diff --git a/charts/posthog/ALL_VALUES.md b/charts/posthog/ALL_VALUES.md index e97890fe8..34b6e9709 100644 --- a/charts/posthog/ALL_VALUES.md +++ b/charts/posthog/ALL_VALUES.md @@ -92,6 +92,15 @@ The following table lists the configurable parameters of the PostHog chart and t | email.use_ssl | string | `nil` | SMTP SSL for security | | email.existingSecret | string | `nil` | SMTP password from an existing secret. When defined the `password` field is ignored | | email.existingSecretKey | string | `nil` | Key to get from the `email.existingSecret` secret | +| saml.enforced | bool | `false` | Whether password-based login is disabled and users automatically redirected to SAML login. Requires SAML to be properly configured. | +| saml.disabled | bool | `false` | Whether SAML should be completely disabled. If set at build time, this will also prevent SAML dependencies from being installed. | +| saml.entity_id | string | `nil` | Entity ID from your SAML IdP. entity_id: "id-from-idp-5f9d4e-47ca-5080" | +| saml.acs_url | string | `nil` | Assertion Consumer Service URL from your SAML IdP. acs_url: "https://mysamlidp.com/saml2" | +| saml.x509_cert | string | `nil` | Public X509 certificate from your SAML IdP to validate SAML assertions x509_cert: | MIID3DCCAsSgAwIBAgIUdriHo8qmAU1I0gxsI7cFZHmna38wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF BQAwRTEQMA4GA1UECgwHUG9zdEhvZzEVMBMGA1UECwwMT25lTG9naW4gSWRQMRow GAYDVQQDDBFPbmVMb2dpbiBBY2NvdW50IDAeFw0yMTA4MTYyMTUyMzNaFw0yNjA4 MTYyMTUyMzNaMEUxEDAOBgNVBAoMB1Bvc3RIb2cxFTATBgNVBAsMDE9uZUxvZ2lu IElkUDEaMBgGA1UEAwwRT25lTG9naW4gQWNjb3VudCAwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDEfUWFIU38ztF2EgijVsIbnlB8OIwkjZU8c34B9VwZ BQQUSxbrkuT9AX/5O27G04TBCHFZsXRId+ABSjVo8daCPu0d38Quo9KS3V3627Nw YcTYsje95lB02E/PgfiEQ6ZGCOV0P4xY9C99d26PoYTcoMT1S73jDDMOFtoD5WXG ZsKqwBks1jbLkv6RYoFBlZX00aGzOXDzUXI59/0c15KR4EzgTad0t6CU7X0HZ2Qf xGUiRb7hDLvgSby0SzpQpYUyYDnN9aSNYzpu1hiyIqrhQ7kZNy7LyGBz0UIuIImF pF6A3bzzrR4wdacFY9U0vmqFXXcepxuT5p2UyAxwbLeDAgMBAAGjgcMwgcAwDAYD VR0TAQH/BAIwADAdBgNVHQ4EFgQURLVVKanZPoXGEfYr1HmlaCEoD54wgYAGA1Ud IwR5MHeAFES1VSmp2T6FxhH2K9R5pWghKA+eoUmkRzBFMRAwDgYDVQQKDAdQb3N0 SG9nMRUwEwYDVQQLDAxPbmVMb2dpbiBJZFAxGjAYBgNVBAMMEU9uZUxvZ2luIEFj Y291bnQgghR2uIejyqYBTUjSDGwjtwVkeadrfzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCB4AwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBALP5lhlcV8avbnVnqO7PBtlS2mVOJ2B7obm50OaJCbRh t0I/dcNssWhT31/zmtNfKtrFicNImlKhdirApxpIp1WLEFY01a40GLmO6FG/WVvB EzwXonWP+cP8jYQnqZ15JkuHjP3DYJuOak2GqAJAfaGO67q6IkRZzRq6UwEUgNJD TlcsJAFaJDrcw07TY3mRFragdzGC7Xt/CM6r/0seY3+VBwMUMiJlvawcyQxap7om EdgmQkJA8Dk6f+geI+U7jV3orkPiofBJi9K6cp5Fd9usut8jwi3GYg2wExNGbhF4 wlMD1LOhymQGBnTXPk+000nkBnYdqEnqXzVpDiCG1Pc= | +| saml.attr_permanent_id | string | `nil` | Name of attribute that contains the permanent ID of the user in SAML assertions. attr_permanent_id: "nameID" | +| saml.attr_first_name | string | `nil` | Name of attribute that contains the first name of the user in SAML assertions. attr_first_name: "firstName" | +| saml.attr_last_name | string | `nil` | Name of attribute that contains the last name of the user in SAML assertions. attr_last_name: "lastName" | +| saml.attr_email | string | `nil` | Name of attribute that contains the email of the user in SAML assertions. attr_email: "email" | | service | object | `{"annotations":{},"externalPort":8000,"internalPort":8000,"name":"posthog","type":"NodePort"}` | Name of the service and what port to expose on the pod. Don't change these unless you know what you're doing | | certManager.enabled | bool | `false` | Whether to install cert-manager. Validates certs for nginx ingress | | ingress.enabled | bool | `true` | Enable ingress controller resource |