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mhBrice edited this page Oct 8, 2018 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the QCBS R Workshops wiki!

In this section, we explain how you can contribute to the QCBS R workshops.

Getting started

Install package and clone repo

This Rmarkdown presentations are created using xaringan, so the first step in to install the R package xaringan.

if(!require(devtools)) install.packages('devtools')

Secondly, you need to create a local copy on your computer of the Workshops repository. To do so, you can clone the GitHub repository on your computer using the command line:

git clone


  1. Once you cloned the Workshops repository, you should be on the dev branch;

  2. Create a new branch (choose a name that reflects what you are adding, we suggest something explicit like workshop3_intro if you want to edit the introduction of workshop 3): git branch workshop3_intro;

  3. Switch branch: git checkout workshop3_intro; Note that you can create and switch branch with a single line of command: git checkout -b workshop3_intro

  4. Copy the template files (names that start with qcbsR...) and assets folder from the repo templateWorkshops. You can copy them manually directly in your workshop folder (in this exemple, in the folder call Workshop01/Workshop01-en) or you can use the command line : make copy_css.

  5. Do your changes!

  6. Once you are done with your changes on your branch, add and commit : git add -A+ `git commit -m "instructive message about what you did"

  7. Go back on the dev branch: git checkout dev and pull git pull just to make sure you are up to date.

  8. Switch back to your branch: git checkout workshop3_intro and merge locally: git merge dev. If there are conflicts, please resolve them! When you're done, push your branch on the Github repository: git push --set-upstream origin workshop3_intro

  9. Open a Pull Request (PR)

  10. Assign your PR to a reviewer (one of the 3 R workshop coordinators);

  11. The reviewer will squash and merge the post once the build passed on Travis.

  12. Once the PR is merged, do not forget to pull the dev branch!

Other ways to help us!

If you are not confortable with GitHub, you can still help us improve the workshops!

If you notice any mistakes or inconsistencies, or if you'd like to make a suggestion, either in form or in content, you're invited to open an Issue. You can follow these simple steps to create a new Issue.

Clone this wiki locally