A Movie Search App that allows users to search for movies by title or genre, and displays detailed information about each movie. The application is designed to provide users with a user-friendly interface that displays relevant movie information and allows users to save their favorite movies. Use React for the front end and Redux for state management, JavaScript for creating interactive websites, and CSS for styling. Deploy the app on Render. Follow software development best practices like code reviews, automated testing, and continuous integration.
- Home page: A landing page that displays popular movies and provides a search bar to search for movies.
- Search: A search bar that allows users to search for movies by title, genre, or actor.
- Movie Details: A page that displays detailed information about a movie, including the title, genre, director, actors, synopsis, and ratings.
- Favorite Movies: A page that displays a list of the user's favorite movies and allows them to add or remove movies.
- Login/Sign Up: A page that allows users to create an account or log in to an existing account to save their favorite movies.
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: To build the user interface and create a responsive design.
- Use HTML Semantic and CSS best practice to improve web accessibility and user experience
- React.js: To create a dynamic and interactive user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: To style the application and create a modern and professional look.
- Use TMDB API : To fetch movie data and display it on the application.
- Use Redux: To store user's favorite movies and retrieve them when the user logs in.
- Use GitHub flow
- Use Gitflow.
- A functional and responsive application that meets the requirements specified in the project description.
- Source code with proper documentation.
- User manual and installation instructions.
- Basic Knowledge of HTML & CSS
- Basic Knowledge of JavaScript & ES6 syntax
- Basic Knowledge of React Setup setup
- Tailwind CSS
To make use of this project, kindly run any of the following commands.
git clone https://github.com/Ridwanullahi-code/Movie-Search-App.git
git clone [email protected]:Ridwanullahi-code/Movie-Search-App.git
npm install
To run the project on server, run below command
npm start
To test run the project
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
I'm full stack software developer, Computer science, and Microverse student.
Stack: Python, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ruby, Rails, React, Redux. Available for hire!
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
This project is MIT licensed.