#cnnrnn text classification of tensorflow
#This code belongs to the "Implementing a CNN for Text Classification in Tensorflow" blog post
#I modified it to deal with Chinese text classification and add a cnn-rnn model in it.
#And I add a rnn model with attention, rnn-cnn model, cnn-rnn model and cnn concat rnn model to compare different model effect.
#Combine CNN and highway network
#The experiment shows that cnn concat rnn model did best and then cnn model.
#这个子集可以在此下载:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hugrfRu 密码: qfud
#experiment result:
#cnn模型: 开发集:915, 验证集:0.899
#rnn模型:开发集:0.918, 验证集:0.895
#cnnrnn模型:开发集:0.932, 验证集:0.898
#rnncnn模型:开发集:0.904, 验证集:0.874
#rnn concat cnn模型: 开发集:0.932, 验证集:0.906
#cnn + highway模型,开发集0.910, 验证集 0.897