Ridgeside Village has a bunch of extra features that other mods can utilize for their own mods as long as Ridgeside Village is installed.
List of features
- Showing Images with Tile Action
- Adding new Trash Cans
- Editing the Ridgeside World Map
- Wedding Reception / Anniversary Picture
- New Event Precondition
- New Event Commands
- Create an Object Tile in the Buildings Layer in Tiled
- Add a string custom property
- Input this property: "Action | ShowImage "gamepath" [scale (float)] [string ID]"
- Create an Object Tile in the Buildings Layer in Tiled
- Add a string custom property
- Input this property: "Action | RSV.TrashCan [ID]"
- ID can be a string, just no spaces
Use content patcher to EditData the filepath: "RSV/TrashCanData"
- Format is "ID": "weight itemID amount/weight itemID amount"
- itemID -1 for nothing
- Math: Item Weight/Summation of all Weight = Probability Chance of item.
"LogName": "Edit Trash Can Data",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "RSV/TrashCanData",
"Entries": {
"ID" : "65 -1 0/10 72 2/30 770 5",
You can edit the RSVworld maps by patching; "Assets/LooseSprites/RSVMap.png" for the village map and/or "Assets/LooseSprites/RSVWorldMap.png" for the RSV world map.
Mod authors can add their own NPC's wedding reception image with the simple CP patch
"Action": "EditImage",
"Target": "Maps/z_RSVspousePic",
"FromFile": "assets/Abigail.png", //Your spouse's picture! It should be 144x112 pixels w/ transparent background(If you want to use the default background)
"When": {
"Query: '{{Spouse}}' = 'Abigail'": true //Change spouse name to the name of your NPC
"Update": "OnLocationChange, OnTimeChange",
They can edit existing images as well using the same patch.
New event precondition: rsvRidingHorse
- Usage example: "75160321/rsvRidingHorse/t 900 1200": "sweet/120 50/farmer 120 50 2/skippable/pause 1000/end"
- Will trigger an event only if the player is riding their mount
- RSVAddSO: Adds a special order ID
- RSVShowImage: Shows an image in the screen