A list of Modpack tool mods for 1.12.x forge.
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Name | Known Incompatibilities | Description | Author | Client/Server | Wiki | Label | License |
AssetMover | Unknown | Downloading Minecraft assets, CurseForge mods and jars from specified URLs. | CleanroomMC, Rongmario | Both | none | none | LGPL-3.0 |
Bad Mobs | Unknown | his mod allows you to remove mobs from the natural mob spawning list. Simply open the config file and add the IDs for the mob you want to remove. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Kinda | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Bansōkō [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher | Unknown | a simple coremod that streamlines patching of mods. | Rongmario | Both | Kinda | none | All Rights Reserved |
BiomeTweaker | Unknown | BiomeTweaker allows nearly every aspect of a biome to be changed. | superckl | Both | Yes | none | Custom |
Block Tweaker | Unknown | Block Tweaker is a mod that allows you to tweak various properties for just about any block, modded or vanilla. | EwyBoy | Both | none | none | MIT |
Caliper | Unknown | Caliper provides a collection of tools that can be used for profiling and testing mods and modpacks. | DarkhaxDev | Client | none | none | LGPL-2.1 |
CraftTweaker CraftTweaker Addons Page |
Unknown | Allows modpacks and servers to customize the game. With CraftTweaker you can change recipes, script events, add new commands and even change item properties! When used with other mods the possibilities become endless. Ranging from custom machine recipes to entirely new blocks and items! | Jaredlll08 | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
Damage Control | Unknown | This mod allows you to modify the way the vanilla game handles health and damage. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Kinda | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Default Options | Unknown | A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to include an options.txt file. Also allows local options from any mod .cfg file. | BlayTheNinth | Client | Yes | none | All Rights Reserved |
Despawning Spawners | Unknown | Despawning Spawners allows you to automatically destroy spawners when it reaches X amount of spawns. (50 by default). The only config available is the amount of spawns a spawner can do. | Buuz135 | Both | none | none | MIT |
Dimensional Control | Unknown | Tired of your worlds all being the same? The same boring dimensions over and over again? Dimensional Control is a tool created by the team at Blood N Bones Gaming in an attempt to give modpack makers more control over the overworld as well as the ability to create their own customized dimensions. | bloodnbonesgaming, superckl, Blargerist | Both | Yes | none | All Rights Reserved |
FTB Quests Importer | Unknown | Just use one simple command to convert Better Questing quest, loot and even player data into the FTB Quests format | MaxNeedsSnacks | Client | Kinda | none | MIT |
Game Stages Game Stages Addons Page |
Unknown | This mod provides a framework for creating progression systems in modpacks. These progression systems are based on stages which are player specific flags used to track their progress. Using other mods and addons you can configure the game to react differently to a player depending on the stages they have unlocked. While the term stage may imply a linear progression they can be used for virtually all types of progression systems. Some common examples of this include using stages for RPG classes and skills, Pack modes (expert, hardcore, easy), and branching quests. | DarkhaxDev | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-2.1 |
GroovyScript | Unknown | A scripting / tweaking mod that allows you to alter various game mechanics without having to set up a mod. | CleanroomMC, Rongmario, brachy84 | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-3.0 |
Hardcore Map Reset | Unknown | Are you a modpack developer? Do you include a map in your modpack? Does this map sometimes need to be re installed by the user? | modmuss50 | Client | Kinda | none | WTFPL-2.0 |
Knob Control | Unknown | Knob Control Lets you the Modpack maker decide what you want to change and how you want to change it. You are able to do many thing from Turn instant death on/off from not eating to Controlling mob spawn light levels. | Kashdeya, GenDeathrow | Both | Kinda | none | All Rights Reserved |
It's the little things | Unknown | It's the little things that make all the difference, the finishing touches to your modpack. | Zlepper, Paint_Ninja | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
KubeJS KubeJS Addons Page |
Unknown | This mod lets you create scripts in JavaScript language to manage your server, add new blocks and items, change recipes and tags, add custom handlers for quest mods, change worldgen and more! | LatvianModder | Both | Yes | none | LGPL-3.0 |
Loading Screens | Unknown | Loading screens. They're boring. They're covered in dirt. This is how it has always been. Not anymore! Spruce up your loading screens with text and textures! It really brings a modpack together. | bloodnbonesgaming, Blargerist | Client | none | none | All Rights Reserved |
LoadingTips | Unknown | Loading tips is a mod that allows you as a pack maker to add tips to loading screen. You can also load the tips from an online json file, this allows you to add extra tips without needing to update the pack. | modmuss50 | Client | none | none | MIT |
Main Menu Scale | Unknown | This mod forces the main menu to have a constant gui scale. The mod does not touch other guis, so you can still change the gui scale. This is useful when using mods such as custom main menu, as it allows the layout to appear the same on all screens. | modmuss50 | Client | none | none | All Rights Reserved |
MiscTweaks_ | Unknown | MiscTweaks allows you to modify certain aspects of Vanilla. | CoolSquid | Both | none | none | Unlicense |
Mob Spawner Control | Unknown | This mod provides ways to configure mob spawners, to discourage their use in mob farms or to incentivize players to seek and destroy them. | PyrofabTheModsmith | Both | Kinda | none | GPL-2.0 |
ModDirector | Unknown | This mod automatically downloads and loads other mods before the game itself starts. | RealHansWasser, janrupf | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
MPUtils | Unknown | This mod brings useful tools to Mod Pack Developers. | GenDeathrow | Both | Yes | none | All Rights Reserved |
MPUtils Basic Tools | Unknown | This mod will add new features to make your life easier, by informing players of changes with the in-game change log, and directing players to your correct issue tracker | GenDeathrow | Both | none | none | All Rights Reserved |
My Server Is Compatible | Unknown | Sometimes when you make a server Forge shows an "Incompatible FML modded server" message even if you're still able to join the server. So I made this Client-Side mod, which completely disables these messages. | Focamacho | Client | none | none | MIT |
Mystical Creations | Unknown | Using it you can create Custom Seeds for your modpack. It generates for you the seed, crop, essence and mob chunks. It doesn't add any recipes, so you'll need to use CraftTweaker for that. | Focamacho | Both | Config File | none | MIT |
OldJavaWarning | Unknown | This mod is intended to be used by Mod Packs. If a user tries to launch the game with an outdated version of Java they will be given a warning. | DarkhaxDev | Client | none | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Ore Tweaker | Unknown | Ore Tweaker is a super lightweight utility mod that allows you to customize and tweak the underground generation in Minecraft. | EwyBoy | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
Prestige | Unknown | This mod adds several commands which can be integrated into the quests, advancements or ran by command blocks. These commands are used to award a player "Prestige Points". These points can then be used by the player to unlock rewards that you define. Players have the ability to access the prestige reward shop when they start a new world with enough points to buy something. Alternatively you can use a command to open the GUI at pre-determined progression points. | Jaredlll08, DarkhaxDev | Both | Kinda | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Resource Reloader | Unknown | Hate waiting eons while F3+T reloads all resources when you need to test a single texture or language changes? Well then, this mod is for you! | LatvianModder | Both | Kinda | none | MIT |
Seed Drop | Unknown | Seed Drop is a super lightweight utility mod that allows you to customize the drops from grass in vanilla Minecraft. | EwyBoy | Both | Kinda | none | MIT |
ServerLevelType | Unknown | On the server it force sets the level-type in the server properties file each time the game starts. This is good for mod pack creators who need a custom level type to be set on the server. | modmuss50 | Server | none | none | MIT |
Splash Logo Color Fix | Unknown | This is a very simple mod that fixes the color of the mojang logo when a background is applied to forge's spash screen. | modmuss50 | Client | none | none | All Rights Reserved |
Tips | Unknown | This mod will display useful tips on certain game screens such as the world loading screen. The tip shown will be cycled out every five seconds. The pool of tips can be expanded by resource packs, other mods, and even modpacks. | DarkhaxDev | Client | Yes | none | LGPL-2.1 |
Together Forever | Unknown | Together Forever is a Team API that allows you to sync stuff like advancements or gamestages between the players of your team. By default Advancement Syncing and GameStages Syncing is enabled. | Buuz135 | Both | Kinda | none | MIT |
Topography | Unknown | Topography is a mod designed to allow modpack developers the ability to create custom defined dimensions for their modpacks using a scripting system. Custom terrain generators, skyboxes, spawn structures, world presets and more are available. | bloodnbonesgaming, superckl, Blargerist | Both | Config | none | All Rights Reserved |
Triumph | Unknown | Tired of the same old advancements every time you play Minecraft? Triumph is a tool for modpack creators that allows you to create your own unique advancement trees in place of Vanilla's. | bloodnbonesgaming, superckl, Blargerist | Both | Yes | none | All Rights Reserved |
Villager Trade Tables | Unknown | This mod allows you to create new villager professions and careers, and add or remove trades, using JSON files. The mod comes with several new trades and a few new villagers to help get you started. | crazysnailboy | Both | Yes | none | MIT |
World Stripper | Unknown | World Stripper is a utility mod that allows you to strip away the terrain to view the underground world generation. | EwyBoy | Both | Kinda | none | MIT |