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Releases: ProjectEvergreen/greenwood


02 Nov 18:31
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The v0.30.0 release is here! Please check out our blog post to learn about some of the new features now available.


  1. Isolation Mode
  2. Lit v3 Upgrade and SSR Enhancements
  3. Single File Bundles (SFBs) for SSR pages and API routes - thanks @DevLab2425 🙌
  4. Upgrade Rollup (and friends) to 3.x - thanks @DevLab2425 🙌
  5. CSS and JSON import attributes
  6. support bundling of url properties (like for @font-face + src) during CSS file optimization
  7. Layouts (Templates) and Pages
  8. support all CSS function pseudo classes / elements for CSS optimizing
  9. Sitemap Generation (static) (thanks @jstockdi 🙌 )
  10. improve naming for (nested) bundled SSR page and API route entry points to better reflect original file based routing name
  11. nested SSR pages (and API routes) are throwing a module not found error (needs additional patch for adapters)
  12. "real" production import attributes
  13. CSS optimization workflow parity during development
  14. attributes for frontmatter imports
  15. polyfill configurations for import maps and attributes
  16. improve init package scaffolding baseline starting point
  17. livereload not reloading on SVG (image) file changes consistently
  18. CSS Nesting Support
  19. HTML Web Components
  20. CSS Modules ™️ plugin
  21. Content as Data

Breaking Changes

Minimum NodeJS Version

The new minimum NodeJS version for Greenwood is now v18.20.0. Make sure to update your CI and hosting scripts accordingly.


The templates/ directory has now re-named to the layouts/ directory. This includes your frontmatter.

# before
# after

API Routes

API routes have now been nested under the pages/ directory to better emphasis the shared routing of file based routing for pages, as the URLs all end up in the same "namspace" anyway

# before
# after


Don't forget to update any references to any relative ESM imports in your API routes.

Custom Imports

This now means that using custom imports no longer requires the experimental flag, though a flag is still needed

# before
$ node --experimental-loader ./node_modules/@greenwood/cli/src/loader.js ./node_modules/.bin/greenwood <command>

# after
$ node --loader ./node_modules/@greenwood/cli/src/loader.js ./node_modules/.bin/greenwood <command>


We hope that before our 1.0 release this flag will not be required.

Active Frontmatter

The activeFrontmatter configuration setting has been renamed to activeContent and now enabled with it all the related Content as Data feature set. The old interpolateFrontmatter behavior is still there, and now additional frontmatter is has been exposed to users. The full list includes

  • id
  • route
  • title
  • label
  • data
  • tableOfContents (which is Array<Object{ label, route }>


Menus have been renamed / re-implemented as Collections and their usage for GraphQL users will need to be updated to adopt that convention.

In general, these will the steps you will need to take:

  1. Frontmatter
    <!-- before -->
    menu: navigation
    <!-- after -->
    collection: navigation
    order: 1
  2. MenuQuery will need to be renamed to CollectionQuery and you will pass a name instead of menu property
    // before
    import MenuQuery from '@greenwood/plugin-graphql/src/queries/menu.gql';
    const response = await client.query({
      query: MenuQuery,
      variables: {
        menu: 'navigation'
    const navigation = => item.item);
    // after
    import CollectionQuery from '@greenwood/plugin-graphql/src/queries/collection.gql';
    const response = await client.query({
      query: CollectionQuery,
      variables: {
        name: 'navigation'
    this.navigation =;

Polyfills (Import Maps / Import Attributes)

Import Maps

As Import Maps are now pretty widely supported by browser, their polyfilling has been disabled by default. To enable this for development (only), add this configuration to your greenwood.config.js

export default {
  polyfills: {
    importMaps: true

Import Attributes

As Import Attributes (CSS, JSON) are not widely supported across all browsers, an option has been added to greenwood.config.js if you want Greenwood to polyfill these behaviors (essentially inlining the modules contents as a default export.

export default {
  polyfills: {
    importAttributes: ['css', 'json'] // choose which ones you want polyfilled

Import CSS / JSON Plugin deprecations

Now that loading CSS and JSON are web standards, the following plugins will no longer be recieving updates and will be deprecated as part of this release.

Import Raw

However, if you still need to load arbitrary content as an ES Module like the CSS plugin provided, there is now a general purpose plugin called plugin-import-raw which can provided this functionality, e.g.

/* my-component.css */
h1 {
  color: red;
import styles from './my-component.css?type=raw'`;

console.log(styles); // h1 { color: red; }


If you were using these plugins within something like WTR, you'll want to modify your customizations accordingly by making sure to pass the Sec-Fetch-Dest header. See this file for reference.

Lit Renderer Plugin

The Lit Renderer has a few breaking changes to be aware of

  1. You must use the getBody API (Custom Elements as Pages are not support with Lit)
  2. The compatible version of Lit is now v3
  3. You'll want to use isolation mode for your API routes (in particular when using greenwood serve as it is also the default for SSR pages)

See a working example here

Known Issues

  1. Import CSS / JSON plugins not showing as deprecated
  2. TypeScript plugin not working with servePage and additional options
  3. npx @greenwood/init failing when no custom directory provided




01 Nov 17:19
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v0.30.0-alpha.8 Pre-release


This release in the v0.30.0 line fixes a couple bugs related to Lit SSR support with import maps, and addressing some misleading prompts in the init scaffolding command.

In progress docs available here. Full release blog will come out with the final release.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. init scaffolding can give misleading / broken next steps instructions
  2. ensure Lit SSR hydration script loads after importmaps

Breaking Changes

N / A

Known Issues

N / A




20 Oct 01:24
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v0.30.0-alpha.7 Pre-release


This release in the v0.30.0 release introduces a robust set of "Content as Data" APIs for Greenwood, a CSS Modules ™️ plugin, support for HTML (Light DOM) Web Components, and added the ability for the init to create a directory.

In progress docs available here. Full release blog will come out with the final release.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. CSS Nesting Support
  2. add initial directory option for init scaffolding
  3. HTML Web Components
  4. CSS Modules ™️ plugin
  5. Content as Data

Breaking Changes

Active Frontmatter

The activeFrontmatter configuration setting has been renamed to activeContent and now enabled with it all the related Content as Data feature set. The old interpolateFrontmatter behavior is still there, and now additional frontmatter is has been exposed to users. The full list includes

  • id
  • route
  • title
  • label
  • data
  • tableOfContents (which is Array<Object{ label, route }>


Menus have been renamed / re-implemented as Collections and their usage for GraphQL users will need to be updated to adopt that convention.

In general, these will the steps you will need to take:

  1. Frontmatter
    <!-- before -->
    menu: navigation
    <!-- after -->
    collection: navigation
    order: 1
  2. MenuQuery will need to be renamed to CollectionQuery and you will pass a name instead of menu property
    // before
    import MenuQuery from '@greenwood/plugin-graphql/src/queries/menu.gql';
    const response = await client.query({
      query: MenuQuery,
      variables: {
        menu: 'navigation'
    const navigation = => item.item);
    // after
    import CollectionQuery from '@greenwood/plugin-graphql/src/queries/collection.gql';
    const response = await client.query({
      query: CollectionQuery,
      variables: {
        name: 'navigation'
    this.navigation =;

Known Issues

  1. init scaffolding can give misleading / broken next steps instructions
  2. ensure Lit SSR hydration script loads after importmaps




06 Sep 23:23
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v0.30.0-alpha.6 Pre-release


This release in the v0.30.0 release introduces a new configuration flag for enabling the polyfilling of import maps or import attributes, and refreshed the starting contents of the @greenwood/init scaffolding package.

In progress docs available here. Full release blog will come out with the final release.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. polyfill configurations for import maps and attributes
  2. improve init package scaffolding baseline starting point
  3. refine standard CSS plugin intercepting
  4. provide initialized compilation to custom loader script (and resource plugins)
  5. livereload not reloading on SVG (image) file changes consistently

Breaking Changes

Polyfills (Import Maps / Import Attributes)

Import Maps

As Import Maps are now pretty widely supported by browser, their polyfilling has been disabled by default. To enable this for development (only), add this configuration to your greenwood.config.js

export default {
  polyfills: {
    importMaps: true

Import Attributes

As Import Attributes (CSS, JSON) are not widely supported across all browsers, an option has been added to greenwood.config.js if you want Greenwood to polyfill these behaviors (essentially inlining the modules contents as a default export.

export default {
  polyfills: {
    importAttributes: ['css', 'json'] // choose which ones you want polyfilled

Known Issues

N / A




03 Aug 23:36
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v0.30.0-alpha.5 Pre-release


This release in the v0.30.0 release improves handling of CSS Modules (Constructable Stylesheets bundling), add support for providing attributes to frontmatter imports, and brings CSS optimization / bundling parity to the development workflow.

In progress docs available here. Full release blog will come out with the final release.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. real production import attributes
  2. CSS optimization workflow parity during development
  3. attributes for frontmatter imports

Breaking Changes

N / A

Known Issues

  1. Standard CSS bundling handling non CSS files
  2. Race condition with inline optimization and bundling Constructable Stylesheets




29 Jun 21:16
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v0.30.0-alpha.4 Pre-release


This release in the v0.30.0 release line resolves a number of bugs and backports.

In progress docs available here. Full release blog will come out with the final release.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. refine SPA local dev routing for HTML requests
  2. prerendering breaks optimization configuration with multi-line formatted <script> / <style> / <link> tags
  3. improve naming for (nested) bundled SSR page and API route entry points to better reflect original file based routing name](#1226)
  4. nested SSR pages (and API routes) are throwing a module not found error (needs additional patch for adapters)

Breaking Changes

N / A

Known Issues

N / A




22 Jun 21:07
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v0.30.0-alpha.3 Pre-release


This release in the v0.30.0 release line adds a number of new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

In progress docs available here. Full release blog will come out with the final release.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. Layouts (Templates) and Pages
  2. warnings emitted about undefined page level custom element tags when pre-rendering SSR pages
  3. duplicate HTML when using prerender and shared components used in both SSR pages and templates
  4. support all CSS function pseudo classes / elements for CSS optimizing
  5. Sitemap Generation (static) (thanks @jstockdi 🙌 )
  6. functions in CSS declarations (like CSS var) are being incorrectly optimized

Breaking Changes


The templates/ directory has now re-named to the layouts/ directory. This includes your frontmatter.

# before
# after

API Routes

API routes have now been nested under the pages/ directory to better emphasis the shared routing of file based routing for pages, as the URLs all end up in the same "namspace" anyway

# before
# after


Don't forget to update any references to any relative ESM imports in your API routes.

Known Issues

  1. SPA routing broken in local dev mode




23 May 00:44
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This patch release fixes a bug with bundling of script tags of type application/json from breaking the build.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. <script> tags of type application/json are breaking production builds

Breaking Changes


Known Issues

  1. Nested SSR pages not working for adapters


$ git diff v0.29.3 v0.29.4 --stat | grep -v "www"
 lerna.json                                                       | 2 +-
 packages/cli/package.json                                        | 2 +-
 packages/cli/src/lib/resource-utils.js                           | 3 ++-
 .../build.default.workspace-javascript-css.spec.js               | 9 ++++++++-
 .../build.default.workspace-javascript-css/src/pages/index.html  | 4 ++++
 packages/plugin-adapter-netlify/package.json                     | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-adapter-vercel/package.json                      | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-babel/package.json                               | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-google-analytics/package.json                    | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-graphql/package.json                             | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-import-commonjs/package.json                     | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-import-css/package.json                          | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-import-json/package.json                         | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-import-jsx/package.json                          | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-include-html/package.json                        | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-polyfills/package.json                           | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-postcss/package.json                             | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-renderer-lit/package.json                        | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-renderer-puppeteer/package.json                  | 4 ++--
 packages/plugin-typescript/package.json                          | 4 ++--
 20 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)


06 May 20:34
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v0.3.0-alpha.2 Pre-release


This release in the v0.30.0 release line adds support for native CSS and JSON imports within Greenwood and bundling of static assets referenced within CSS files.

In progress docs available here. Full release blog will come out with the final release.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. support resource plugin based transformations for standard module formats (ex: import JSON, CSS)
  2. support bundling of url properties (like for @font-face + src) during CSS file optimization

Breaking Changes

Minimum NodeJS Version

The new minimum NodeJS version for Greenwood is now v18.20.0. Make sure to update your CI and hosting scripts accordingly.

Custom Imports

This now means that using custom imports no longer requires the experimental flag, though a flag is still needed

# before
$ node --experimental-loader ./node_modules/@greenwood/cli/src/loader.js ./node_modules/.bin/greenwood <command>

# after
$ node --loader ./node_modules/@greenwood/cli/src/loader.js ./node_modules/.bin/greenwood <command>


We hope that before our 1.0 release this flag will not be required.

Import CSS / JSON deprecations

Now that loading CSS and JSON are web standards, the following plugins will no longer be recieving updates and will be deprecated as part of this release.

Import Raw

However, if you still need to load arbitrary content as an ES Module like the CSS plugin provided, there is now a general purpose plugin called plugin-import-raw which can provided this functionality, e.g.

/* my-component.css */
h1 {
  color: red;
import styles from './my-component.css?type=raw'`;

console.log(styles); // h1 { color: red; }


If you were using these plugins within something like WTR, you'll want to modify your customizations accordingly by making sure to pass the Sec-Fetch-Dest header. See this file for reference.

Known Issues

  1. nested assets from an optimized CSS file are breaking the build
  2. theme pack CSS not being handled as raw CSS


$ git diff v0.30.0-alpha.1 v0.30.0-alpha.2 --stat | grep -v "www"
 .eslintrc.cjs                                      |  23 +-
 .github/workflows/{ci-exp.yml => ci-loaders.yml}   |   4 +-
 .../{ci-win-exp.yml => ci-win-loaders.yml}         |   4 +-
 .gitignore                                         |   1 +
 .ls-lint.yml                                       |   1 +
 .nvmrc                                             |   2 +-
 greenwood.config.js                                |  11 +-
 lerna.json                                         |   2 +-
 package.json                                       |  16 +-
 packages/cli/package.json                          |   9 +-
 packages/cli/src/commands/build.js                 |   4 +
 packages/cli/src/config/rollup.config.js           |  75 +++-
 packages/cli/src/lib/resource-utils.js             |  11 +-
 packages/cli/src/lifecycles/bundle.js              |  25 +-
 packages/cli/src/lifecycles/prerender.js           |   4 +
 packages/cli/src/lifecycles/serve.js               |  36 ++
 packages/cli/src/loader.js                         |  49 ++-
 .../src/plugins/resource/plugin-node-modules.js    |   7 +-
 .../src/plugins/resource/plugin-standard-css.js    |  63 ++-
 .../src/plugins/resource/plugin-standard-json.js   |  18 +
 .../build.config-optimization-default.spec.js      |  63 ++-
 .../fixtures/expected.css                          |   4 +-
 .../src/images/link.png                            | Bin 0 -> 4777 bytes
 .../src/images/webcomponents.jpg                   | Bin 0 -> 8143 bytes
 .../src/pages/index.html                           |   9 +
 .../src/styles/main.css                            |   1 +
 .../src/system/variables.css                       |   6 +-
 .../theme-pack-context-plugin.js                   |  13 +-
 .../develop.plugins.context/greenwood.config.js    |   4 +-
 .../loaders-build.import-attributes.spec.js        |  77 ++++
 .../src/components/card/card.css                   |   3 +
 .../src/components/card/card.js                    |  27 ++
 .../src/components/card/card.json                  |   5 +
 .../src/pages/index.html                           |  11 +
 .../greenwood.config.js                            |   3 +
 ...aders-build.prerender-import-attributes.spec.js |  97 +++++
 .../package.json                                   |   3 +
 .../src/components/hero/hero.css                   |  18 +
 .../src/components/hero/hero.js                    |  40 ++
 .../src/components/hero/hero.json                  |   3 +
 .../src/index.html                                 |  12 +
 .../loaders-develop.ssr-import-attributes.spec.js  | 186 +++++++++
 .../src/api/fragment.js                            |  17 +
 .../src/components/card/card.css                   |   3 +
 .../src/components/card/card.js                    |  27 ++
 .../src/components/card/card.json                  |   5 +
 .../src/pages/greeting.js                          |  10 +
 ...ers-serve.default.ssr-import-attributes.spec.js | 167 ++++++++
 .../src/api/fragment.js                            |  17 +
 .../src/components/card/card.css                   |   3 +
 .../src/components/card/card.js                    |  27 ++
 .../src/components/card/card.json                  |   5 +
 .../src/pages/greeting.js                          |  10 +
 .../serve.config.base-path.spec.js                 |   4 +-
 .../src/images/webcomponents.jpg                   | Bin 0 -> 8143 bytes
 .../serve.config.base-path/src/styles/main.css     |   1 +
 packages/init/package.json                         |   2 +-
 packages/plugin-adapter-netlify/package.json       |   4 +-
 packages/plugin-adapter-vercel/package.json        |   4 +-
 packages/plugin-babel/package.json                 |   4 +-
 packages/plugin-babel/src/index.js                 |   4 +-
 packages/plugin-google-analytics/package.json      |   4 +-
 packages/plugin-graphql/                  |   4 +-
 packages/plugin-graphql/package.json               |   4 +-
 .../greenwood.config.js                            |   0
 .../loaders-prerender.query-children.spec.js}      |   0
 .../package.json                                   |   0
 .../src/components/posts-list.js                   |   2 +-
 .../src/pages/blog/first-post/             |   0
 .../src/pages/blog/second-post/            |   0
 .../src/pages/index.html                           |   0
 packages/plugin-import-commonjs/package.json       |   4 +-
 packages/plugin-import-css/               |   2 +
 packages/plugin-import-css/package.json            |   8 +-
 .../test/cases/default/default.spec.js             |   2 +-
 .../cases/develop.default/develop.default.spec.js  |   2 +-
 .../exp-build.prerender.spec.js                    |   2 +-
 .../test/cases/exp-serve.ssr/exp-serve.ssr.spec.js |   2 +-
 packages/plugin-import-json/              |   2 +
 packages/plugin-import-json/package.json           |   8 +-
 .../test/cases/default/default.spec.js             |   2 +-
 .../cases/develop.default/develop.default.spec.js  |   2 +-
 .../exp-build.prerender.spec.js                    |   2 +-
 .../test/cases/exp-serve.ssr/exp-serve.ssr.spec.js |   2 +-
 packages/plugin-import-jsx/               |  11 +-
 packages/plugin-import-jsx/package.json            |   6 +-
 packages/plugin-import-jsx/src/index.js            |   7 +-
 .../test/cases/default/src/templates/app.html      |   2 +-
 .../greenwood.config.js                            |   0
 .../loaders-build.prerender.spec.js}               |   3 +-
 .../package.json                                   |   0
 .../src/components/footer.jsx                      |   0
 .../test/cases/loaders-build.prerender/src/main.js |   1 +
 .../src/pages/                             |   0
 .../src/templates/app.html                         |   2 +-
 packages/plugin-import-raw/               |  63 +++
 packages/plugin-import-raw/package.json            |  31 ++
 packages/plugin-import-raw/src/index.js            |  67 +++
 .../cases/build.matchers/build.matchers.spec.js    |  84 ++++
 .../test/cases/build.matchers/greenwood.config.js  |  12 +
 .../test/cases/build.matchers/src/main.js          |   3 +
 .../test/cases/build.matchers/src/pages/index.html |  12 +
 .../test/cases/default/default.spec.js             |  83 ++++
 .../test/cases/default/greenwood.config.js         |   8 +
 .../test/cases/default/src/main.js                 |   3 +
 .../test/cases/default/src/pages/index.html        |  12 +
 .../test/cases/default/src/styles.css        ...
Read more


04 May 13:24
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This patch release fixes a bug with nested SSR pages not loading correctly.

If using Yarn, you can can upgrade all your Greenwood packages at once

$ yarn upgrade --scope @greenwood --latest


  1. nested SSR pages throwing a module not found error

Breaking Changes


Known Issues

  1. Nested SSR pages not working for adapters


$ git diff v0.29.2 v0.29.3 --stat | grep -v "www"
 lerna.json                                         |  2 +-
 package.json                                       |  2 +-
 packages/cli/package.json                          |  2 +-
 packages/cli/src/config/rollup.config.js           | 29 +++++--
 packages/cli/src/lifecycles/bundle.js              | 15 +++-
 packages/cli/src/lifecycles/graph.js               |  2 +
 packages/cli/src/lifecycles/serve.js               |  2 +-
 .../src/plugins/resource/plugin-standard-html.js   |  2 +-
 .../theme-pack-context-plugin.js                   | 13 +---
 .../develop.plugins.context/greenwood.config.js    |  4 +-
 .../cli/test/cases/develop.ssr/develop.ssr.spec.js | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 .../cases/develop.ssr/src/pages/blog/first-post.js |  7 ++
 .../test/cases/develop.ssr/src/pages/blog/index.js |  7 ++
 .../serve.default.ssr/serve.default.ssr.spec.js    | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 .../serve.default.ssr/src/pages/blog/first-post.js |  7 ++
 .../serve.default.ssr/src/pages/blog/index.js      |  7 ++
 packages/init/package.json                         |  2 +-
 packages/plugin-adapter-netlify/package.json       |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-adapter-vercel/package.json        |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-babel/package.json                 |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-google-analytics/package.json      |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-graphql/package.json               |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-import-commonjs/package.json       |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-import-css/package.json            |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-import-json/package.json           |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-import-jsx/package.json            |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-include-html/package.json          |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-polyfills/package.json             |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-postcss/package.json               |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-renderer-lit/package.json          |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-renderer-puppeteer/package.json    |  4 +-
 packages/plugin-typescript/package.json            |  4 +-
 yarn.lock                                          |  8 +-
 35 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)