diff --git a/pyuvsim/analyticbeam.py b/pyuvsim/analyticbeam.py index 257d4443..bac77383 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/analyticbeam.py +++ b/pyuvsim/analyticbeam.py @@ -176,7 +176,9 @@ def interp( interp_basis_vector = None elif self.type == 'gaussian': if (self.diameter is None) and (self.sigma is None): - raise ValueError("Dish diameter needed for gaussian beam -- units: meters") + raise ValueError( + "Antenna diameter (meters) or sigma (radians) needed for gaussian beams." + ) interp_data = np.zeros((2, 2, freq_array.size, az_array.size), dtype=float) # gaussian beam only depends on Zenith Angle (symmetric is azimuth) # standard deviation of sigma is referring to the standard deviation of e-field beam! @@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ def interp( interp_basis_vector = None elif self.type == 'airy': if self.diameter is None: - raise ValueError("Dish diameter needed for airy beam -- units: meters") + raise ValueError("Antenna diameter needed for airy beam -- units: meters") interp_data = np.zeros((2, 2, freq_array.size, az_array.size), dtype=float) za_grid, f_grid = np.meshgrid(za_array, freq_array) xvals = self.diameter / 2. * np.sin(za_grid) * 2. * np.pi * f_grid / c_ms diff --git a/pyuvsim/antenna.py b/pyuvsim/antenna.py index 4ae87585..aa3a6edc 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/antenna.py +++ b/pyuvsim/antenna.py @@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ def get_beam_jones( jones_matrix = np.zeros((2, 2, Ncomponents), dtype=complex) # first axis is feed, second axis is theta, phi (opposite order of beam!) - print(interp_data.shape) jones_matrix[0, 0] = interp_data[1, 0, 0, :] jones_matrix[1, 1] = interp_data[0, 1, 0, :] jones_matrix[0, 1] = interp_data[0, 0, 0, :] diff --git a/pyuvsim/data/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.uvfits b/pyuvsim/data/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.uvfits index cfb473d3..879ac187 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/data/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.uvfits +++ b/pyuvsim/data/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.uvfits @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 / array data type NAXIS = 7 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 0 NAXIS2 = 3 NAXIS3 = 4 NAXIS4 = 10 NAXIS5 = 1 NAXIS6 = 1 NAXIS7 = 1 EXTEND = T GROUPS = T / has groups PCOUNT = 11 / number of parameters GCOUNT = 100 / number of groups PTYPE1 = 'UU ' PTYPE2 = 'VV ' PTYPE3 = 'WW ' PTYPE4 = 'DATE ' PTYPE5 = 'BASELINE' PTYPE6 = 'ANTENNA1' PTYPE7 = 'ANTENNA2' PTYPE8 = 'SUBARRAY' PTYPE9 = 'INTTIM ' PTYPE10 = 'LST ' PTYPE11 = 'LST ' PSCAL1 = 1.0 PZERO1 = 0.0 PSCAL2 = 1.0 PZERO2 = 0.0 PSCAL3 = 1.0 PZERO3 = 0.0 PSCAL4 = 1.0 PZERO4 = 2457458.25 PSCAL5 = 1.0 PZERO5 = 0.0 PSCAL6 = 1.0 PZERO6 = 0.0 PSCAL7 = 1.0 PZERO7 = 0.0 PSCAL8 = 1.0 PZERO8 = 0.0 PSCAL9 = 1.0 PZERO9 = 0.0 PSCAL10 = 1.0 PZERO10 = 0.0 PSCAL11 = 1.0 PZERO11 = 0.0 DATE-OBS= '2016-03-10T16:10:24.524' CTYPE2 = 'COMPLEX ' CRVAL2 = 1.0 CRPIX2 = 1.0 CDELT2 = 1.0 CTYPE3 = 'STOKES ' CRVAL3 = -5 CRPIX3 = 1.0 CDELT3 = -1 CTYPE4 = 'FREQ ' CRVAL4 = 100.5 CRPIX4 = 1.0 CDELT4 = 1.0 CTYPE5 = 'IF ' CRVAL5 = 1.0 CRPIX5 = 1.0 CDELT5 = 1.0 CTYPE6 = 'RA ' CRVAL6 = 72.63972833504076 CTYPE7 = 'DEC ' CRVAL7 = -30.74139850470657 BUNIT = 'Jy ' BSCALE = 1.0 BZERO = 0.0 OBJECT = 'mock_ra72.6397_dec-30.7414' TELESCOP= 'HERA ' LAT = -30.72152777777791 LON = 21.42830555555556 ALT = 1073.000000009313 INSTRUME= 'HERA ' EPOCH = 2000.0 PHSFRAME= 'icrs ' HISTORY Read/written with pyuvdata version: 2.0.3.dev57+g4c1c67ef. 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b/pyuvsim/data/gleam_triangle_subband.uvh5 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e91c1e91 Binary files /dev/null and b/pyuvsim/data/gleam_triangle_subband.uvh5 differ diff --git a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml index c5571342..fe1f026c 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml +++ b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ beam_paths: type: airy diameter: 14.6 telescope_location: (-30.721527777777847, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000046566) -telescope_name: HERA +telescope_name: Triangle diff --git a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_gaussnoshape.yaml b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_gaussnoshape.yaml index 9a8d264f..f030f97f 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_gaussnoshape.yaml +++ b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_gaussnoshape.yaml @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ beam_paths: 3: type: gaussian telescope_location: (-30.721527777777847, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000046566) -telescope_name: HERA +telescope_name: Triangle diff --git a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nodiameter.yaml b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nodiameter.yaml index e9e9eb2b..ff5e46bb 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nodiameter.yaml +++ b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nodiameter.yaml @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ beam_paths: 3: type: airy telescope_location: (-30.721527777777847, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000046566) -telescope_name: HERA +telescope_name: Triangle diff --git a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nofile.yaml b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nofile.yaml index 63be493e..d6f82cd2 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nofile.yaml +++ b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/28m_triangle_10time_10chan_nofile.yaml @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ beam_paths: type: airy diameter: 14.6 telescope_location: (-30.721527777777847, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000046566) -telescope_name: HERA +telescope_name: Triangle diff --git a/pyuvsim/data/test_config/param_1time_1src_testgleam.yaml b/pyuvsim/data/test_config/param_1time_testgleam.yaml similarity index 100% rename from pyuvsim/data/test_config/param_1time_1src_testgleam.yaml rename to pyuvsim/data/test_config/param_1time_testgleam.yaml diff --git a/pyuvsim/data/testfile_singlesource.uvh5 b/pyuvsim/data/testfile_singlesource.uvh5 index b912aebe..aca523ba 100644 Binary files a/pyuvsim/data/testfile_singlesource.uvh5 and b/pyuvsim/data/testfile_singlesource.uvh5 differ diff --git a/pyuvsim/profiling.py b/pyuvsim/profiling.py index 3c842a1e..e0c1443b 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/profiling.py +++ b/pyuvsim/profiling.py @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def set_profiler(func_list=default_profile_funcs, rank=0, outfile_prefix='time_p return prof = LineProfiler() - if mpi is None or prof is None: # pragma: no cover + if mpi is None or prof is None: raise ImportError("You need mpi4py and line_profiler to use the " "profiling module. Install them both by running pip " "install pyuvsim[all].") diff --git a/pyuvsim/simsetup.py b/pyuvsim/simsetup.py index c7dbf441..54fe3c6c 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/simsetup.py +++ b/pyuvsim/simsetup.py @@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ def initialize_catalog_from_params( Returns ------- - skydata: :class:`pyradiosky.SkyModel` + sky: :class:`pyradiosky.SkyModel` Source catalog filled with data. source_list_name: str Catalog identifier for metadata. Only returned if return_catname is True. @@ -864,8 +864,8 @@ def initialize_catalog_from_params( """ if return_catname is None: warnings.warn( - "The return_catname parameter currently defaults to True, but starting in" - "version 1.4 it will default to False.", + "The return_catname parameter currently defaults to True, but " + "starting in version 1.4 it will default to False.", DeprecationWarning ) return_catname = True @@ -1218,12 +1218,13 @@ def parse_telescope_params(tele_params, config_path='', freq_range=None, force_b if 'array_layout' not in tele_params: raise KeyError('array_layout must be provided.') array_layout = tele_params.pop('array_layout') + assert isinstance(array_layout, (str, dict)), "array_layout must be a string or a dict" if isinstance(array_layout, str): # Interpet as file path to layout csv file. layout_csv = array_layout # if array layout is a str, parse it as .csv filepath if isinstance(layout_csv, str): - if not os.path.exists(layout_csv): + if not os.path.exists(layout_csv) and isinstance(config_path, str): layout_csv = os.path.join(config_path, layout_csv) if not os.path.exists(layout_csv): raise ValueError( @@ -2015,9 +2016,16 @@ def initialize_uvdata_from_keywords( arrfile = antenna_layout_filepath is not None outfile = output_layout_filename is not None - if write_files: + if array_layout is None and antenna_layout_filepath is None: + raise ValueError( + "Either array_layout or antenna_layout_filepath must be passed." + ) + + if array_layout is None or isinstance(array_layout, str) or write_files: if path_out is None: path_out = '.' + + if write_files: if not outfile: if not arrfile: output_layout_filename = 'antenna_layout.csv' @@ -2057,7 +2065,7 @@ def initialize_uvdata_from_keywords( ) if array_layout is None: - if outfile: + if write_files and output_layout_filename is not None: array_layout = output_layout_filename else: array_layout = antenna_layout_filepath diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_analyticbeam.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_analyticbeam.py index bc150312..e635af0f 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_analyticbeam.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_analyticbeam.py @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # Licensed under the 3-clause BSD License import os +import re import numpy as np import pytest @@ -48,13 +49,13 @@ def test_uniform_beam(heratext_posfreq): nsrcs = az_vals.size n_freqs = freqs.size - interpolated_beam, interp_basis_vector = beam.interp( + interpolated_beam, _ = beam.interp( az_array=az_vals, za_array=za_vals, freq_array=freqs ) expected_data = np.zeros((2, 2, n_freqs, nsrcs), dtype=float) expected_data[1, 0, :, :] = 1 expected_data[0, 1, :, :] = 1 - assert np.allclose(interpolated_beam, expected_data) + np.testing.assert_allclose(interpolated_beam, expected_data) def test_airy_beam_values(heratext_posfreq): @@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ def test_airy_beam_values(heratext_posfreq): az_vals, za_vals, freq_vals = heratext_posfreq - interpolated_beam, interp_basis_vector = beam.interp( + interpolated_beam, _ = beam.interp( az_array=az_vals, za_array=za_vals, freq_array=freq_vals ) @@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ def test_airy_beam_values(heratext_posfreq): expected_data[1, 0, :, :] = airy_values expected_data[0, 1, :, :] = airy_values - assert np.allclose(interpolated_beam, expected_data) + np.testing.assert_allclose(interpolated_beam, expected_data) def test_interp_errors(heratext_posfreq): @@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ def test_achromatic_gaussian_beam(heratext_posfreq): expected_data[1, 0, :, :] = gaussian_vals expected_data[0, 1, :, :] = gaussian_vals - assert np.allclose(interpolated_beam, expected_data) + np.testing.assert_allclose(interpolated_beam, expected_data) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:UVW orientation appears to be flipped") @@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ def test_gaussbeam_values(): time = Time(hera_uv.time_array[0], scale='utc', format='jd') - catalog, mock_keywords = pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog( + catalog, _ = pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog( time=time, arrangement='long-line', Nsrcs=41, min_alt=80., array_location=array_location ) @@ -237,16 +238,11 @@ def test_chromatic_gaussian(): az = np.zeros(Npix) za = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2., Npix) - # Error if trying to define chromatic beam without a reference frequency - with pytest.raises(ValueError, - match='ref_freq must be set for nonzero gaussian beam spectral index'): - pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('gaussian', sigma=sigma, spectral_index=alpha) - - A = pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('gaussian', sigma=sigma, ref_freq=freqs[0], spectral_index=alpha) + gauss = pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('gaussian', sigma=sigma, ref_freq=freqs[0], spectral_index=alpha) # Get the widths at each frequency. - vals, _ = A.interp(az, za, freqs) + vals, _ = gauss.interp(az, za, freqs) vals = vals[0, 1] @@ -256,6 +252,13 @@ def test_chromatic_gaussian(): assert np.isclose(sig_f, 2 * hwhm / 2.355, atol=1e-3) +def test_chromatic_gaussian_error(): + # Error if trying to define chromatic beam without a reference frequency + with pytest.raises(ValueError, + match='ref_freq must be set for nonzero gaussian beam spectral index'): + pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('gaussian', sigma=np.radians(15.0), spectral_index=-1.5) + + def test_power_analytic_beam(): # Check that power beam evaluation matches electric field amp**2 for analytic beams. freqs = np.arange(120e6, 160e6, 4e6) @@ -271,12 +274,7 @@ def test_power_analytic_beam(): pb.efield_to_power() evals = eb.interp(az, za, freqs)[0][0, 1] pvals = pb.interp(az, za, freqs)[0][0, 0] - assert np.allclose(evals**2, pvals) - - # Ensure uniform beam works - pb = pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('uniform') - pb.efield_to_power() - pb.interp(az, za, freqs) + np.testing.assert_allclose(evals**2, pvals) def test_comparison(): @@ -292,25 +290,39 @@ def test_comparison(): assert beam2 != beam1 -def test_beamerrs(): +def test_beam_init_errs(): """ Error cases. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='type not recognized'): pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('unsupported_type') - beam = pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam('gaussian') + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("beam_type", "error_msg"), + [ + ( + "gaussian", + re.escape( + "Antenna diameter (meters) or sigma (radians) needed for gaussian beams." + ), + ), + ("airy", "Antenna diameter needed for airy beam"), + ("noninterpolable", "no interp for this type: noninterpolable"), + ] +) +def test_beam_interp_errs(beam_type, error_msg): + if beam_type == "noninterpolable": + beam = pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam("uniform") + beam.type = "noninterpolable" + else: + beam = pyuvsim.AnalyticBeam(beam_type) az, za = np.random.uniform(0.0, np.pi, (2, 5)) freq_arr = np.linspace(1e8, 1.5e8, 10) - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Dish diameter needed for gaussian beam'): - beam.interp(az, za, freq_arr) - - beam.type = 'airy' - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Dish diameter needed for airy beam'): - beam.interp(az, za, freq_arr) - - beam.type = 'noninterpolable' - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='no interp for this type: noninterpolable'): + with pytest.raises( + ValueError, + match=error_msg + ): beam.interp(az, za, freq_arr) diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_antenna.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_antenna.py index 377581cd..5dbfcd92 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_antenna.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_antenna.py @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -* # Copyright (c) 2021 Radio Astronomy Software Group # Licensed under the 3-clause BSD License +import copy import os import numpy as np @@ -47,7 +48,38 @@ def test_jones_set_spline(cst_beam, hera_loc): altaz[:, 0] = alts.flatten() altaz[:, 1] = azs.flatten() - antenna.get_beam_jones(array, altaz, 150e6, interpolation_function='az_za_simple') + jones_matrix = antenna.get_beam_jones( + array, altaz, 150e6, interpolation_function='az_za_simple' + ) + + # These are just values from a run, so this just tests for unexpected changes. + expected_jones = np.array( + [ + [ + [ + -4.57061296e-04 - 3.88626249e-04j, + -7.28285993e-05 - 1.45479743e-04j, + -7.28285993e-05 - 1.45479743e-04j + ], [ + -3.35886569e-02 - 1.83636844e-02j, + -3.36205621e-02 - 1.84105336e-02j, + -3.36205621e-02 - 1.84105336e-02j + ], + ], [ + [ + -1.04000784e-02 - 1.11629186e-02j, + -1.03973090e-02 - 1.11516998e-02j, + -1.03973090e-02 - 1.11516998e-02j + ], [ + 5.32870283e-04 + 1.16831373e-04j, + 1.26946128e-06 - 1.22843330e-06j, + 1.26946128e-06 - 1.22843330e-06j + ], + ], + ] + ) + + np.testing.assert_allclose(expected_jones, jones_matrix) def test_jones_set_interp(cst_beam, hera_loc): @@ -102,3 +134,19 @@ def test_set_interps(cst_beam, hera_loc): if interp_function_attr: assert beam.interpolation_function == 'az_za_simple' + + +def test_ant_comparison(): + antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', 1, np.array([0, 10, 0]), 1) + antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', 2, np.array([0, 20, 0]), 1) + + ant1_copy = copy.deepcopy(antenna1) + + assert antenna1 < antenna2 + assert antenna1 <= antenna2 + assert antenna1 <= antenna1 + assert antenna1 == ant1_copy + + assert antenna2 > antenna1 + assert antenna2 >= antenna2 + assert antenna1 >= antenna1 diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_baseline.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_baseline.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da9eef13 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_baseline.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -* +# Copyright (c) 2024 Radio Astronomy Software Group +# Licensed under the 3-clause BSD License +import copy + +import numpy as np + +import pyuvsim + + +def test_baseline_comparison(): + antenna1 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant1', 1, np.array([0, 10, 0]), 1) + antenna2 = pyuvsim.Antenna('ant2', 2, np.array([0, 20, 0]), 1) + + baseline12 = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna1, antenna2) + baseline21 = pyuvsim.Baseline(antenna2, antenna1) + + bl12_copy = copy.deepcopy(baseline12) + + assert baseline12 < baseline21 + assert baseline12 <= baseline21 + assert baseline12 <= baseline12 + assert baseline12 == bl12_copy + + assert baseline21 > baseline12 + assert baseline21 >= baseline21 + assert baseline21 >= baseline12 diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_profiler.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_profiler.py index 5ec5a4a7..b6ecc285 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_profiler.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_profiler.py @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # Licensed under the 3-clause BSD License import atexit import os +import re import shutil import pytest @@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ def test_profiler(tmpdir): line_profiler = pytest.importorskip('line_profiler') outpath = profdata_dir_setup(tmpdir) testprof_fname = str(outpath.join('time_profile.out')) - print(testprof_fname) pyuvsim.profiling.set_profiler(outfile_prefix=testprof_fname, dump_raw=True) with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, match='Profiler already set'): pyuvsim.profiling.set_profiler(outfile_prefix=testprof_fname[:-4], dump_raw=True) @@ -44,3 +44,24 @@ def test_profiler(tmpdir): assert len(lstats.timings) != 0 func_names = [k[2] for k in lstats.timings.keys()] assert unique(func_names).tolist() == sorted(pyuvsim.profiling.default_profile_funcs) + + +def test_profiler_mock_import(tmpdir): + try: + from line_profiler import LineProfiler # noqa + except ImportError: + outpath = profdata_dir_setup(tmpdir) + testprof_fname = str(outpath.join('time_profile.out')) + + with pytest.raises( + ImportError, + match=re.escape( + "You need mpi4py and line_profiler to use the " + "profiling module. Install them both by running pip " + "install pyuvsim[all]." + ) + ): + pyuvsim.profiling.set_profiler(outfile_prefix=testprof_fname, dump_raw=True) + + lp = pyuvsim.LineProfiler() + assert lp is None diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_run.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_run.py index 0c6bbb23..6374515b 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_run.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_run.py @@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ def test_analytic_diffuse(model, tol, tmpdir): def test_powerbeam_sim(cst_beam): new_cst = copy.deepcopy(cst_beam) if hasattr(new_cst, "_freq_interp_kind"): + # this can go away when we require pyuvdata version >= 2.4.2 new_cst.freq_interp_kind = 'nearest' # otherwise we get an error about freq interpolation new_cst.efield_to_power() beams = BeamList([new_cst] * 4) @@ -263,8 +264,8 @@ def test_run_paramdict_uvsim(rename_beamfits, tmp_path): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:No julian date given for mock catalog") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") def test_run_nsky_parts(capsys): - # there parameters were hand picked and fine-tuned to create nsky_parts = 2 - # this test feels very wonky just to ensure the nsky_parts is printed + # these parameters were hand picked and fine-tuned to create nsky_parts = 2 + # this test feels very wonky just to ensure the nsky_parts is printed scale = 1.0 if 'linux' in sys.platform: scale = 2**10 @@ -288,18 +289,29 @@ def test_run_nsky_parts(capsys): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "spectral_type", ["flat", "subband", "spectral_index"]) def test_run_gleam_uvsim(spectral_type): params = pyuvsim.simsetup._config_str_to_dict( - os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'param_1time_1src_testgleam.yaml') + os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'param_1time_testgleam.yaml') ) params["sources"]["spectral_type"] = spectral_type params["sources"].pop("min_flux") params["sources"].pop("max_flux") - pyuvsim.run_uvsim(params, return_uv=True) + uv_out = pyuvsim.run_uvsim(params, return_uv=True) + assert uv_out.telescope_name == "Triangle" + + file_name = f"gleam_triangle_{spectral_type}.uvh5" + uv_in = UVData.from_file( + os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, file_name), use_future_array_shapes=True + ) + # This just tests that we get the same answer as an earlier run, not that + # the data are correct (that's covered in other tests) + uv_out.history = uv_in.history + assert uv_in == uv_out @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The reference_frequency is aliased as `frequency`") diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_simsetup.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_simsetup.py index 9b8a2ef7..edb57009 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_simsetup.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_simsetup.py @@ -48,10 +48,98 @@ manytimes_config = os.path.join( SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'param_100times_1.5days_triangle.yaml' ) -gleam_param_file = os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'param_1time_1src_testgleam.yaml') +gleam_param_file = os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'param_1time_testgleam.yaml') -def test_mock_catalog_zenith_source(hera_loc): +@pytest.fixture(scope='module') +def times_and_freqs(): + freqs = np.linspace(100, 200, 1024) + times = np.linspace(2458570, 2458570 + 0.5, 239) + # yield the time and frequency arrays to the tests + # then delete after + yield times, freqs + + del (times, freqs) + + +@pytest.fixture() +def time_dict_base(): + daysperhour = 1 / 24. + dayspersec = 1 / (24 * 3600.) + + tdict_base = { + 'Ntimes': 24, + 'duration_hours': 0.9999999962747097 / daysperhour, + 'end_time': 2457458.9583333298, + 'integration_time': 3599.999986588955, + 'start_time': 2457458.0 + } + + inttime_days = tdict_base['integration_time'] * dayspersec + time_array = np.linspace( + tdict_base['start_time'] + inttime_days / 2., + tdict_base['start_time'] + tdict_base['duration_hours'] * daysperhour - inttime_days / 2., + tdict_base['Ntimes'], endpoint=True + ) + + tdict_base['time_array'] = time_array + + return tdict_base + + +@pytest.fixture(scope='module') +def cat_with_some_pols(): + # Mock catalog with a couple sources polarized. + Nsrcs = 30 + Nfreqs = 10 + freqs = np.linspace(100, 130, Nfreqs) * 1e6 * units.Hz + + pol_inds = range(12, 15) + stokes = np.zeros((4, Nfreqs, Nsrcs)) + stokes[0, :, :] = 1.0 + + stokes[1, :, pol_inds] = 0.2 + stokes[2, :, pol_inds] = 1.2 + stokes[3, :, pol_inds] = 0.3 + + ra = Longitude(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, Nsrcs), 'rad') + dec = Latitude(np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 3, Nsrcs), 'rad') + + sky = SkyModel( + name=np.arange(Nsrcs).astype(str), + ra=ra, + dec=dec, + frame="icrs", + stokes=stokes * units.Jy, + spectral_type='full', + freq_array=freqs + ) + + return sky + + +@pytest.fixture() +def uvdata_keyword_dict(): + return { + "antenna_layout_filepath": + os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, "test_config/triangle_bl_layout.csv"), + "telescope_location": (-30.72152777777791, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000093132), + "telescope_name": "HERA", + "Nfreqs": 10, + "start_freq": 1e8, + "bandwidth": 1e8, + "Ntimes": 60, + "integration_time": 100.0, + "start_time": 2458101.0, + "polarization_array": ['xx'], + "no_autos": True, + "write_files": False, + "run_check": True + } + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("return_data", [True, False]) +def test_mock_catalog_zenith_source(hera_loc, return_data): time = Time(2457458.65410, scale='utc', format='jd') array_location = hera_loc @@ -69,19 +157,22 @@ def test_mock_catalog_zenith_source(hera_loc): spectral_type='flat', ) - cat, _ = pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog(time, arrangement='zenith') + cat, _ = pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog( + time, arrangement='zenith', return_data=return_data + ) - assert cat == test_source + if return_data: + test_data = pyuvsim.simsetup.SkyModelData(test_source) - cat_data = pyuvsim.simsetup.SkyModelData(cat) - cat_data2, _ = pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog(time, arrangement='zenith', return_data=True) + for attr in cat.__dict__: + assert getattr(cat, attr) == getattr(test_data, attr) - for attr in cat_data.__dict__: - assert getattr(cat_data, attr) == getattr(cat_data2, attr) + new_cat = cat.get_skymodel() - new_cat = cat_data.get_skymodel() + assert new_cat == test_source - assert new_cat == cat + else: + assert cat == test_source def test_shared_mpierr(): @@ -139,20 +230,18 @@ def test_mock_diffuse_maps_errors(): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Input ra and dec parameters are being used instead") -@pytest.mark.parametrize('model', [ - ['monopole', {}], - ['gauss', {'a': 0.05}], - ['polydome', {'n': 4}] - ]) +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ('modname', 'modkwargs'), + [('monopole', {}), ('gauss', {'a': 0.05}), ('polydome', {'n': 4})] +) @pytest.mark.parametrize('location', ['earth', 'moon']) -def test_mock_diffuse_maps(model, hera_loc, apollo_loc, location): +def test_mock_diffuse_maps(modname, modkwargs, hera_loc, apollo_loc, location): analytic_diffuse = pytest.importorskip('analytic_diffuse') pytest.importorskip('astropy_healpix') if location == 'earth': loc = hera_loc else: loc = apollo_loc - modname, modkwargs = model map_nside = 128 t0 = Time.now() cat, _ = pyuvsim.simsetup.create_mock_catalog( @@ -170,68 +259,108 @@ def test_mock_diffuse_maps(model, hera_loc, apollo_loc, location): vals = modfunc(az, za, **modkwargs) assert cat.nside == map_nside - assert np.allclose(cat.stokes[0].to_value("K"), vals) + np.testing.assert_allclose(cat.stokes[0, 0].to_value("K"), vals) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not self-consistent") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The lst_array is not self-consistent") -@pytest.mark.parametrize("horizon_buffer", [True, False]) -def test_catalog_from_params(horizon_buffer): +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("horizon_buffer", "pass_time", "pass_uv", "return_catname"), + [(True, True, False, None), (False, False, True, False), (True, True, True, False)] +) +def test_initialize_catalog_from_params( + horizon_buffer, pass_time, pass_uv, return_catname, hera_loc +): # Pass in parameter dictionary as dict - hera_uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file) - hera_uv.use_future_array_shapes() + uv_in = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) - source_dict = {} - with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='No catalog defined.'): - pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - {'sources': source_dict}, return_catname=False - ) - - arrloc = '{:.7f},{:.7f},{:.7f}'.format(*hera_uv.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt_degrees) source_dict = { 'catalog': 'mock', 'mock_arrangement': 'zenith', 'Nsrcs': 5, - 'time': hera_uv.time_array[0] } if horizon_buffer: source_dict["horizon_buffer"] = 0.04364 - with uvtest.check_warnings( - [UserWarning, DeprecationWarning], - match=[ - "No array_location specified. Defaulting to the HERA site.", - "The return_catname parameter currently defaults to True, but starting in" - "version 1.4 it will default to False.", + + warn_type = [] + warn_str = [] + if pass_time: + source_dict['time'] = uv_in.time_array[0] + else: + warn_type += [UserWarning] + warn_str += ["No julian date given for mock catalog. Defaulting to first time step."] + + if pass_uv: + uv_use = uv_in + else: + uv_use = None + warn_type += [UserWarning] + warn_str += ["No array_location specified. Defaulting to the HERA site."] + + if return_catname is None: + warn_type += [DeprecationWarning] + warn_str += [ + "The return_catname parameter currently defaults to True, but " + "starting in version 1.4 it will default to False." ] - ): - pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params({'sources': source_dict}) - catalog_uv = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - {'sources': source_dict}, hera_uv, return_catname=False + if len(warn_type) == 0: + warn_type = None + warn_str = "" + + with uvtest.check_warnings(warn_type, match=warn_str): + catalog_uv = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( + {'sources': source_dict}, input_uv=uv_use, return_catname=return_catname + ) + + if return_catname is not False: + catalog_uv = catalog_uv[0] + + exp_cat, _ = pyuvsim.simsetup.create_mock_catalog( + uv_in.time_array[0], arrangement='zenith', array_location=hera_loc, Nsrcs=5 ) - source_dict['array_location'] = arrloc - del source_dict['time'] - with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="input_uv must be UVData object"): - pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - {'sources': source_dict}, input_uv='not_uvdata', return_catname=False) + if pass_uv: + assert exp_cat._history != catalog_uv._history + exp_cat.history = catalog_uv.history - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="input_uv must be supplied if using mock catalog"): - pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - {'sources': source_dict}, return_catname=False - ) + assert exp_cat == catalog_uv - with uvtest.check_warnings( - UserWarning, - match="No julian date given for mock catalog. Defaulting to first time step." - ): - catalog_str = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - {'sources': source_dict}, - hera_uv, - return_catname=False - ) - assert np.all(catalog_str == catalog_uv) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("source_dict", "input_uv", "err_type", "err_msg", "warn_msg"), + [ + ({}, None, KeyError, 'No catalog defined.', []), + ( + {'catalog': 'mock', 'mock_arrangement': 'zenith', 'Nsrcs': 5}, + "foo", + TypeError, + "input_uv must be UVData object", + [], + ), + ( + {'catalog': 'mock', 'mock_arrangement': 'zenith', 'Nsrcs': 5}, + None, + ValueError, + "input_uv must be supplied if using mock catalog without specified julian date", + ["No array_location specified. Defaulting to the HERA site."], + ), + ] +) +def test_initialize_catalog_from_params_errors( + source_dict, input_uv, err_type, err_msg, warn_msg +): + if len(warn_msg) == 0: + warn_type = None + else: + warn_type = UserWarning + with uvtest.check_warnings(warn_type, match=warn_msg): + with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg): + pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( + {'sources': source_dict}, input_uv=input_uv, return_catname=False + ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_filetype", [True, False]) @@ -266,11 +395,19 @@ def test_vot_catalog_errors(): ) -@pytest.mark.parametrize("filetype", ["gleam", None]) -def test_gleam_catalog(filetype): - gleam_param_filename = os.path.join( - SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'param_1time_1src_testgleam.yaml' - ) +@pytest.mark.parametrize(("flux_cut", "filetype"), [(True, "gleam"), (False, None)]) +def test_gleam_catalog(filetype, flux_cut): + if flux_cut: + expected_ncomp = 23 + params_use = gleam_param_file + else: + expected_ncomp = 50 + with open(gleam_param_file, 'r') as pfile: + param_dict = yaml.safe_load(pfile) + param_dict['config_path'] = os.path.dirname(gleam_param_file) + param_dict["sources"].pop("min_flux") + param_dict["sources"].pop("max_flux") + params_use = param_dict warn_messages = [ "No spectral_type specified for GLEAM, using 'flat'. In version 1.4 " @@ -279,25 +416,10 @@ def test_gleam_catalog(filetype): warnings = [DeprecationWarning] with uvtest.check_warnings(warnings, match=warn_messages): gleam_catalog = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - gleam_param_filename, filetype=filetype, return_catname=False + params_use, filetype=filetype, return_catname=False ) - # flux cuts applied - assert gleam_catalog.Ncomponents == 23 - - # no cuts - with open(gleam_param_filename, 'r') as pfile: - param_dict = yaml.safe_load(pfile) - param_dict['config_path'] = os.path.dirname(gleam_param_filename) - param_dict["sources"].pop("min_flux") - param_dict["sources"].pop("max_flux") - - with uvtest.check_warnings(warnings, match=warn_messages): - gleam_catalog = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - param_dict, filetype=filetype, return_catname=False - ) - - assert gleam_catalog.Ncomponents == 50 + assert gleam_catalog.Ncomponents == expected_ncomp @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_filetype", [True, False]) @@ -333,32 +455,7 @@ def test_skyh5_catalog(use_filetype, tmp_path): param_filename, filetype=filetype, return_catname=False ) - assert skyh5_catalog.Ncomponents == 50 - - # test error with unknown extension - hdf5_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'gleam.hdf5') - skyobj.write_skyh5(hdf5_file, clobber=True) - - param_dict['sources']['catalog'] = hdf5_file - with open(param_filename, 'w') as yfile: - yaml.dump(param_dict, yfile, default_flow_style=False) - - if use_filetype: - param_dict['sources']['filetype'] = "skyh5" - with open(param_filename, 'w') as yfile: - yaml.dump(param_dict, yfile, default_flow_style=False) - h5_catalog = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - param_filename, return_catname=False - ) - assert h5_catalog == skyh5_catalog - else: - with pytest.raises( - ValueError, - match="Cannot determine the file type. Please specify using the filetype parameter." - ): - pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( - param_filename, return_catname=False - ) + assert skyh5_catalog == skyobj @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Input ra and dec parameters are being used instead") @@ -378,12 +475,9 @@ def test_healpix_catalog(): "spectral_type", ["flat", "subband", "spectral_index"]) def test_gleam_catalog_spectral_type(spectral_type): - gleam_param_filename = os.path.join( - SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'param_1time_1src_testgleam.yaml' - ) - with open(gleam_param_filename, 'r') as pfile: + with open(gleam_param_file, 'r') as pfile: param_dict = yaml.safe_load(pfile) - param_dict['config_path'] = os.path.dirname(gleam_param_filename) + param_dict['config_path'] = os.path.dirname(gleam_param_file) param_dict["sources"].pop("min_flux") param_dict["sources"].pop("max_flux") param_dict["sources"]["spectral_type"] = spectral_type @@ -399,28 +493,15 @@ def test_gleam_catalog_spectral_type(spectral_type): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not self-consistent") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The lst_array is not self-consistent") +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") def test_param_reader(): param_filename = os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, "test_config", "param_10time_10chan_0.yaml") - hera_uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file) - # This is an old file with the bug that added one to the - # antenna numbers for uvfits files. Fix them (if pyuvdata is recent) - if np.min(np.union1d(hera_uv.ant_1_array, hera_uv.ant_2_array)) > 0: - hera_uv.ant_1_array = hera_uv.ant_1_array - 1 - hera_uv.ant_2_array = hera_uv.ant_2_array - 1 - hera_uv.antenna_numbers = hera_uv.antenna_numbers - 1 - hera_uv.baseline_array = hera_uv.antnums_to_baseline( - hera_uv.ant_1_array, hera_uv.ant_2_array - ) - - hera_uv.use_future_array_shapes() - # set missing x_orientation - hera_uv.x_orientation = "east" + uv_in = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) if version.parse(pyuvdata.__version__) > version.parse("2.2.12"): - hera_uv.unproject_phase() + uv_in.unproject_phase() else: - hera_uv.unphase_to_drift() - hera_uv.telescope_name = 'HERA' + uv_in.unphase_to_drift() beam0 = UVBeam() beam0.read_beamfits(herabeam_default) @@ -470,9 +551,7 @@ def test_param_reader(): assert './sim_results.uvh5' == expected_ofilepath # Spoof attributes that won't match. - uv_obj.antenna_names = uv_obj.antenna_names.tolist() - uv_obj.antenna_diameters = hera_uv.antenna_diameters - uv_obj.history = hera_uv.history + uv_obj.history = uv_in.history uvfits_required_extra = [ "_antenna_positions", @@ -491,20 +570,12 @@ def test_param_reader(): assert new_beam_dict == beam_dict assert new_beam_list == beam_list - # remove filename attribute to ensure equality - hera_uv.filename = None - - # the old object was written before ordering was enforced - assert hera_uv.blt_order != uv_obj.blt_order - hera_uv.reorder_blts(order="time", minor_order="ant1") - hera_uv.reorder_blts(order="time", minor_order="baseline") - uv_obj.reorder_blts(order="time", minor_order="baseline") # renumber/rename the phase centers so the equality check will pass. if version.parse(pyuvdata.__version__) > version.parse("2.2.12"): - uv_obj._consolidate_phase_center_catalogs(other=hera_uv, ignore_name=True) - hera_uv.flex_spw_id_array = np.full(hera_uv.Nfreqs, hera_uv.spw_array[0], dtype=int) - assert uv_obj == hera_uv + uv_obj._consolidate_phase_center_catalogs(other=uv_in, ignore_name=True) + + assert uv_obj == uv_in @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") @@ -579,31 +650,47 @@ def test_param_reader_errors(subdict, error, msg): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") def test_tele_parser(): """ - Check a variety of cases not already tested by param reader + Test minimal dict passed (not covered by param reader tests) """ - # check no tele config passed - tdict = {'array_layout': os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_layout_6ant.csv')} - tel_error = ('If telescope_config_name not provided in `telescope` obsparam section, ' - 'you must provide telescope_location') - - with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=tel_error): - pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_telescope_params(tdict) - - tdict['telescope_location'] = '(-30.72152777777791, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000093132)' - tel_error = 'If telescope_config_name not provided in `telescope` obsparam section, ' \ - 'you must provide telescope_name' - with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=tel_error): - pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_telescope_params(tdict) - - tdict['telescope_name'] = 'tele' - tpars, blist, bdict = pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_telescope_params(tdict) + tdict = { + 'array_layout': os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_layout_6ant.csv'), + 'telescope_location': '(-30.72152777777791, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000093132)', + 'telescope_name': "foo", + } + tpars, blist, _ = pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_telescope_params(tdict) assert tpars['Nants_data'] == 6 assert len(blist) == 0 - tdict.pop('array_layout') - with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="array_layout must be provided."): - pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_telescope_params(tdict) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("tele_dict", "err_msg"), + [ + ( + {'array_layout': os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_layout_6ant.csv')}, + 'If telescope_config_name not provided in `telescope` obsparam section, ' + 'you must provide telescope_location' + ), + ( + { + 'array_layout': os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_layout_6ant.csv'), + 'telescope_location': '(-30.72152777777791, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000093132)' + }, + 'If telescope_config_name not provided in `telescope` obsparam section, ' + 'you must provide telescope_name' + ), + ( + { + 'telescope_name': "foo", + 'telescope_location': '(-30.72152777777791, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000093132)' + }, + "array_layout must be provided." + ), + ], +) +def test_tele_parser_errors(tele_dict, err_msg): + with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=err_msg): + pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_telescope_params(tele_dict) @pytest.mark.parametrize( @@ -640,10 +727,10 @@ def test_freq_parser(bpass_kwds, chwid_kwds, ref_freq_kwds): keys = tuple(set(bpass_kwds + chwid_kwds + (ref_freq_kwds))) # Get unique keys subdict = {key: fdict_base[key] for key in keys} test = pyuvsim.parse_frequency_params(subdict) - assert np.allclose(test['freq_array'], freq_array) + np.testing.assert_allclose(test['freq_array'], freq_array) cw_array = np.full((10,), fdict_base['channel_width'], dtype=float) - assert np.allclose(test['channel_width'], cw_array) + np.testing.assert_allclose(test['channel_width'], cw_array) @pytest.mark.parametrize( @@ -660,11 +747,11 @@ def test_freq_parser_freq_array(freq_array, channel_width): # As long as one tuple from each set is represented, # the param parser should work. test = pyuvsim.parse_frequency_params(subdict) - assert np.allclose(test['freq_array'], freq_array) + np.testing.assert_allclose(test['freq_array'], freq_array) if not isinstance(channel_width, np.ndarray): - assert np.allclose(test['channel_width'], np.ones_like(freq_array) * 0.5) + np.testing.assert_allclose(test['channel_width'], np.ones_like(freq_array) * 0.5) else: - assert np.allclose(test['channel_width'], channel_width) + np.testing.assert_allclose(test['channel_width'], channel_width) @pytest.mark.parametrize( @@ -704,85 +791,83 @@ def test_freq_parser_errors(freq_dict, msg): pyuvsim.parse_frequency_params(freq_dict) -def test_time_parser(): +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "time_keys", + [ + ['start_time', 'end_time', 'duration_hours', 'Ntimes'], + ['start_time', 'end_time', 'integration_time'], + ['start_time', 'integration_time', 'Ntimes', 'duration_hours'], + ['end_time', 'integration_time', 'Ntimes', 'duration_hours'], + ['start_time', 'integration_time', 'Ntimes'], + ['end_time', 'integration_time', 'Ntimes'], + ['start_time', 'duration_hours', 'Ntimes'], + ['end_time', 'duration_hours', 'Ntimes'], + ['start_time', 'duration_hours', 'integration_time'], + ['end_time', 'duration_hours', 'integration_time'], + ['time_array'], + ] +) +def test_time_parser(time_keys, time_dict_base): """ Check a variety of cases for the time parser. """ - - daysperhour = 1 / 24. dayspersec = 1 / (24 * 3600.) - tdict_base = { - 'Ntimes': 24, - 'duration_hours': 0.9999999962747097 / daysperhour, - 'end_time': 2457458.9583333298, - 'integration_time': 3599.999986588955, - 'start_time': 2457458.0 - } - - inttime_days = tdict_base['integration_time'] * dayspersec - time_array = np.linspace( - tdict_base['start_time'] + inttime_days / 2., - tdict_base['start_time'] + tdict_base['duration_hours'] * daysperhour - inttime_days / 2., - tdict_base['Ntimes'], endpoint=True + subdict = {key: time_dict_base[key] for key in time_keys} + test = pyuvsim.parse_time_params(subdict) + np.testing.assert_allclose( + test['time_array'], time_dict_base['time_array'], atol=dayspersec ) - tdict_base['time_array'] = time_array - - # As long as one tuple from each set is represented, - # the param parser should work. - - bpass_kwd_combos = [ - ('start_time', 'end_time'), - ('integration_time', 'Ntimes'), - ('duration_hours',) - ] - chwid_kwd_combos = [('duration_hours', 'Ntimes'), ('integration_time',)] - ref_freq_combos = [('start_time',), ('end_time',)] - - for bpass in bpass_kwd_combos: - for chwid in chwid_kwd_combos: - for ref in ref_freq_combos: - keys = tuple(set(bpass + chwid + (ref))) # Get unique keys - subdict = {key: tdict_base[key] for key in keys} - test = pyuvsim.parse_time_params(subdict) - assert np.allclose(test['time_array'], time_array, atol=dayspersec) - - subdict = {'time_array': time_array} - test = pyuvsim.parse_time_params(subdict) - assert np.allclose(test['time_array'], time_array, atol=dayspersec) +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("time_keys", "err_msg"), + [ + (('duration_hours',), 'Start or end time must be specified: duration_hours',), + ( + ('start_time', 'Ntimes'), + 'Either duration or integration time must be specified: Ntimes, start_time', + ), + ( + ('start_time', 'integration_time'), + 'Either duration or time bounds must be specified: integration_time, start_time', + ), + ( + ('start_time', 'end_time'), + 'Either integration_time or Ntimes must be included in parameters: end_time, ' + 'start_time', + ), + ], +) +def test_time_parser_missing_keys(time_keys, err_msg, time_dict_base): # Now check error cases - err_cases = [ - ('duration_hours',), - ('start_time', 'Ntimes'), - ('start_time', 'integration_time'), - ('start_time', 'end_time') - ] - err_mess = [ - 'Start or end time must be specified: duration_hours', - 'Either duration or integration time must be specified: Ntimes, start_time', - 'Either duration or time bounds must be specified: integration_time, start_time', - 'Either integration_time or Ntimes must be included in parameters: end_time, ' - 'start_time' - ] + subdict = {key: time_dict_base[key] for key in time_keys} + with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg): + pyuvsim.parse_time_params(subdict) - for ei, er in enumerate(err_cases): - subdict = {key: tdict_base[key] for key in er} - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_mess[ei]): - pyuvsim.parse_time_params(subdict) - subdict = {'integration_time': 3.14, 'start_time': 10000.0, 'end_time': 80000.3, 'Ntimes': 30} - with pytest.raises(ValueError, - match='Calculated time array is not consistent with set integration_time'): - pyuvsim.parse_time_params(subdict) +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("time_dict", "add_base", "rm_keys"), + [ + ( + {'integration_time': 3.14, 'start_time': 10000.0, 'end_time': 80000.3, 'Ntimes': 30}, + False, + [] + ), + ({'Ntimes': 7}, True, ["time_array"]), + ], +) +def test_time_parser_inconsistent(time_dict, add_base, rm_keys, time_dict_base): + if add_base: + time_dict = {**time_dict_base, **time_dict} + for key in rm_keys: + del time_dict[key] - subdict = tdict_base.copy() - subdict['Ntimes'] = 7 - del subdict['time_array'] - with pytest.raises(ValueError, - match='Calculated time array is not consistent with set integration_time'): - pyuvsim.parse_time_params(subdict) + with pytest.raises( + ValueError, + match='Calculated time array is not consistent with set integration_time' + ): + pyuvsim.parse_time_params(time_dict) def test_single_input_time(): @@ -790,39 +875,28 @@ def test_single_input_time(): assert time_dict['integration_time'] == 1.0 -@pytest.fixture(scope='module') -def times_and_freqs(): - freqs = np.linspace(100, 200, 1024) - times = np.linspace(2458570, 2458570 + 0.5, 239) - # yield the time and frequency arrays to the tests - # then delete after - yield times, freqs - - del (times, freqs) - - def test_freq_time_params_match(times_and_freqs): times, freqs = times_and_freqs time_dict = pyuvsim.simsetup.time_array_to_params(times) freq_dict = pyuvsim.simsetup.freq_array_to_params(freqs) ftest = pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_frequency_params(freq_dict) ttest = pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_time_params(time_dict) - assert np.allclose(ftest['freq_array'], freqs) - assert np.allclose(ttest['time_array'], times) + np.testing.assert_allclose(ftest['freq_array'], freqs) + np.testing.assert_allclose(ttest['time_array'], times) def test_uneven_time_array_to_params(times_and_freqs): - times, freqs = times_and_freqs + times, _ = times_and_freqs # Check that this works for unevenly-spaced times times = np.random.choice(times, 150, replace=False) times.sort() time_dict = pyuvsim.simsetup.time_array_to_params(times) ttest = pyuvsim.simsetup.parse_time_params(time_dict) - assert np.allclose(ttest['time_array'], times) + np.testing.assert_allclose(ttest['time_array'], times) def test_single_time_array_to_params(times_and_freqs): - times, freqs = times_and_freqs + times, _ = times_and_freqs # check Ntimes = 1 and Nfreqs = 1 case times = np.linspace(2458570, 2458570.5, 1) tdict = pyuvsim.simsetup.time_array_to_params(times) @@ -867,21 +941,6 @@ def test_param_select_bls(): uv_obj_bls.history, uv_obj_bls2.history = '', '' assert uv_obj_bls == uv_obj_bls2 - param_dict['cat_name'] = 'foo' - uv_obj_full = pyuvsim.initialize_uvdata_from_params(param_dict, return_beams=False) - if version.parse(pyuvdata.__version__) > version.parse("2.2.12"): - assert uv_obj_full.phase_center_catalog[0]["cat_name"] == 'foo' - else: - assert uv_obj_full.object_name == 'foo' - - param_dict.pop("cat_name") - param_dict['object_name'] = 'foo' - uv_obj_full = pyuvsim.initialize_uvdata_from_params(param_dict, return_beams=False) - if version.parse(pyuvdata.__version__) > version.parse("2.2.12"): - assert uv_obj_full.phase_center_catalog[0]["cat_name"] == 'foo' - else: - assert uv_obj_full.object_name == 'foo' - @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") def test_param_select_redundant(): @@ -900,127 +959,149 @@ def test_param_select_redundant(): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") -@pytest.mark.parametrize('case', np.arange(6)) -def test_uvdata_keyword_init(case, tmpdir): - base_kwargs = { - "antenna_layout_filepath": os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, - "test_config/triangle_bl_layout.csv"), - "telescope_location": (-30.72152777777791, 21.428305555555557, 1073.0000000093132), - "telescope_name": "HERA", - "Nfreqs": 10, - "start_freq": 1e8, - "bandwidth": 1e8, - "Ntimes": 60, - "integration_time": 100.0, - "start_time": 2458101.0, - "polarization_array": ['xx'], - "no_autos": True, - "write_files": False, - "run_check": True - } +@pytest.mark.parametrize("key", ["cat_name", "object_name"]) +def test_param_set_cat_name(key): + param_filename = os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'obsparam_mwa_nocore.yaml') + param_dict = pyuvsim.simsetup._config_str_to_dict(param_filename) + + param_dict[key] = 'foo' + uv_obj = pyuvsim.initialize_uvdata_from_params(param_dict, return_beams=False) + if version.parse(pyuvdata.__version__) > version.parse("2.2.12"): + assert uv_obj.phase_center_catalog[0]["cat_name"] == 'foo' + else: + assert uv_obj.object_name == 'foo' + + +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +def test_uvdata_keyword_init(uvdata_keyword_dict): + # check it runs through + uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + np.testing.assert_allclose( + uvdata_keyword_dict['telescope_location'], + uvd.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt_degrees + ) + np.testing.assert_allclose( + uvdata_keyword_dict['integration_time'], + uvd.integration_time, + rtol=uvd._integration_time.tols[0], + atol=uvd._integration_time.tols[1], + ) + assert uvdata_keyword_dict['telescope_name'] == uvd.telescope_name + assert uvdata_keyword_dict['start_freq'] == uvd.freq_array[0] + assert uvdata_keyword_dict['start_time'] == uvd.time_array[0] + assert uvdata_keyword_dict['Ntimes'] == uvd.Ntimes + assert uvdata_keyword_dict['Nfreqs'] == uvd.Nfreqs + assert uvdata_keyword_dict['polarization_array'] == uvd.get_pols() + assert not np.any(uvd.ant_1_array == uvd.ant_2_array) + + +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +def test_uvdata_keyword_init_select_bls(uvdata_keyword_dict): + # check bls and antenna_nums selections work + bls = [(1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0)] + uvdata_keyword_dict['bls'] = bls + uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + antpairs = uvd.get_antpairs() + assert antpairs == bls + + +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +def test_uvdata_keyword_init_select_antnum_str(uvdata_keyword_dict): + # check that '1' gets converted to [1] + uvdata_keyword_dict['polarization_array'] = ['xx', 'yy'] + uvdata_keyword_dict['no_autos'] = False + uvdata_keyword_dict['antenna_nums'] = '1' + uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + + assert uvd.Nbls == 1 + assert uvd.get_pols() == uvdata_keyword_dict['polarization_array'] + + +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +def test_uvdata_keyword_init_time_freq_override(uvdata_keyword_dict): + # check time and freq array definitions supersede other parameters + fa = np.linspace(100, 200, 11) * 1e6 + ta = np.linspace(2458101, 2458102, 21) + uvdata_keyword_dict['freq_array'] = fa + uvdata_keyword_dict['time_array'] = ta + uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + + np.testing.assert_allclose(uvd.time_array[::uvd.Nbls], ta) + np.testing.assert_allclose(uvd.freq_array, fa) + + +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +def test_uvdata_keyword_init_layout_dict(uvdata_keyword_dict, tmpdir): + # test feeding array layout as dictionary + uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + antpos, ants = uvd.get_ENU_antpos() + antpos_d = dict(zip(ants, antpos)) + layout_fname = 'temp_layout.csv' + obsparam_fname = 'temp_obsparam.yaml' + + uvdata_keyword_dict['output_layout_filename'] = layout_fname + uvdata_keyword_dict['output_yaml_filename'] = obsparam_fname + uvdata_keyword_dict['array_layout'] = antpos_d + uvdata_keyword_dict['path_out'] = str(tmpdir) + uvdata_keyword_dict['write_files'] = True + + uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + layout_path = str(tmpdir.join(layout_fname)) + obsparam_path = str(tmpdir.join(obsparam_fname)) + assert os.path.exists(layout_path) + assert os.path.exists(obsparam_path) + + assert uvd.Nbls == 6 + assert uvd.Nants_data == 4 + ap, a = uvd.get_ENU_antpos() + apd = dict(zip(a, ap)) + assert np.all([np.isclose(antpos_d[ant], apd[ant]) for ant in ants]) + + +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +@pytest.mark.parametrize("pass_layout", [True, False]) +def test_uvdata_keyword_init_write(pass_layout, uvdata_keyword_dict, tmpdir): + # Check defaults when writing to file. + + new_layout_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "triangle_bl_layout.csv") + shutil.copyfile( + os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, "test_config", "triangle_bl_layout.csv"), + new_layout_file, + ) + + uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + antpos, ants = uvd.get_ENU_antpos() + antpos_d = dict(zip(ants, antpos)) + # Checking -- Default to a copy of the original layout, if layout is provided. + obsparam_fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'obsparam.yaml') + + if pass_layout: + layout_fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'triangle_bl_layout.csv') + else: + layout_fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'antenna_layout.csv') + uvdata_keyword_dict.pop('antenna_layout_filepath') + uvdata_keyword_dict['array_layout'] = antpos_d + uvdata_keyword_dict['complete'] = True - if case == 0: - # check it runs through - uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**base_kwargs) - assert np.allclose(base_kwargs['telescope_location'], - uvd.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt_degrees) - assert np.allclose(base_kwargs['integration_time'], uvd.integration_time) - assert base_kwargs['telescope_name'] == uvd.telescope_name - assert base_kwargs['start_freq'] == uvd.freq_array[0] - assert base_kwargs['start_time'] == uvd.time_array[0] - assert base_kwargs['Ntimes'] == uvd.Ntimes - assert base_kwargs['Nfreqs'] == uvd.Nfreqs - assert base_kwargs['polarization_array'] == uvd.get_pols() - assert not np.any(uvd.ant_1_array == uvd.ant_2_array) - - elif case == 1: - # check bls and antenna_nums selections work - bls = [(1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0)] - new_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(base_kwargs) - new_kwargs['bls'] = bls - uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**new_kwargs) - antpairs = uvd.get_antpairs() - assert antpairs == bls - - elif case == 2: - # also check that '1' gets converted to [1] - new_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(base_kwargs) - new_kwargs['polarization_array'] = ['xx', 'yy'] - new_kwargs['no_autos'] = False - new_kwargs['antenna_nums'] = '1' - uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**new_kwargs) - - assert uvd.Nbls == 1 - assert uvd.get_pols() == new_kwargs['polarization_array'] - elif case == 3: - # check time and freq array definitions supersede other parameters - fa = np.linspace(100, 200, 11) * 1e6 - ta = np.linspace(2458101, 2458102, 21) - new_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(base_kwargs) - new_kwargs['freq_array'] = fa - new_kwargs['time_array'] = ta - uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**new_kwargs) - - assert np.allclose(uvd.time_array[::uvd.Nbls], ta) - assert np.allclose(uvd.freq_array, fa) - elif case == 4: - # test feeding array layout as dictionary - uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**base_kwargs) - antpos, ants = uvd.get_ENU_antpos() - antpos_d = dict(zip(ants, antpos)) - layout_fname = 'temp_layout.csv' - obsparam_fname = 'temp_obsparam.yaml' - - new_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(base_kwargs) - new_kwargs['output_layout_filename'] = layout_fname - new_kwargs['output_yaml_filename'] = obsparam_fname - new_kwargs['array_layout'] = antpos_d - new_kwargs['path_out'] = str(tmpdir) - new_kwargs['write_files'] = True - - uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**new_kwargs) - layout_path = str(tmpdir.join(layout_fname)) - obsparam_path = str(tmpdir.join(obsparam_fname)) - assert os.path.exists(layout_path) - assert os.path.exists(obsparam_path) - - assert uvd.Nbls == 6 - assert uvd.Nants_data == 4 - ap, a = uvd.get_ENU_antpos() - apd = dict(zip(a, ap)) - assert np.all([np.isclose(antpos_d[ant], apd[ant]) for ant in ants]) - - elif case == 5: - # Check defaults when writing to file. - uvd = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**base_kwargs) - antpos, ants = uvd.get_ENU_antpos() - antpos_d = dict(zip(ants, antpos)) - # Checking -- Default to a copy of the original layout, if layout is provided. - layout_fname = 'triangle_bl_layout.csv' - obsparam_fname = 'obsparam.yaml' - - new_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(base_kwargs) - new_kwargs['write_files'] = True - - pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**new_kwargs) - assert os.path.exists(layout_fname) - assert os.path.exists(obsparam_fname) - - os.remove(layout_fname) - os.remove(obsparam_fname) - - # Default if no antenna_layout_filepath is provided. - layout_fname = 'antenna_layout.csv' - new_kwargs.pop('antenna_layout_filepath') - new_kwargs['array_layout'] = antpos_d - new_kwargs['complete'] = True - - pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**new_kwargs) - assert os.path.exists(layout_fname) - assert os.path.exists(obsparam_fname) - - os.remove(layout_fname) - os.remove(obsparam_fname) + uvdata_keyword_dict['write_files'] = True + + cwd = os.getcwd() + os.chdir(tmpdir) + pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) + assert os.path.exists(layout_fname) + assert os.path.exists(obsparam_fname) + + os.chdir(cwd) + + +def test_initialize_uvdata_from_keywords_errors(uvdata_keyword_dict): + del uvdata_keyword_dict["antenna_layout_filepath"] + + with pytest.raises( + ValueError, + match="Either array_layout or antenna_layout_filepath must be passed." + ): + pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_keywords(**uvdata_keyword_dict) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") @@ -1037,8 +1118,7 @@ def test_uvfits_to_config(tmp_path): os.makedirs(opath) # Directory will be deleted when test completed. # Read uvfits file to params. - uv0 = UVData.from_file(longbl_uvfits_file) - uv0.use_future_array_shapes() + uv0 = UVData.from_file(longbl_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) path, telescope_config, layout_fname = pyuvsim.simsetup.uvdata_to_telescope_config( uv0, @@ -1060,11 +1140,6 @@ def test_uvfits_to_config(tmp_path): path_out=opath ) - print(os.path.join(opath, param_filename)) - with open(os.path.join(opath, param_filename), 'r') as pfile: - foo = yaml.safe_load(pfile) - print(foo) - # From parameters, generate a uvdata object. param_dict = pyuvsim.simsetup._config_str_to_dict(os.path.join(opath, param_filename)) @@ -1119,17 +1194,23 @@ def test_mock_catalogs(arrangement, text_cat): assert np.all(radec_catalog == cat) -def test_saved_mock_catalog(): +def test_saved_mock_catalog(tmpdir): time = Time(2458098.27471265, scale='utc', format='jd') + + cwd = os.getcwd() + os.chdir(tmpdir) + cat, mock_kwds = pyuvsim.simsetup.create_mock_catalog(time, 'random', Nsrcs=100, save=True) loc = eval(mock_kwds['array_location']) loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(loc[1], loc[0], loc[2]) # Lon, Lat, alt fname = 'mock_catalog_random.npz' alts_reload = np.load(fname)['alts'] cat.update_positions(time, loc) - alt, az = cat.alt_az - os.remove(fname) - assert np.allclose(alts_reload, np.degrees(alt)) + alt, _ = cat.alt_az + + np.testing.assert_allclose(alts_reload, np.degrees(alt)) + + os.chdir(cwd) @pytest.mark.parametrize('min_alt', [-20, 0, None, 50]) @@ -1141,7 +1222,7 @@ def test_randsource_minalt(min_alt): loc = eval(mock_kwds['array_location']) loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(loc[1], loc[0], loc[2]) # Lon, Lat, alt cat.update_positions(time, loc) - alt, az = cat.alt_az + alt, _ = cat.alt_az if min_alt is None: min_alt = 30 # Checking default assert np.all(alt >= np.radians(min_alt)) @@ -1258,42 +1339,52 @@ def test_multi_analytic_beams(tmpdir): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") -def test_direct_fname(): +def test_direct_fname(tmpdir): shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, "test_config", "28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml"), - "28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml" + os.path.join(tmpdir, "28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, "test_config", "param_100times_1.5days_triangle.yaml"), - "param_100times_1.5days_triangle.yaml" + os.path.join(tmpdir, "param_100times_1.5days_triangle.yaml"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, "test_config", "triangle_bl_layout.csv"), - "triangle_bl_layout.csv" + os.path.join(tmpdir, "triangle_bl_layout.csv"), ) - # This should now run without errors + cwd = os.getcwd() + os.chdir(tmpdir) + pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_params( "param_100times_1.5days_triangle.yaml", return_beams=False ) - os.remove("28m_triangle_10time_10chan.yaml") - os.remove("param_100times_1.5days_triangle.yaml") - os.remove("triangle_bl_layout.csv") + os.chdir(cwd) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") -def test_beamlist_init_errors(): +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + ("beam_dict", "err_msg"), + [ + ({0: 1.35}, "Beam model is not properly specified"), + ( + {0: {"diameter": 12}}, + "Beam model must have either a 'filename' field for UVBeam files " + "or a 'type' field for analytic beams." + ), + ( + {0: {"type": "unsupported_type", "diameter": 12}}, + "Undefined beam model type: unsupported_type" + ), + ] +) +def test_beamlist_init_errors(beam_dict, err_msg): telescope_config_name = os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'bl_lite_mixed.yaml') with open(telescope_config_name, 'r') as yf: telconfig = yaml.safe_load(yf) - # The path for beam 0 is invalid, and it's not needed for this test. - del telconfig['beam_paths'][0] - beam_ids = np.arange(1, 6) - - bad_conf_0 = copy.deepcopy(telconfig) - bad_conf_0['beam_paths'][1] = 1.35 + telconfig['beam_paths'] = beam_dict with uvtest.check_warnings( DeprecationWarning, match="Beam shape options diameter and sigma should be specified per " @@ -1301,37 +1392,19 @@ def test_beamlist_init_errors(): "the parameter_files documentation. This will become an error in " "version 1.4" ): - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Beam model is not properly specified"): - pyuvsim.simsetup._construct_beam_list(beam_ids, bad_conf_0) + with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg): + pyuvsim.simsetup._construct_beam_list([0], telconfig) - bad_conf_1 = copy.deepcopy(telconfig) - del bad_conf_1['beam_paths'][1]['type'] - with uvtest.check_warnings( - DeprecationWarning, - match="Beam shape options diameter and sigma should be specified per " - "beamID in the 'beam_paths' section not as globals. For examples see " - "the parameter_files documentation. This will become an error in " - "version 1.4" - ): - with pytest.raises( - ValueError, - match="Beam model must have either a 'filename' field for UVBeam files " - "or a 'type' field for analytic beams." - ): - pyuvsim.simsetup._construct_beam_list(beam_ids, bad_conf_1) +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") +def test_beamlist_init_spline(): + telescope_config_name = os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'bl_lite_mixed.yaml') + with open(telescope_config_name, 'r') as yf: + telconfig = yaml.safe_load(yf) - bad_conf_2 = copy.deepcopy(telconfig) - bad_conf_2['beam_paths'][1]['type'] = 'unsupported_type' - with uvtest.check_warnings( - DeprecationWarning, - match="Beam shape options diameter and sigma should be specified per " - "beamID in the 'beam_paths' section not as globals. For examples see " - "the parameter_files documentation. This will become an error in " - "version 1.4" - ): - with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Undefined beam model type"): - pyuvsim.simsetup._construct_beam_list(beam_ids, bad_conf_2) + # The path for beam 0 is invalid, and it's not needed for this test. + del telconfig['beam_paths'][0] + beam_ids = np.arange(1, 6) # Check that spline_interp_opts is passed along correctly to BeamList telconfig['spline_interp_opts'] = {'kx' : 2, 'ky' : 2} @@ -1349,7 +1422,7 @@ def test_beamlist_init_errors(): ] * 3, ): beam_list = pyuvsim.simsetup._construct_beam_list(beam_ids, telconfig) - assert beam_list.spline_interp_opts is not None + assert beam_list.spline_interp_opts == {'kx' : 2, 'ky' : 2} @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Cannot check consistency of a string-mode BeamList") @@ -1492,7 +1565,7 @@ def test_moon_lsts(): new_obj = pyuvsim.simsetup._complete_uvdata(uv_obj) - assert np.allclose(new_obj.lst_array, backup_lst_array) + np.testing.assert_allclose(new_obj.lst_array, backup_lst_array) assert new_obj.check() @@ -1520,37 +1593,6 @@ def test_mock_catalog_moon(): assert not mmock == emock -@pytest.fixture(scope='module') -def cat_with_some_pols(): - # Mock catalog with a couple sources polarized. - Nsrcs = 30 - Nfreqs = 10 - freqs = np.linspace(100, 130, Nfreqs) * 1e6 * units.Hz - - pol_inds = range(12, 15) - stokes = np.zeros((4, Nfreqs, Nsrcs)) - stokes[0, :, :] = 1.0 - - stokes[1, :, pol_inds] = 0.2 - stokes[2, :, pol_inds] = 1.2 - stokes[3, :, pol_inds] = 0.3 - - ra = Longitude(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, Nsrcs), 'rad') - dec = Latitude(np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 3, Nsrcs), 'rad') - - sky = SkyModel( - name=np.arange(Nsrcs).astype(str), - ra=ra, - dec=dec, - frame="icrs", - stokes=stokes * units.Jy, - spectral_type='full', - freq_array=freqs - ) - - return sky - - @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Input ra and dec parameters are being used instead") @pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', ['Jy', 'K']) def test_skymodeldata_with_quantity_stokes(unit, cat_with_some_pols): @@ -1576,7 +1618,8 @@ def test_skymodeldata_with_quantity_stokes(unit, cat_with_some_pols): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Input ra and dec parameters are being used instead") @pytest.mark.parametrize('component_type', ['point', 'healpix']) -def test_skymodeldata(component_type, cat_with_some_pols): +@pytest.mark.parametrize("select", [True, False]) +def test_skymodeldata(component_type, select, cat_with_some_pols): # Test that SkyModelData class can properly recreate a SkyModel and subselect. if component_type == 'point': sky = cat_with_some_pols @@ -1593,14 +1636,9 @@ def test_skymodeldata(component_type, cat_with_some_pols): else: assert smd.filename == filename_use - if hasattr(sky, "get_lon_lat"): - sky_ra, sky_dec = sky.get_lon_lat() - assert (smd.ra == sky_ra.deg).all() - assert (smd.dec == sky_dec.deg).all() - else: - # backwards compatibility for pyradiosky < 0.1.3 - assert (smd.ra == sky.ra.deg).all() - assert (smd.dec == sky.dec.deg).all() + sky_ra, sky_dec = sky.get_lon_lat() + assert (smd.ra == sky_ra.deg).all() + assert (smd.dec == sky_dec.deg).all() if isinstance(sky.stokes, units.Quantity): smd.stokes_I *= units.Unit(smd.flux_unit) @@ -1616,21 +1654,23 @@ def test_skymodeldata(component_type, cat_with_some_pols): assert (smd.stokes_U == sky.stokes[..., smd.polarized][2]).all() assert (smd.stokes_V == sky.stokes[..., smd.polarized][3]).all() - # Make skymodel from SkyModelData. - sky1 = smd.get_skymodel() - # history is not copied into SkyModelData. - sky1.history = sky.history + if select: + sky1_sub = smd.get_skymodel(range(8, 13)) - assert sky1 == sky + assert sky1_sub.Ncomponents == 5 + if smd.polarized is not None: + assert sky1_sub._n_polarized == 1 - # Now try with subselection: - sky1_sub = smd.get_skymodel(range(8, 13)) + sky_sub = sky.select(component_inds=list(range(8, 13)), inplace=False) + sky1_sub.history = sky_sub.history + assert sky_sub == sky1_sub + else: + # Make skymodel from SkyModelData. + sky1 = smd.get_skymodel() + # history is not copied into SkyModelData. + sky1.history = sky.history - assert sky1.check() - assert sky1_sub.check() - assert sky1_sub.Ncomponents == 5 - if smd.polarized is not None: - assert sky1_sub._n_polarized == 1 + assert sky1 == sky @pytest.mark.parametrize('inds', [range(30), range(5), np.arange(9, 14)]) @@ -1672,8 +1712,8 @@ def test_skymodeldata_non_icrs(cat_with_some_pols): ) smd = pyuvsim.simsetup.SkyModelData(sky) - assert np.allclose(icrs_coord.ra.deg, smd.ra) - assert np.allclose(icrs_coord.dec.deg, smd.dec) + np.testing.assert_allclose(icrs_coord.ra.deg, smd.ra) + np.testing.assert_allclose(icrs_coord.dec.deg, smd.dec) @pytest.mark.parametrize('inds', [range(30), range(5)]) @@ -1690,8 +1730,7 @@ def test_skymodeldata_attr_bases(inds, cat_with_some_pols): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") def test_set_lsts_errors(): # Error cases on set_lsts function. - uv0 = UVData.from_file(longbl_uvfits_file) - uv0.use_future_array_shapes() + uv0 = UVData.from_file(longbl_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) uv0.lst_array = None uv0.extra_keywords['world'] = 'moon' @@ -1708,7 +1747,7 @@ def test_set_lsts_errors(): def test_simsetup_with_freq_buffer(): fl = os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_config', 'obsparam_diffuse_sky_freqbuf.yaml') - uvd, beams, _ = simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_params(fl, return_beams=True) + _, beams, _ = simsetup.initialize_uvdata_from_params(fl, return_beams=True) beams.set_obj_mode() assert beams[0].freq_array.max() < 101e6 diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_telescope.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_telescope.py index e97c3c4d..250c1b8e 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_telescope.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_telescope.py @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ def test_convert_loop(beam_objs): beams = beam_objs if hasattr(beams[0], "_freq_interp_kind"): + # this can go away when we require pyuvdata version >= 2.4.2 beams[0].freq_interp_kind = 'linear' beams[1].freq_interp_kind = 'cubic' @@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ def test_convert_loop(beam_objs): assert beamlist2 == beamlist if hasattr(beams[0], "_freq_interp_kind"): + # this can go away when we require pyuvdata version >= 2.4.2 assert beamlist.uvb_params['freq_interp_kind'] == 'linear' for bs in beamlist: @@ -104,11 +106,6 @@ def test_convert_loop(beam_objs): assert beamlist._str_beam_list == [] - # Reset UVBeams - if hasattr(beams[0], "_freq_interp_kind"): - beams[0].freq_interp_kind = None - beams[1].freq_interp_kind = None - def test_object_mode(beam_objs, tmp_path): beams = beam_objs @@ -122,6 +119,7 @@ def test_object_mode(beam_objs, tmp_path): uvb = copy.deepcopy(beams[0]) uvb.extra_keywords['beam_path'] = new_beam_file if hasattr(beams[0], "_freq_interp_kind"): + # this can go away when we require pyuvdata version >= 2.4.2 beamlist[0].freq_interp_kind = 'cubic' uvb.freq_interp_kind = 'quartic' warn_type = UserWarning @@ -173,6 +171,7 @@ def test_string_mode(beam_objs): uvb = beams[0] if hasattr(beams[0], "_freq_interp_kind"): + # this can go away when we require pyuvdata version >= 2.4.2 uvb.freq_interp_kind = 'quartic' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='UVBeam parameters do not'): @@ -212,6 +211,7 @@ def test_comparison(beam_objs): def test_no_overwrite(beam_objs): if not hasattr(beam_objs[0], "_freq_interp_kind"): + # this can go away when we require pyuvdata version >= 2.4.2 pytest.skip() # Ensure UVBeam keywords are not overwritten by BeamList.uvb_params # while in object mode. @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ def test_beamlist_errors(beam_objs): ): pyuvsim.BeamList(beams, check=True) - # test warning on beams with different x_orientation + # test warning on beams with no x_orientation beams[0].x_orientation = None beams[1].x_orientation = None with uvtest.check_warnings( @@ -299,7 +299,8 @@ def test_beamlist_consistency_stringmode(beam_objs): beamlist = pyuvsim.BeamList(beams[:3], check=False) beamlist.set_str_mode() - pyuvsim.BeamList(beamlist._str_beam_list, check=True, force_check=True) + beamlist2 = pyuvsim.BeamList(beamlist._str_beam_list, check=True, force_check=True) + assert beamlist2 == beamlist def test_beam_basis_type(beam_objs): @@ -323,6 +324,16 @@ def test_beam_basis_type_errors(beam_objs): ): beamlist.check_consistency() + beamlist.set_str_mode() + with pytest.raises( + ValueError, + match="Cannot get beam basis type from a string-mode BeamList." + ): + beamlist._get_beam_basis_type() + + +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:key beam_path in extra_keywords is longer") +def test_beam_basis_non_orthogonal_error(beam_objs): # test with non-orthogonal basis vectors # first construct a beam with non-orthogonal basis vectors new_basis_vecs = np.zeros_like(beam_objs[1].basis_vector_array) @@ -337,7 +348,7 @@ def test_beam_basis_type_errors(beam_objs): beam_objs[1].data_array = new_data beam_objs[1].check() - beamlist = pyuvsim.BeamList(beam_objs[1:], check=False) + beamlist = pyuvsim.BeamList(beam_objs, check=False) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="pyuvsim currently only supports beams with basis vectors that" @@ -346,13 +357,6 @@ def test_beam_basis_type_errors(beam_objs): ): beamlist.check_consistency() - beamlist.set_str_mode() - with pytest.raises( - ValueError, - match="Cannot get beam basis type from a string-mode BeamList." - ): - beamlist._get_beam_basis_type() - def test_empty_beamlist(): a = pyuvsim.BeamList(check=False) diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_utils.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_utils.py index dbd63207..4e6e4a87 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_utils.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_utils.py @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ def test_altaz_to_za_az(): calc_za, calc_az = simutils.altaz_to_zenithangle_azimuth( np.deg2rad(alts), np.deg2rad(azs) ) - assert np.allclose(calc_za, np.deg2rad(zas)) - assert np.allclose(calc_az, np.deg2rad(beam_azs)) + np.testing.assert_allclose(calc_za, np.deg2rad(zas)) + np.testing.assert_allclose(calc_az, np.deg2rad(beam_azs)) def test_single_altaz_to_za_az(): @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ def test_za_az_to_altaz(): calc_alt, calc_az = simutils.zenithangle_azimuth_to_altaz( np.deg2rad(zas), np.deg2rad(azs) ) - assert np.allclose(calc_alt, np.deg2rad(alts)) - assert np.allclose(calc_az, np.deg2rad(astropy_azs)) + np.testing.assert_allclose(calc_alt, np.deg2rad(alts)) + np.testing.assert_allclose(calc_az, np.deg2rad(astropy_azs)) def test_single_za_az_to_altaz(): @@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ def test_file_namer(tmpdir, ext): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The lst_array is not self-consistent") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") @pytest.mark.parametrize("save_format", [None, 'uvfits', 'miriad', 'uvh5', 'ms']) def test_write_uvdata(save_format, tmpdir): """ Test function that defines filenames from parameter dict """ if save_format == "ms": pytest.importorskip("casacore") - uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file) - uv.use_future_array_shapes() + uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) ofname = str(tmpdir.join('test_file')) filing_dict = {'outfile_name': ofname} @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ def test_write_uvdata(save_format, tmpdir): return_filename=True, out_format=save_format) except AssertionError: + # handling for old pyuvdata versions if save_format in ["miriad", "ms"]: shutil.rmtree(expected_ofname) else: @@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ def test_write_uvdata(save_format, tmpdir): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The lst_array is not self-consistent") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:writing default values for restfreq, vsource") +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") @pytest.mark.parametrize("save_format", [None, 'uvfits', 'miriad', 'uvh5', 'ms']) def test_write_uvdata_clobber(save_format, tmpdir): """Test overwriting a uvdata object yields the expected results.""" @@ -189,13 +191,13 @@ def test_write_uvdata_clobber(save_format, tmpdir): if not hasattr(UVData, "write_ms"): pytest.skip() - uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file) - uv.use_future_array_shapes() + uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) uv.set_lsts_from_time_array() filing_dict = { 'outdir': tmpdir.join('test_dir'), - 'outfile_name': 'test_file', + 'outfile_prefix': 'test', + 'outfile_suffix': 'file', } if save_format is None: warn_str = [ @@ -220,6 +222,7 @@ def test_write_uvdata_clobber(save_format, tmpdir): out_format=save_format, ) except AssertionError: + # handling for old pyuvdata versions # should only get here for miriad assert save_format == "miriad" shutil.rmtree(expected_ofname) @@ -235,9 +238,7 @@ def test_write_uvdata_clobber(save_format, tmpdir): assert os.path.exists(expected_ofname) - uv2 = UVData() - uv2.read(expected_ofname) - uv2.use_future_array_shapes() + uv2 = UVData.from_file(expected_ofname, use_future_array_shapes=True) if save_format == "ms": # MS adds some stuff to history & extra keywords @@ -254,6 +255,10 @@ def test_write_uvdata_clobber(save_format, tmpdir): # for some reason, the vis_units also change. This is more problematic... uv2.vis_units = uv.vis_units + elif save_format == "miriad": + # ordering gets changes in `write_miriad` + uv.reorder_blts() + uv2.reorder_blts() if version.parse(pyuvdata.__version__) > version.parse("2.2.12"): uv2._consolidate_phase_center_catalogs(other=uv, ignore_name=True) @@ -269,23 +274,7 @@ def test_write_uvdata_clobber(save_format, tmpdir): out_format=save_format, ) - if hasattr(uv2, "filename"): - uv2.filename = uv.filename - if save_format == "ms": - # MS adds some stuff to history & extra keywords - uv2.history = uv.history - uv2.extra_keywords = uv.extra_keywords - # for some reason, the vis_units also change. This is more problematic... - uv2.vis_units = uv.vis_units - - assert uv2._data_array != uv._data_array - assert uv2 != uv - - uv2.read(expected_ofname) - uv2.use_future_array_shapes() - - if hasattr(uv2, "filename"): - uv2.filename = uv.filename + uv2.read(expected_ofname, use_future_array_shapes=True) if save_format == "ms": # MS adds some stuff to history & extra keywords @@ -303,9 +292,9 @@ def test_write_uvdata_clobber(save_format, tmpdir): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The lst_array is not self-consistent") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") def test_write_fix_autos(tmpdir): - uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file) - uv.use_future_array_shapes() + uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) uv.set_lsts_from_time_array() @@ -327,15 +316,17 @@ def test_write_fix_autos(tmpdir): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The lst_array is not self-consistent") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") def test_write_error_with_no_format(tmpdir): """Test write_uvdata will error if no format is given.""" - uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file) - uv.use_future_array_shapes() + uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) ofname = str(tmpdir.join('test_file')) filing_dict = {'outfile_name': ofname} - with pytest.raises(ValueError, - match='Invalid output format. Options are'): + with pytest.raises( + ValueError, + match='Invalid output format. Options are' + ): simutils.write_uvdata(uv, filing_dict, return_filename=True, out_format='') @@ -343,10 +334,10 @@ def test_write_error_with_no_format(tmpdir): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The lst_array is not self-consistent") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The shapes of several attributes will be changing") +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope Triangle is not in known_telescopes.") def test_file_format_in_filing_dict(tmpdir): """Test file is written out when output_format is set in filing dict.""" - uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file) - uv.use_future_array_shapes() + uv = UVData.from_file(triangle_uvfits_file, use_future_array_shapes=True) ofname = str(tmpdir.join('test_file')) filing_dict = {'outfile_name': ofname} @@ -356,3 +347,8 @@ def test_file_format_in_filing_dict(tmpdir): # Cleanup os.remove(ofname + '.uvfits') + + +def test_progsteps_error(): + with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Maximum value is needed."): + simutils.progsteps() diff --git a/pyuvsim/tests/test_uvsim.py b/pyuvsim/tests/test_uvsim.py index 56b5f648..1c15e930 100644 --- a/pyuvsim/tests/test_uvsim.py +++ b/pyuvsim/tests/test_uvsim.py @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ def test_single_offzenith_source(beam, hera_loc): assert np.isclose(beam_za, beam_za2) assert np.isclose(beam_az, beam_az2) - interpolated_beam, interp_basis_vector = beam.interp( + interpolated_beam, _ = beam.interp( az_array=np.array([beam_az]), za_array=np.array([beam_za]), freq_array=np.array([freq.to_value('Hz')])) @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ def test_offzenith_source_multibl(beam, hera_loc, triangle_pos): # analytically calculate visibilities beam.peak_normalize() - interpolated_beam, interp_basis_vector = beam.interp( + interpolated_beam, _ = beam.interp( az_array=np.array([0.0]), za_array=np.array([src_za.rad]), freq_array=np.array([freq.to_value('Hz')]) )