name of the gateway: example_gateway
pos-cli modules install payments_example_gateway
After you install module you can use payments
module with example_gateway
gateway type.
Code examples
{% liquid
if context.params.example_pay
assign ids = '["1", "2"]' | parse_json
assign object = null | hash_merge: gateway: 'example_gateway', payable_ids: ids, amount_cents: 1001, currency: 'USD'
function object = 'modules/payments/commands/transactions/create', object: object
log object, type: 'object'
assign gateway_params = null | hash_merge: success_url: '/success', cancel_url: '/failed'
function url = 'modules/payments/helpers/pay_url', transaction: object, gateway_params: gateway_params
log url, type: 'url'
redirect_to url, status: 303
<form action="/debug?example_pay=1" method="GET">
<input type='hidden' name="example_pay" value="1">
<button type="submit" id="checkout-button">Checkout</button>
- do the page that similate external api
- do the requests to external api and store those requests in gateway requests
git fetch origin --tags
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