This project aims to design a prediction model and evaluate its fairness using the North Carolina Policing Dataset. The focus is on predicting arrest decisions and assessing the fairness of these predictions based on gender, age, and race. The study includes data preprocessing, model selection, and fairness evaluation using various statistical methods.
- Abstract
- Data Preprocessing
- Binary Classifier Selection
- Model Selection
- Features for Fairness Check
- Conclusion
- Appendix
- References
This research designs a prediction model to evaluate its fairness in arrest decisions based on the North Carolina Policing Dataset. The study compares logistic regression, KNN, and fine-tuned KNN, adopting a fine-tuned KNN with an optimal accuracy of 0.95. Factors like gender, age, and race are evaluated for their impact on fairness. The study found a correlation between these factors and arrest decisions, aiming to ensure high independence and accuracy by adjusting thresholds.
- Missing Values: Handled by filling missing values with the mean or dropping columns with many missing values.
- Date-Time Conversion: 'Stop date' column was converted and split into year, month, day, and day of the week.
- Column Dropping: Irrelevant columns like 'state' and 'district' were dropped.
- Label Encoding and One-Hot Encoding: Categorical data was encoded for model training.
- Correlation Checks: Checked for multi-collinearity and dropped highly correlated columns.
- Performance Metrics: High accuracy with an AUC of 0.97 and balanced precision and recall.
- Confusion Matrix: Showed high true positive and true negative rates.
- Default and Fine-tuned: Fine-tuned KNN showed improved accuracy with an optimal K value of 34, achieving an accuracy of 0.95.
- Performance Comparison: KNN had an AUC of 0.91 before tuning and 0.92 after tuning.
- Baseline Performance: Low accuracy with an AUC of 0.5, indicating poor performance compared to logistic regression and KNN.
The fine-tuned KNN model was chosen as the final model due to its high accuracy and performance metrics compared to other models.
- Chi-squared Test: Found correlations between arrest decisions and features like gender, age, and race.
- Chi-squared Statistic: Measured separation with 'driver race Asian' showing the highest separation.
- Information Entropy: Evaluated sufficiency by comparing target and conditional information entropy.
The study successfully designed a prediction model with a focus on fairness. While the model showed correlations with age, gender, and race, optimal thresholds were adjusted to mitigate unfair impacts. Further research is needed to confirm the model's fairness using additional data.
Detailed preprocessing steps, including Python functions used, can be found in the appendix of the report.
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- Taeyoung Kim ([email protected], [email protected]), Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- Mingi Kang([email protected] ), Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik