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Admin UI

Catz-uwu edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 7 revisions


The interface allows puzzle creators to configure the bot using an interactive flowchart with draggable elements.

Level Blocks

Created using the create level button, level blocks are the fundamental building blocks of wizard. Each block represents a single level within a puzzle, and displays its level's name, a colored line displaying the category it's related to, and the markers nickname-suffix-markerickname suffix, link-markerink, solutions-markerolutions, unlocks-markernlocks, channel-markerhannel, and role-markerole. These markers toggle to reflect the data provided to their block.



Managed using the create line and delete line buttons, lines dictate level dependencies. To create a line, click on two level blocks in order of parent to child.


Categories have three functions:

  1. Provide a visual aid to compartmentalizes related levels blocks using colors.
  2. Move Discord level channels to specific Discord categories.
  3. Allow users to toggle groups of levels at the leaderboard.




The general settings menu consists of options that can generally be considered to be one-time configurations.

  • Bot Token Sets the Discord bot token.
  • Key Sets the password used to access the site.
  • Discord Guild ID Sets the guild the bot functions within.
  • Embed Color Sets the embed color of the bot's messages.
  • Leaderboard Style Sets the css file of the public leaderboard.
  • Auth In Link When using /continue or /recall, the authentication will be included in the returned level link.
  • Enable Skipto Allows players to skip to any level they want by providing the command with the URL and authentication of the level.
  • Enable Grid Toggles the grid pattern.
  • Enable Tooltips Toggles the tooltips for the markers on blocks.
  • Public Url ?
  • Token ?


This menu allows admins to configure anything nickname related. Custom nickname styling can be set by changing the prefix, separator, and suffix fields. All changes will be displayed in the Discord preview.


Custom roles and nicknames can be awarded to players who have solved 100% of levels.



The role provided in this menu will be the only one allowed to use the /setprogress and /deleteuser commands.


The save button saves the current configuration. If there are changes to save, the edited marker edited-marker appears on it. The marker appears on any edited object, including level blocks and buttons. When saving, wizard will abandon the process if any errors are detected, including loops in level dependencies.

The sync button synchronises the discord server. If there are unsaved changes, those will be saved first, but the button can also be used to fix inconsistencies otherwise.

  • Level channels and roles are updated on Discord.
  • The channels of changed levels are moved to their categories (if set).
  • For each linked channel, everyone is denied read permission with an exception for the roles of the level and its child levels.
  • If a level has a parent level every user that has reached that level is immediately given its role.

Impoting and Exporting

These buttons allow you to import and export json files containing all data such as the UI data and player data.


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