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Setting up Python using ASDF:

Installing ASDF

Run the steps outlined here

For all systems: git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.4.2

Then add ASDF to your path. For Linux/Ubuntu:

echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.bashrc
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bashrc

For other systems, see:

Installing Python

Before installing, make sure you have all the required dependencies listed here:

asdf plugin-add python
asdf install python 3.6

# Run this from within the project folder; it probably is already set to 3.6 by the `.tool-versions`-file that is there
# In that case, you do not need to run this.
asdf local python 3.6

Installing Nodejs and Yarn

asdf plugin-add nodejs
asdf install nodejs 10.1.0

# Run this from within the project folder; it probably is already set to 10.1.0 by the `.tool-versions`-file that is there
# In that case, you do not need to run this.
asdf local nodejs 10.1.0
asdf reshim nodejs

# Install Yarn
npm install -g yarn

Installing Pipenv

Before running this step, restart your shell, so it will find the proper version of pip.

pip install pipenv
asdf reshim python # So we get access to the `pipenv` binary right away

Installing Flask

Setting up a new project

This step is only required if not someone else has already set up the project using pipenv before (which will create a Pipfile).

pipenv install flask

Installing local dependencies from an existing project

pipenv install --dev