A minimal blog theme built for Hugo 🍜
- An about page 👋🏻 and a blog 📝
- Blog posts can be tagged 🏷
- Mathematical notations are supported with KaTex 📐
- Sass/SCSS for styling ✨
- Support for Google Analytics 📈 and Disqus 💬
Hugo extended version (for Sass/SCSS support).
For macOS users, the extended version is installed by default if you use homebrew
For Windows users, you can install with choco
choco install hugo-extended -confirm
At the root of your Hugo project, run:
git submodule add https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex.git themes/hugo-theme-codex
Next, copy the contents of the exampleSite/config.toml
to your site's config.toml
. Make sure to read all the comments, as there a few nuances with Hugo themes that require some changes to that file.
The most important change you will need to make to the config.toml
is removing this line:
themesDir = "../../"
It only exists in the example site so that the demo can function properly.
Finally, run:
hugo server -D
Note: If you are seeing a blank page it is probably because you have nothing in your content/
directory. Read on to fix that.
The site's home page can be configured by creating a content/_index.md
file. This file can use the following frontmatter:
heading: "Hi, I'm Codex"
subheading: "A minimal blog theme for hugo."
handle: "hugo-theme-codex"
If you would rather override the about page's layout with your own, you can do so by creating a layouts/index.html
. You can find the index.html
file that hugo-theme-codex
uses here.
Social Icons are optional. To show any of these icons, just provide the value in the [params]
section of config.toml
# config.toml
twitter = "https://twitter.com/GoHugoIO"
github = "https://github.com/jakewies/hugo-theme-codex"
# ...
iconTitles = ["Twitter", "GitHub"]
If any of these options are given, hugo-theme-codex
will render the social icon in the footer, using the order specified in iconTitles
See the contents of the example site for more details.
You can also create additional social icons by:
- Adding your own SVGs in
, for examplestatic/svg/reddit.svg
. - Modifying your site's config as follows:
[params] # ... reddit = "<url to your reddit>" iconTitles = ["Reddit"]
Make sure that the icon title must match the icon's file name. If the title contains more than one word, say "My Awesome Site",
you can use dash "-" for the icon name: my-awesome-site.svg
You can create a new blog post page by going to the root of your project and typing:
hugo new blog/:blog-post.md
Where :blog-post.md
is the name of the file of your new post.
This will execute the theme's blog
archetype to create a new markdown file in contents/blog/:blog-post.md
with the following frontmatter:
# Default post frontmatter:
# The title of your post. Default value is generated
# From the markdown filename
title: "{{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}"
# The date the post was created
date: {{ .Date }}
# The post filename
slug: ""
# Post description used for seo
description: ""
# Post keywords used for seo
keywords: []
# If true, the blog post will not be included in static build
draft: true
# Categorize your post with tags
tags: []
# Uses math typesetting
math: false
# Includes a table of contents on screens >1024px
toc: false
The frontmatter above is the default for a new post, but all values can be changed.
In your site's config.toml
, add a new menu definition for say, "photos":
# config.toml
identifier = "photos"
name = "photos"
title = "Photos"
url = "/photos"
Then, put your posts under "content/photos".
In your site's folder, create assets/scss/custom.scss
and put your custom styling there. For example, the snippet below
changes the dot's color on your About page to blue:
// custom.scss
.fancy {
color: #1e88e5;
You can even use Hugo variables/params in your custom styles too!
// custom.scss
.fancy {
color: {{ .Site.Params.colors.fancy | default "#1e88e5" }}
# config.toml
fancy = "#f06292"
Right now hugo-theme-codex
uses the tags
taxonomy for blog posts. You can view all the blog posts of a given tag by going to /tags/:tag-name
, where :tag-name
is the name of your tag.
To update favicon of the site, replace the one in static/favicon.ico
with your own.
Check out the CONTRIBUTORS.md file for more info on how you can contribute!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Jake Wiesler 💻 🎨 📖 |
Chuxin Huang 📖 💻 🎨 |
Kent 💻 📖 🎨 |
Arushi Somani 📖 |
Xavier Valls 📖 💻 🎨 |
Pyvain 💻 📖 |
Justin Lebar 💻 |
Aareet Shermon 🎨 |
dgnicholson 🎨 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!