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user>rmr>Efficient rmr techniques

Antonio Piccolboni edited this page Jun 17, 2014 · 2 revisions

Efficient rmr techniques

We will try to collect here different observations, guidelines and examples about writing efficient and scalable programs with rmr. These observations are related to the mapreduce programming model, its specific implementation in hadoop, R as a programming language and the rmr package itself.


Considering here the abstract programming model, not the implementation specifics, the level of available parallelism in the map phase is as high as the number of input records. Each record can be, in principle, processed independently and therefore in parallel. Not so in the reduce phase. The maximum level of parallelism is determined by the cardinality of the set of keys. A single reducer has to process all the records associated with one key. This has the potential to curtail or negate the scalability of mapreduce. This may come as a surprise as it is often, incorrectly said that, once a computation is recast as a mapreduce computation, parallelism and scalability are ensured. Let's consider a very simple problem, the sum of a set of numbers, a very large one. Let's assume that there is only one key. Each value contains a single number. The trivial mapreduce implementation is as follows:

mapreduce(input = ..., reduce = function(k,vv) keyval(k, sum(vv)))

This solution is not scalable because it uses a single reducer, no matter what the configuration of the hadoop cluster is. This is not an artificial example, as this situation is common, albeit perhaps not in this extreme form. In the classic word count example, the risk is that one processor has to go through all the occurrences of a single word, even the most common. This can be a problem both from a worst case analysis point of view and in real word text analysis.

While there aren't general solutions to this problem, there are some known techniques that can help.

  • Sampling. One can run a sampling job, sampling at a fixed rate, to get an estimate of the word frequencies, then run a second job sampling at a rate inversely proportional to the initial estimates to get better estimates for the low frequency words without incurring in bottlenecks. This can be generalized to other cases such as fitting one low complexity model per key etc.
  • Randomized keys. The above example required multiple jobs and accepting some degree of approximation. In some cases we might be able to avoid both by artificially increasing the number of keys to achieve better load balancing and degree of parallelism. In our large sum example we could proceed as follows:
proc.number = 10
partial.sums = from.hdfs(mapreduce(input = ..., 
                                   map = function(k,v) keyval(sample(1:proc.number,1), v), 
								   reduce = function(k,vv) keyval(k, sum(unlist(vv)))))

and then finish off the job in main memory. In the wordcount case one can proceed by generating keys that are a combination of the word to be counted and a random integer between one and the ideal number of reducers. That way even the most common word occurrences get split over all processors. In a second job these partial counts are accumulated word by word.

  • Combiners. This problem is so common that a potential solution has been included into hadoop as a feature. Whenever the reduce function represents an operation on the records associated with one key that is associative and commutative, one can apply the reduce function on arbitrary subsets and again on the results thereof. Examples are counting as above and finding the max, min and average, if we express the average as a (total, count) pair and even the median if we accept that the median of medians is a good enough approximation, independent of the grouping. This preliminary reduce application can be triggered simply specifying that we want a combiner. Since the combiner is run right after the map, on the same node, as opposed to the multiple job solution, the cost of the shuffling phase is often drastically reduced. The combiner can be in principle a function different from the reducer, but since there isn't a guarantee that the combiner will be actually applied to each record, I have yet to see a meaningful example of this. In the large sum example we just have to write:
mapreduce(input = ..., reduce = function(k,vv) keyval(k, sum(vv)), combine = T)


  • Hadoop implements the mapreduce model on top of HDFS (next generation Hadoop actually generalizes over this, mapreduce becoming only one of several computational models). That means that there are phases of disk and network I/O that are integral to the computation, before and after each map and reduce phase. It's not that I/O is a new concept: the new idea is that it is integral to this type of very large computations and not limited to an initial and final phase, somewhat separate from the actual computation, as in the single machine, in RAM kind of computation we are all familiar with or in more traditional HPC (see also NUMA systems). To be more concrete, in designing algorithms for hadoop we may face tradeoffs between the total amount of CPU work and the number or type of jobs involved, hence I/O work. Since adding a job often means adding a I/O intensive phase, it may be worth reducing the number of jobs even if at the cost of increasing the total CPU work. This is an apparent contradiction with the suggestion to break a task into multiple jobs offered above, but there are tradeoffs between I/O costs, degree of parallelism and total CPU work that can play out differently for different problems and solutions. Fast, scalable, efficient, pick 2; more realistically, find the right compromise. For instance, in the tutorial we implemented logistic regression by gradient descent. Given that each step is a separate mapreduce job and that gradient descent is known to have slower convergence than other methods, it is natural to consider methods with faster convergence such as conjugate gradient, even if each iteration requires more work. Besides the number of jobs, what they actually do is also very important. All things being equal, if one has the option to effect a data reduction early rather than late in a chain of jobs, one should take it. An example could be a chain of matrix multiplication, where we can use associativity to our advantage to control the footprint of the computation, be it in RAM or on disk.
  • Hadoop has a very complex configuration that may need to be optimized for rmr jobs, either per job or on a global basis. For instance, we observed rmr jobs to be mostly CPU bound (see next Section). Therefore the optimal number of concurrent tasks on each node could be as low as the number of cores. For I/O bound processes, on the other hand, this number has been set as high as 300.


It is well known that the R interpreter is no speed daemon, actually more like 50X to 100X slower than C code. So what to do about it?

  • Nothing. It doesn't matter. It has been said that most widespread, useful algorithms take time linear in the size of the input, so the limiting factor is I/O anyway. This argument has some merit, but doesn't seem to apply to rmr. Since hadoop goes to great lengths to optimize I/O, mostly by using sequential access, in limited experiments conducted so far jobs were always CPU-limited.
  • Use the compiler. While this is a promising technology that is now distributed with the main R distribution, speed gains are realized only on a subset of the language. Work on the compiler is ongoing. Expect something like 4X speedups as the compiler matures. There are other compiler efforts, at a more experimental level (r2c, rcc, ra-jit).
  • Write in C or leverage the work of people who did. R has a convenient interface for calling C functions and many library functions are written that way. To maximize the impact of this approach, we need most computing time to be spent outside the interpreter, executing optimized C code. To achieve this, any invocation to C-implemented functions from R has to get a significant chunk of work done to offset the function call overhead and other work performed in the R interpreter — known in R circles has vectorization. It is to support this programming style that rmr currently adopts vectorized definition of the map and reduce functions, whereby they process not one but several records at once, in a deprature from the original definition. This way the number of map and reduce function calls is reduced and each can be implemented using fast vectorized primitives. Of course this is left to the user.


  • Performance testing: what you can't measure you can't improve (the truthfulness of this statement is hard to measure, but that's a different subject). rmr has a profiling feature and I can't recommend more familiarising yourself with it. It's not particularly easy to use, mostly because the R profiler itself is not so great and also because you need to go and dig out the profiling data from the nodes, something for which there isn't a lot of support. But "it's better to lit a candle than to curse the darkness". As with debugging, even profiling should start with the local backend on. You certainly won't see all the problem at that level, but they'll be easy to fix. With the local backend you can and should use the regular R profiler, the rmr one is disabled.
  • Vectorization: you want to make sure that your code is vectorized as described in the R section. Specifically from the point of view of rmr you want to make sure that the number of map and reduce calls is small, that is each call processes enough data or accounts for a big enough portion of your CPU time. As a rule of thumb, at least 1K per call or 1 millisecond. There are two handy counters, map calls and reduce calls that can help you improve your code along this dimension. If the number of reduce calls is high because of the nature of the problem (there are many distinct keys), you can use the relatively new option vectorized.reduce. An example of how to use it is in the collocations.R file in the examples directory within the source package.
  • The logical vs physical record: here, contrary to good developer precepts, I am going to expose you to some internals of rmr. When your map function returns something like keyval(mtcars$cyl, mtcars) logically this is equivalent to returning nrow(mtcars) records, but at the Hadoop level rmr generates only as many records as there are distinct values in the key. This is to avoid creating very small records which is very slow because creating and serializing many small data frames is awfully inefficient. But you may get unlucky and have a key with a lot of distinct values that forces rmr to create many small data frames. What to do in these cases? One option, when possible, is to use a matrix instead of a data frame. Splitting is about 20 times faster (matrix serialization is slow though, see next point). If you have a single column data frame use a vector. If it is attribute-less, rmr will also use a simpler serialization method, see next point. You can also increase the keyval.length parameter with rmr.options. Depending on the cardinality and distribution of keys, it may allow creating larger splits. If there are $k$ keys, if they are equally common and randomly scattered it will take $k \log(k)$ in expectation to see all of them, therefore setting keyval.length to 1000 times that if at all possible should solve the small split problem. Another possibility is to use a reduced size key domain, for instance returning keyval(k%%100, v) instead of keyval(k,v) in the mapper, assuming k is integer. This should increase the size of splits and reduce the serialization burden. On the other hand, some information in the key is destroyed and, if necessary, has to be conveyed in the value, for instance keyval(k%%100, cbind(keys = k,v)). Moreover, a single reduce call will have to deal with multiple original keys and additional code will be needed to split the data in the reduce call, such as split(vv, vv$keys). Finally this will also increase the use of memory, possibly exceeding available resources.
  • Serialization quirks: rmr is using R own serialization behind the scenes, which means an R function is called for each distinct key and its associated group of values, which makes for very inefficient serialization of small key-value pairs. Luckily, an exception has been carved for attribute-less atomic vectors, which now transparently use a simplified serialization method and its all-C implementation (R serialization has a C API, but we found it to be inefficient for small objects even if called from C directly). Since splitting vectors is relatively fast and serializing small splits is also fast, this is your best bet to represent, for instance, sparse graphs. Finally, consider the new feature in.memory.combiner which may reduce the need for serialization since the combiner is applied directly on map output, in memory.
  • Configuration. There is a catch-all backend.parameters option for the sake of experimenting with configuration. We recommend that only advanced users use this feature and only for performance optimization, not to modify the semantics of the program.

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