type date = { month: string, day: int, year: int };; (* fields are accessible by name *)
let today = { day = 16; year = 2017; month = "f"^"eb" };;
today.day;; (* fields accessible by dot notation *)
let { day = d } = today;; (* fields accessible by pattern matching (d has the value 16) *)
type coin = Heads | Tails;; (* coin is basically an enum with two options *)
type mylist = int * (int list);; (* mylist is a tuple of an int and an int list *)
let add x ((n, xs) : mylist) : mylist = (n+1, x::xs);; (* type annotations indicate type should be mylist and not int * (int list) *)
type shape = Rect of float * float | Circle of float;;
let area s =
match s with
| Rect (w, l) -> w *. l (* custom data types are deconstructed with pattern matching *)
| Circle r -> r *. r *. 3.14
type 'a mylist = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a mylist;; (* recursive data type *)
let lst = (Cons (10, Cons (20, Cons (30, Nil))));; (* instantiating a mylist *)
checks if both operands are equal structurally
checks if operands are not equal structurally
checks if operands are equal physically
checks if operands are not equal physically
let z = 3;; (* z is immutably bound to the value 3 *)
let x = ref z;;
let y = x;; (* x, y both point to the area of memory holding 3 *)
x := 4;; (* modifying x does not change z since it is immutable *)
!y;; (* modifying x does change y since they both point to the same area of memory *)
let f =
let y = ref 0 in (* y is repeatedly incremented by the argument z *)
fun z -> y := !y + z; !y
let g = f ();; (* g now equals fun z -> y := !y + z; !y *)
g 1;;
g 1;; (* returns 2 since enclosed y is incremented by 1 *)
type 'a rlist = Nil | Cons of 'a * ('a rlist ref);; (* refs enable cyclical data structures like rlist *)
let newcell x y = Cons(x, ref y);;
let updnext (Cons (_, r)) y = r := y;;
let x = newcell 1 Nil;; (* creates an rlist where the next pointer points to Nil *)
updnext x x;; (* changes the next pointer to point back to the rlist itself *)
x == x;; (* physical equality check evaluates to true now *)
x = x;; (* structural equality check hangs since data type is recursive*)
type point = { x:int; y:int; mutable c:string };; (* point is a record where c can be changed *)
let p = { x=0; y=0; c="red" };;
p.c <- "white";; (* modifying the c field *)
p.x <- 3;; (* error, cannot modify non-mutable field *)
let v = [|0.; 1.|];; (* declares a float array *)
v.(0) <- 5.;; (* array is now [|5.; 1.|] *)
let rec sumlist l =
match l with
| [] -> 0
| (x::xs) -> (sumlist xs) + x (* not tail recursive since x needed from this frame *)
let sumlist l =
let rec helper l a =
match l with
| [] -> a
| (x::xs) -> (helper xs (a + x)) in (* tail recursive since accumulator involved *)
helper l 0 (* each stack frame is now independent and doesn't rely on previous frames *)