Added a diagnostic plot of Training loss vs Epoch
Added a diagnostic plot of Training loss vs Epoch
Corrected the error terms
Corrected the error terms
Corrections in Apple_prediciton.ipynb and Apple.ipynb
Corrections in Apple_prediciton.ipynb and Apple.ipynb
Shifted commands from Apple.ipynb to Apple_prediction.ipynb
Shifted commands from Apple.ipynb to Apple_prediction.ipynb
Structural repository changes
Structural repository changes
Created a requirements.txt file
Created a requirements.txt file
renamed ipynb
renamed ipynb
Minor plot corrections
Minor plot corrections
Made the final prediction, plotted the graph for visualization and ca…
Made the final prediction, plotted the graph for visualization and ca…
Deletedprediction rows and created a new prediction file for efficien…
Deletedprediction rows and created a new prediction file for efficien…
Predictions and plotting done
Predictions and plotting done
Stock prediction for test dataset done. Evaluation and plotting remai…
Stock prediction for test dataset done. Evaluation and plotting remai…
Saved the model as pkl file for later use if necessary
Saved the model as pkl file for later use if necessary
Created training and testing datasets and trained the model to the tr…
Created training and testing datasets and trained the model to the tr…
Defined the neural network architecture
Defined the neural network architecture
Converted the 1-D data of opening prices into a 2-D matrix with sampl…
Converted the 1-D data of opening prices into a 2-D matrix with sampl…
Added another graph showing the stock price change
Added another graph showing the stock price change
First commit to README
First commit to README
Added a readme file
Added a readme file
Normalized the data using the minmax scaler
Normalized the data using the minmax scaler