Universal DOM Scrolling Animation Callback Engine
You can grab the js file from the GitHub src folder https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pryme8/scrolls.js/master/src/scrolls.js
Do an CLI install
npm i @pryme8/scroll.js
This is not for running on a node, but rather should have its src included through the following install directions.
Get from a CDN
Full https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@pryme8/scrolls.js/src/scrolls.js
Min https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@pryme8/scrolls.js/src/scrolls.min.js
Include the core library in your Web Document:
<script src="scroll.js"></script>
And you're all set!
Initialize the Scroll Object
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ()=>{
let scroll = new Scroll()
console.log("Scroll Started!", scroll)
Next you need to create a Flag
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ()=>{
let flag = scroll.addFlag(document.getElementById('current-value'), {
You are now all set! Create as many flags as you want until you see a performance drop on the page.
Check the Examples for ideas on how to use the Scroll Engine!
Targets can be any Javascript Object, Dom Element etc.
When creating a flag you have a few arguments are your disposal use these to change the way the flag behaves.
The pxl value of the start of the flag
The pxl value of the length of the flag
The callback must have the constructors of (value,target) how you handle those values is completly up to you. For example a valid callback value would be: (value,target)=>{console.log(value)}
Marks the flag dirty if true and updates upon initilization
Creates DOM element to show the flag, to help with page design.
- Single Direction Animations
- Event Listeners for when the Trigger has been entered and left. Progress is kinda built into the callback structure.
Presented by DigitalOrigami.
Created by Pryme8.
Readme written with StackEdit.