It is well known that computers can do tedious math faster than humans.
nc 1337
$ nc 1337
______/ ________ \______
_/ ____________ \_
_/____________ ____________\_
/ ___________ \ / ___________ \
/ /############/ \############\ \
__|\_____ ___ // \\ ___ _____/|__
[_ \ \ X X / / _]
__| \ \ / / |__
[____ \ \ \ ____________ / / / ____]
\ \ \ \/||.||.||.||.||\/ / / /
\_ \ \ ||.||.||.||.|| / / _/
\ \ ||.||.||.||.|| / /
\_ ||_||_||_||_|| _/
\ ........ /
Our system system has detected human traffic from your IP!
Please prove you are a bot
Question 1 :
50489238639188063698070072981610 * 1364107478925961178712787264169 =
I reconnected a few times to confirm that the server handed out random equations to be solved. After solving one manually, I was prompted with a new math problem. At this point, I wrote a python script to automate the process.
import socket
host = ''
port = 1337
bot = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
data = bot.recv(1024)
if "=" in str.split(data)[-1]:
equation = str.split(data)[-4] + " " + str.split(data)[-3] + " " + str.split(data)[-2]
print "Solving equation..."
print equation
result = repr(eval(equation))
print "Sending result..."
bot.send(result + "\n")
print data
Running the script returns the flag after a few seconds.
Solving equation...
77570593763924035994006787070091 * 156048715378978225422935000952364
Sending result...
Well no human got time to solve 500 ridiculous math challenges
Congrats MR bot!
Tell your human operator flag is: ALEXCTF{1_4M_l33t_b0t}