is registered as TWIG filter and can be used to provide one single additional format or
size of the desired image. The desired values are passed inside an object, you need to pass at least
one conversion argument (either a size or a format ... or, of course, both).
The syntax requires an object as first argument, on which you can pass the desired conversion options. You need to pass at least one conversion argument, either the size (expressed with width and/or height) or the image format (ex. 'webp').
convert({ width: 1280 })
convert({ width: 1280, height: 720 })
convert({ width: 1280, height: 720, format: 'webp' })
convert({ format: 'webp' })
Changing the dimensions of the desired image will always respect the aspect ratio of the original file. Thus, if you only pass the width OR the height the corresponding value will be calculated automatically. Passing both values, width and height, will adjust the higher one depending of the lower on, related to the original aspect ratio.
'assets/imgs/filepath.jpg'|theme|convert({ /* Options */ })
<source srcset="{{ 'assets/imgs/original.jpg'|theme|convert({ format: 'webp' }) }}" media="(min-width: 1024)" type="image/webp" />
<source srcset="{{ 'assets/imgs/original.jpg'|theme }}" media="(min-width: 1024)" />
<source srcset="{{ 'assets/imgs/original.jpg'|theme|convert({ width: 1024, format: 'webp' }) }}" media="(min-width: 768px)" type="image/webp" />
<source srcset="{{ 'assets/imgs/original.jpg'|theme|convert({ width: 1024 }) }}" media="(min-width: 768px)" />
<source srcset="{{ 'assets/imgs/original.jpg'|theme|convert({ width: 768, format: 'webp' }) }}" type="image/webp" />
<source srcset="{{ 'assets/imgs/original.jpg'|theme|convert({ width: 768}) }}" />
<img src="{{ 'assets/imgs/original.jpg'|theme }}" alt="Image" />
is registered as TWIG function and can be used to provide a full <picture><source>
structure, with defined source-set breakpoints.
The picture
function requires at least 2 arguments: The first one is the desired image URL path,
the second one must be an object with the desired breakpoints, as described in detail below. You
can declare the desired output formats as array as third argument (ex: ['webp', 'jpeg']
) and
additional attributes for the <img />
element as fourth one (ex.: { loading: 'lazy' }
{ /* <breakpoints> */ }
[ /* <formats> */ ],
{ /* <img-attributes> */ }
You can pass the arguments also as "named arguments", by wrapping them into an object:
image: '<image_path>'|theme,
breakpoints: { }
formats: [ ],
attributes: { }