Make sure patches are downloaded from
Make sure patches are downloaded from
Remove drupal_root parameter from PHPStan configuration
Remove drupal_root parameter from PHPStan configuration
Declare compatibility with PHP 8.3 in all packages
Declare compatibility with PHP 8.3 in all packages
Add 10.3.2 as minimum required Drupal core version to Pronovix packages
Add 10.3.2 as minimum required Drupal core version to Pronovix packages
Remove Drupal core 10.1 compatibility from Product extension's compos…
Remove Drupal core 10.1 compatibility from Product extension's compos…
Allow Drupal core versions 10.1, 10.2.5 and above
Allow Drupal core versions 10.1, 10.2.5 and above
Declare compatibility with PHP 8.2 in all packages
Declare compatibility with PHP 8.2 in all packages
Override DrupalCS's default about strict type enforcement
Override DrupalCS's default about strict type enforcement
Add conflict for behat packages in drupal-qa
Add conflict for behat packages in drupal-qa
Bump Composer Normalize requirement to ^2.38.0
Bump Composer Normalize requirement to ^2.38.0
Fix baselined issues reported by PHPStan
Fix baselined issues reported by PHPStan
Remove drupal-check-phpstan-bridge.php and its services
Remove drupal-check-phpstan-bridge.php and its services
Remove PHPUnit symlink workaround from DrupalQA
Remove PHPUnit symlink workaround from DrupalQA
Remove PHPStan warning ignore in devportal_api_reference
Remove PHPStan warning ignore in devportal_api_reference
Bump minimum required version of ergebnis/composer-normalize to >=2.35
Bump minimum required version of ergebnis/composer-normalize to >=2.35
Bump version constraint in all Product components from ^3.0 to ^4.0
Bump version constraint in all Product components from ^3.0 to ^4.0
Update branch aliases from 3.x-dev to 4.x-dev
Update branch aliases from 3.x-dev to 4.x-dev
Make packages compatible with Drupal 10.1.0
Make packages compatible with Drupal 10.1.0
Require slevomat/coding-standard at ^8.13.4
Require slevomat/coding-standard at ^8.13.4
Allow for drush 12 to be installed
Allow for drush 12 to be installed
Constrain Slevomat to version ~8.12.0
Constrain Slevomat to version ~8.12.0
Revert "Remove bex/behat-screenshot extension from drupal-qa"
Revert "Remove bex/behat-screenshot extension from drupal-qa"
Fix passing NULL to file_exists() is deprecated
Fix passing NULL to file_exists() is deprecated
Remove bex/behat-screenshot extension from drupal-qa
Remove bex/behat-screenshot extension from drupal-qa
Split Tools package to smaller packages
Split Tools package to smaller packages
Drop Composer 1 support from all packages
Drop Composer 1 support from all packages