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zkInterface IR, a toolbox for zero-knowledge interoperability

This user guide is aimed at implementors of zero-knowledge systems and details how to integrate their systems using the zkInterface SIEVE IR toolbox (see the specification). In this guide, we first generate example SIEVE IR statements, and we then consume them. These steps can serve as a starting point for a new implementation in a statement generator, or in a proving system, respectively.

Compared to SIEVE IR specification v2.1.0, our implementation is slightly different

  • Extension fields and rings are not included.
  • Only the modulus mode is included for the convert gate.


The zkInterface SIEVE IR is an Intermediate Representation to communicate a zero-knwoledge statement from a statement generator called a frontend to a proving system called a backend. The frontend transforms high level statements into the IR. The backend is the consumer of the IR: it is an interaction between a Prover and a Verifier, when the Prover wishes to prove a statement to the Verifier, without revealing a secret component of the proof. For details on this zkInterface SIEVE IR, see the specification. This IR focuses on a circuit-and-gates format. It is possible to convert between IR and R1CS with zkif-to-ir and ir-to-zkif commands. For R1CS systems, there exists a similar toolbox in

Information Flow

To communicate a statement, three types of information are transmitted:

  • A description of computation as a circuit of gates connected through wires, called the Relation.

  • A list of values used as input to the circuit by the prover side of the proving system, called the PrivateInputs.

  • A list of values used as input to the circuit both by the prover and the verifier, called the PublicInputs.

The exact structure of this information is specified in a FlatBuffers schema called sieve_ir.fbs in this repository, along with inline documentation. See the respective structures: Relation, PublicInputs, PrivateInputs.

In this guide, the structures are stored in intermediary files for ease and clarity. However, streaming implementations without storage are also supported.

Multi Field Circuits

To most practitioners of ZK, a single prime field is chosen at the beginning of a proof and used throughout. However, for some applications it is desirable to use multiple primes for different elements within a single larger proof. For example a large and expensive prime may be needed to verify public-key signatures, while a medium sized prime is necessary for large scale business logic.

To accommodate these applications, the SIEVE IR allows for multiple fields within a single relation. Occasionally information from one field will be required in another. IT is modeled using a conversion gate with inputs in one field and outputs in another.


We woud like to easily be able to extend the IR with some new (complex) features. Unfortunately, each update in the basic syntax forces frontends and backends to update their IR generator and parser. We would like to avoid this burden while increasing expressibility of the language. To resolve this issue, we create plugin functions which allow calls from the IR into backend specific functionality.

First step: getting familiar with existing tools


git clone [email protected]:QED-it/zkinterface-ir.git
cd zkinterface-ir/rust/
cargo install --path .

zki_sieve help

This will print a list of available commands.

A producer: example generator

The command below generates an example statement. It stores it into files in the working directory (customizable, see zki_sieve help).

zki_sieve example

Writing ./000_public_inputs_0.sieve
Writing ./000_public_inputs_1.sieve
Writing ./001_private_inputs_0.sieve
Writing ./001_private_inputs_1.sieve
Writing ./001_private_inputs_2.sieve
Writing ./002_relation.sieve

A consumer: validator and evaluator

The validate command validates that the statement is properly formatted in compliance with the specification (see section Circuit Semantics and Validity in the specification.

The evaluate command acts as a simulator in place of a proving system, and reports whether a prover could convince a verifier that the statement is true. That is, it performs the computation described by the circuit and checks whether the private inputs satisfy the circuit.

$ zki_sieve validate

Reading ./000_public_inputs_0.sieve
Reading ./000_public_inputs_1.sieve
Reading ./001_private_inputs_0.sieve
Reading ./001_private_inputs_1.sieve
Reading ./001_private_inputs_2.sieve
Reading ./002_relation.sieve

The statement is COMPLIANT with the specification!

And the evaluator,

$ zki_sieve evaluate

Reading ./000_public_inputs_0.sieve
Reading ./000_public_inputs_1.sieve
Reading ./001_private_inputs_0.sieve
Reading ./001_private_inputs_1.sieve
Reading ./001_private_inputs_2.sieve
Reading ./002_relation.sieve

The statement is TRUE!

There is a command zki_sieve valid-eval-metrics which performs all checks at once.

A consumer: format to human-readable YAML

The command below reads the statement and prints a textual representation of it. It uses the YAML format, which is similar to JSON but easier to read and write. It is one-to-one equivalent to the information formatted with FlatBuffers.

$ zki_sieve to-yaml
# Or zki_sieve to-json

A producer: converter from R1CS

This repository includes a converter that reads a statement encoded in the R1CS profile and produces an equivalent statement in the circuit IR profile.

To convert from R1CS (a zkInterface owned structure), follow the following example:

let zki_header = zki_example_header_inputs(3, 4, 25);
let zki_r1cs = zki_example_constraints();
let zki_witness = zki_example_witness_inputs(3, 4);
// The `MemorySink` is used to tell that the resulting circuit will be stored in memory
// see FilesSink to store it in files.
let mut converter = FromR1CSConverter::new(MemorySink::default(), &zki_header);

A full example can be found as part of the test_r1cs_to_gates() in

This functionality is also available as a command-line tool.

$ zki_sieve zkif-to-ir [other options] 

Second step: implementing a new integration

Example code.

An easy way to start a new integration is to explore the source code of the library, which is itself called from the CLI commands. The entry points are the functions called main_… in the file src/bin/ Additional example code can be found in the test_… functions in the directory src/producers/ and src/consumers/.

Basic API

All information to be transmitted between systems is in data structures formally specified by the FlatBuffers schema. The simplest Rust API available is a straight one-to-one mapping of these structures.

A producer can create a Relation structure and populate its directives vector with a number of Gate and Function declaration, in compliance with the specification.

A consumer can iterate over Relation.directives and act on the different directive types using, e.g., a match construct.

Implementations should expect to produce or receive not one but a stream of these structures in order to process very large statements with limited memory.

Advanced API

This API has been written to allow backends to easily operate on IR without having to care of the complexity, and future upgrades of IR specifications, nor the internal structures described in the previous section.

The core of it is the ZKBackend trait defined in consumers/ It has to be implemented by any backend wanting to deal with IR. See for example PlaintextBackend for a simple (but unsecure) implementation of this trait.

This trait is currently used in many cases throughout this project, such as:

  • the circuit evaluator to ensure that a circuit is verified
  • the IR to R1CS converter

This API is the recommended way for backends to operate on SIEVE IR, since it's independent from the internal structures, and will decrease the development overhead of new versions of the standard.

Low-level serialization

It is not necessary to use the above APIs to integrate SIEVE IR. Any implementation of FlatBuffers can be used directly instead (a custom implementation is doable because the encoding is simple, but that would be a last resort). See for existing tools, in particular the code generator flatc. This is the recommended approach for systems written in languages other than Rust.

The file could be generated with the command make fbs after installing flatc version 1.12.0.

# Install flatc version 1.12.0
git clone
cd flatbuffers
git checkout v1.12.0
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
sudo ln -s $(realpath flatc) /usr/local/bin/flatc


This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR001120C0085. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).