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289 lines (247 loc) · 14.2 KB
fip title status type author created updated
FIO Co-op
David Gold <[email protected]>, Pawel Mastalerz <[email protected]>

The specific numbers in this FIP are still being modeled and may change before the FIP is accepted.


This FIP proposes FIO Co-op, an on-chain program for creating economic incentives for FIO end-users to adopt the protocol early.

Fee distribution modifications:

Recipient Before FIP After FIP
Block Producers 85% 75%
FIOP Holders 0% 10%

Token supply modifications:

Token group Before FIP After FIP
FIOP Holders Bounty 0 10,000,000
BP Reserves 10,000,000 30,000,000
FIO Address Giveaways 125,000,000 95,000,000

Total token supply increase/(decerase): 0

Modified actions:

Contract Action Endpoint Description
fio.address regaddress register_fio_address Added logic to compute and grant FIOPs.
fio.address regdomain register_fio_domain Added logic to compute and grant FIOPs.
fio.address renewaddress renew_fio_address Added logic to grant FIOPs to FIO Addresses registered before program launch.
fio.address burnexpired burn_expired Added logic to update Total FIOPs in Circulation when NFT is burned.
* Any action which collects a fee Modify fee collection logic to allocate FIOP Rewards to pool

New actions:

Contract Action Endpoint Description
fio.address regaddressnf register_fio_address_nofiops Registers FIO Address, but does not grant FIOPs.
fio.treasury fiopclaim pay_fiop_rewards Computes FIOP rewards and processes FIOP payments.


The FIO Protocol is subject to the network effect, meaning the more participants adopt it, the more useful it is to all.

To accelerate the adoption, on-chain incentives for integrators in the form of TPID rewards and New User Bounties, as well as for block producers in the form of rewards and reserves are built into the FIO Chain.

Currently, there are no incentives for end-users. When registered early, a FIO Address has limited use until more participants integrate it into their products and more end-users join the network. Yet early adopters add significant value to the network by helping it grow and therefore should be incentivized.

Key objective for FIO Co-op:

  • Encourage early adoption of the FIO Protocol by end-users
  • Cause users to seek FIO-integrated applications
  • Entice users to spread the word about FIO to others

User pitch

Register a FIO Address/Domain and you get a lifetime residual portion of all the future income to the FIO Protocol. The earlier you do so, the greater your share will be. If you register now, you'll get an X% greater allocation than a year from now.



FIO Co-op is an on-chain incentive program in which end-users who register FIO Address or FIO Domain are granted FIO Points (FIOPs). The earlier the registration is performed, the higher the amount of FIOPs granted. Any time a fee is paid on FIO Chain, a percentage is allocated to holders of FIOPs pro-rata.

FIOP grants

FIOPs are granted when a FIO Address or FIO Domain is registered and are permanently attached to the Non-fungible Token (NFT) being created, irrespective of which FIO Public Key is indicated as the owner of the NFT. FIOPs are not granted on renewals or bundle transaction purchases or any other activity associated with that NFT.

Optionally, the account paying for the FIO Address registration may choose not to grant FIOPs to the NFT being created. This may be used by any entity which pays for FIO Addresses for its users and does not want to increase a risk of a sybil attack.

Amount of FIOPs (P) granted is determined by this formula:

P = (F/f)(1 - r)x


  • f - Current register_fio_address fee
  • F - Fee paid for FIO Address or FIO Domain Registration
  • r - Percent decay per second: 0.000002%
  • x - Seconds since program launch

Registrations before program launch

FIO Addresses and FIO Domains which were registered before the program launch have their FIOPs computed as if they were registered zero seconds since program launch. The FIOPs are further increased by:

When registered Increase
At Mainnet 20%
After Mainnet but before program start 15%

FIO Address registered before program launch do not have their FIOPs granted until the FIO Address is renewed after the program starts. Meaning a FIO Address registered before program launched does not earn FIOP rewards until after it has been renewed.

FIO Domains registered before program launch have their FIOPs granted immediately after the program starts.

Program duration

FIOPs are only granted in the first 3 years after program launch. After that time FIOP Holders continue to receive the FIOP Rewards, but no new FIOPs are granted.

FIOP lifecycle

  • FIOPs never expire and are permanently attached to the NFT.
  • When the FIO Address/Domain NFT is burned, attached FIOPs are permanently destroyed.
  • FIOPs cannot be transferred. However, when the FIO Address/Domain NFT is transferred to a new owner, attached FIOPs get transferred as well.

FIOP Rewards

Fee distribution

On-chain fee distribution is modified as follows:

Recipient Share before FIP Share after FIP
Block Producers 85% 75%
Entity facilitating transaction (TPID) or, if not provided, Block Producers. 10% 10%
Foundation 5% 5%
FIOP Holders 0% 10%

Distribution period

FIOP Rewards accumulate in the FIOP Rewards pool for a period of 30 days before they become eligible for distribution. If a distribution to a single NFT is less that register_fio_address fee, the amount is not transferred, but rather attached to the NFT and is added to the next distribution.

FIOP Holders Bounty

To further incentivize end users, FIOP Reward pool is increased before distribution by minting new tokens akin to New User Bounties. New tokens minted are capped at 10,000,000 and increase the FIOP Rewards based on the following schedule:

Time since program launch Increase in FIOP Rewards
30 days 100%
60 days 95%
90 days 90%
120 days 85%
150 days 80%
180 days 75%
210 days 70%
240 days 65%
270 days 60%
300 days 55%
330 days 50%
360 days 45%
390 days 40%
420 days 35%
450 days 30%
480 days 25%
510 days 20%
540 days 15%
570 days 10%
600 days 5%

In order to keep the cap on tokens minted at 1,000,000,000, the Foundation is reducing the FIO Address Giveaways pool from 125,000,000 to 115,000,000 FIO Tokens.

Changes to BP Reserves

In order to mitigate the impact of reduced Block Producer rewards and to extend the time when those rewards are guaranteed, the Block Producer Reserves pool is increased from 10,000,000 to 30,000,000 FIO Tokens.

In order to keep the cap on tokens minted at 1,000,000,000, the Foundation is further reducing the FIO Address Giveaways pool from 115,000,000 to 95,000,000 FIO Tokens.

Modifications to existing actions

Added logic to compute and grant FIOPs.


No changes


  • If program sill active, FIOPs are computed based on FIOP grants and are granted to the NFT and Total FIOPs in Circulation is updated.

Exception handling

No changes


No changes

Added logic to compute and grant FIOPs.


No changes


  • If program sill active, FIOPs are computed based on FIOP grants and are granted to the NFT and Total FIOPs in Circulation is updated.

Exception handling

No changes


No changes

Added logic to grant FIOPs to FIO Addresses registered before program launch.


No changes


  • If NFT has no granted FIOPs, program is sill active and FIOPs were computed, computed FIOPs are granted to the NFT.

Exception handling

No changes


No changes

Added logic to update Total FIOPs in Circulation when NFT is burned.


No changes


  • Reduce Total FIOPs in Circulation by amount attached to burned NFTs.

Exception handling

No changes


No changes

Any action which collects a fee

Modify fee collection logic to allocate FIOP Rewards to pool:

  • Determine if pool is current, meaning time from pool creation is less than Distribution period
    • If pool is current, add FIOP Holders% of fee being collected to the pool. Entire fee continues to be transferred to treasury.
    • If pool is not current:
      • Attach Total FIOP Circulating Supply to the pool
      • Create a new pool

New actions

Register FIO Address without FIOPs

Registers FIO Address, but does not grant FIOPs.

Contract: fio.address

New action: regaddressnf

New end point: /register_fio_address_nofiops

New fee: register_fio_address_nofiops, not bundle-eligible

RAM increase: 2,560 bytes

Request body

Same as regaddress.


Same as regaddress except that FIOPs are not computed or granted to the NFT.

Exception handling

Same as regaddress.

Response body

Same as regaddress.

Payout FIOP rewards

Computes FIOP rewards and processes FIOP payments.

Contract: fio.treasury

New action: fiopclaim

New end point: /pay_fiop_rewards

New fee: None

RAM increase: To be determined during implementation

Request body



  • Identify first unpaid FIOP Reward pool.
    • If none return 400:No work to perform.
  • Mint new FIOP Holders Bounty tokens and increase the Pool FIO amount at close.
  • Identify first NFT (FIO Address/Domain) which has not been paid for that pool. NFT is eligible to be paid for that pool if it exists (even if after expiration and before burning) was created before that reward pool was started.
  • Compute FIOP Reward.
    • FIOP Reward is: NFT's FIOP balance / circulating FIOPs at pool close * Pool FIO amount at close.
    • If FIOP carry-over is present, add it to FIOP Reward.
    • Track FIO paid from pool.
  • If FIOP Reward >= register_fio_address amount, transfer FIO tokens without fee to account which owns the NFT.
    • Annotate NFT as paid for current pool.
  • If FIOP Reward < register_fio_address amount, incerement FIOP carry-over and do not transfer FIO tokens.
  • Continue processing until as many NFTs as can safely be processed in single transaction.
  • Once all NFTs for a specific pool have been processed and FIO paid from pool is > 0 (this can happen when NFTs get burned or if pre-launch FIO Addresses have not yet been renewed), add that amount to the current open pool.

Exception handling

Error condition Trigger Type fields:name fields:value Error message
No work to perform No work to perform 400 "No work to perform"

Response body

Parameter Format Definition
status String OK if successful
nfts_paid Int Number of NFTs which were paid
  "status": "OK",
  "nfts_paid": 100


When designing an end-user incentive program, the following was considered:

  • Must be sybil attack proof
  • Should provide greater economic benefits the early the user participates
  • Payouts should be based on the future economic inputs to the FIO Protocol
  • Should not add friction to the process of adopting the FIO Protocol
  • Should enable permanent residual income as long as the user continues to participate

The following features were considered, but were not made part of this FIP as it was determined that they would add too much complexity at this stage:

  • Continue to award FIOPs after the initial grant based on on-chain activity
  • Award FIOPs for locking tokens.


  • The following variables should be defined in contract:
    • Percent decay per second
    • Program duration
    • Distribution period
    • FIOP Holders Bounty cap
  • Deployment dependency:
    • Foundation will transfer 25,000,000 FIO Tokens from FIO Address Giveaways to eosio for the purpose of retiring (burning).
  • Deployment considerations:

Backwards Compatibility

No impact on existing functionality.

Future considerations

May be considered in the future:

  • Continue to award FIOPs after the initial grant based on on-chain activity
  • Award FIOPs for locking tokens.

Discussion link