All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Lowered minimum Python version bound to 3.7 for Colab use
- Split into normal and colab notebooks
- Cuda/electra install needs more packages set up to run correctly
- Misc notebook fixups
- Bash logic erro
- Relax numpy version to make pdm lock work
- Stricter constraints in pyproject and looser in requirements
- Removed numpy from requirements to satisfy colab
- Removed pandas from requirements to satisfy colab
- Removed deps from requirements to satisfy colab
- Colab deps slimming and os deps install info
- Correct gpu usage reporting
- Also unzip file in python script version
- Improve ted corpus preprocessing
- Updated instructions and added deps
- Google colab info
- Google colab link
- Added electra/cuda gpu deps instructions
- Reorder and clarify venvs
- Formatting fixes
- Added initial access info
- Fixed tree to match initial repo layout
- Added FastAPI server and Svelte frontent
- Added corpus download and preprocessing scripts
- [breaking] Improved pattern extraction
- Added per-model npv extraction results for future comparison
- Add simple KWIC function to notebook
- Added tests and inital pdm enablement work
- Added iwslt2017 dataset to complement existing ted data
- Separate cuda and electra flags; comments
- Gitignore additions
- Added missing svelte config file
- Added electra/cuda gpu deps
- Update and clean up dependencies
- Improve dependencies