This is where I got to spread my oceanographic wings a bit. I created these simple graphics as exploratory ways to start understanding baseline values and to move toward more sophisticated analyses. Most of these graphics were created for the purpose of internal use and learning in support of workshop presentations.
These graphics show the median, min, and max values for temperature (celcius), salinity(ppt), and dissolved oxygen (mg/l). I binned the values to help accentuate regional characteristics. The graphics were created in plot_2014_ref_stats.ipynb.
Three panel graphic for Bellingham Bay, Sinclair Inlet, and Case Inlet showing the median Net Primary productivity across three inlets, comparing 2014 nitrogen loading conditions to pre-industrial loading conditions (same physical environment), with grey shading in between to highlight the difference. These graphics were created in plot_NPP_workshop_120622 notebook.
Note: There is a typo in the y-label of these graphics that needs correcting. These time series show temperature ($^o$C, temp), salinity (ppt), and sea surface height (m, zeta). Light shades show hourly output while darker shades show 24-hour running averages. Graphics for Bellingham Bay, Sinclair Inlet, and Case Inlet were created in the plot_TS_inlets_NPP_workshop_12062022 notebook.
Note: There is a typo in the y-label of these graphics that needs correcting. These time series show Nitrate and Nitrite (mg/l, NO3), salinity (ppt), Photosynthetically Available Radiation (Einstein/meters^2/day, PAR), Net Primary Productivity (gC/m^2/day, NPP), and Disolved Oxygen (mg/l, DOXG). Light shades show hourly output while darker shades show 24-hour running averages.
Graphics for Bellingham Bay, Sinclair Inlet, and Case Inlet were created in the plot_TS_inlets_NPP_workshop_12062022 notebook.