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Git Tricks

These trick assumes you have a remote named 'origin'

Website version with 'copy to clipboard' buttons

Mac/Linux Tricks

Delete all remote branches that are not main

git fetch --prune | git branch -r | grep -v 'main' | sed 's/origin\///' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | xargs -L1 git push origin --delete

On Delete all local branches that are not main or 'other-branch'

git branch | grep -v 'main' | grep -v 'other-branch' | xargs -L1 git branch -D

On Delete all local branches that are not main

git branch | grep -v 'main' | xargs -L1 git branch -D

Find all branches (in remotes and local) that I have created

Replace 'raph' with your name here

git for-each-ref --format=' %(authorname),%(refname)' | grep -i 'raph'

Delete all branches in remote that have the pattern feature/deployable/

git branch -r | grep 'origin/feature/deployable' | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs -I {} git push origin --delete {}

Windows Tricks

Initialise git in working directory with latest Visual Studio .gitignore

git init; (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing).Content | Out-File -FilePath .gitignore -Encoding utf8; git add -A

Delete all local branches that have been merged into main

git branch --merged origin/main | Where-Object {  !$_.Contains('main') } | ForEach-Object { git branch -d $_.trim() }

Delete all local branches that are not main

git branch | Where-Object { !$_.Contains('main') } | ForEach-Object { git branch -D $_.Trim() }

Copy current branch to clipboard

(git branch | Where-Object { $_.Contains('*') } | Select-Object -First 1).Trim('*').Trim() | Set-Clipboard

Delete remote branches with filter

git fetch --prune --all; git branch -r | where-object {$_.Contains('add a filter here')} | ForEach-Object { git push origin --delete $_.Split('/')[1] }

Find all branches (in remotes and local) that I have created

Just replace 'Raph' with your name here

git for-each-ref --format=' %(authorname),%(refname)' | where-object { $_.Split(',')[0].Trim() -eq 'Raph' } | select-object { $_.Split(',')[1] }

Stage all files for commit except those that are *.config at any level within your git repo

git status | Where-Object {$_.Contains('modified') -and !$_.Contains('.config')} | ForEach-Object { git add $_.Replace('modified:','').Trim() }

Delete all remote branches that are not main

git fetch --prune; git branch -r | Where-Object {  !$_.Contains('main') } | ForEach-Object { git push origin --delete $_.Split('/')[1] }

Delete all remote branches that have been merged into main

git fetch --prune; git branch -r --merged origin/main | Where-Object {  !$_.Contains('main') } | ForEach-Object { git push origin --delete $_.Split('/')[1] }

Pull multiple repositories in child folders (a.k.a. I'm back from a leave script)

gci -Directory | foreach {Push-Location $_.Name; git fetch --all; git add .; git stash; git checkout main; git pull; Pop-Location}