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A module is a reusable bit of code. Think of it like the specification of a chip, where now you can use as many of those chips as you want in other modules.

Basic structure

from nmigen import *
from import Platform

class ThingBlock(Elaboratable):
    def __init__(self):

    def elaborate(self, platform: Platform) -> Module:
        m = Module()
        return m

Elaborating a module

from nmigen.cli import main

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sync = ClockDomain()

    block = ThingBlock()

    m = Module() += sync
    m.submodules += block

    main(m, ports=[sync.clk, sync.rst])
  • main(module, ports=[<ports>], platform="<platform>") translates the given module, including any submodules recursively, in either Verilog or RTLIL. This is called elaboration. All elaborate() methods will have its platform argument set to the given platform, which can be None, or a Platform representing a particular chip or development board. Elaboratables might create different logic for different platforms, and they can directly access chip pins via the platform.
python3 generate -t [v|il] > thing.[v|il]

Generating a module results in a single file which includes all submodules.

You should choose Verilog if you want to work with vendor tools that understand Verilog, or use RTLIL if you will be working with yosys.


A domain, in its basic definition, is a grouping of logic elements. If we consider a module as a black box with inputs and outputs, then any given output is generated within one and only one domain. If you attempt to set an output in more than one domain, you'll get an error during elaboration that the signal has more than one driver -- a "driver-driver conflict".

Modules come with two domains built in: a combinatorial domain and a synchronous domain.

The domains in a Module can be accessed through its d attribute.


Logic that contains no clocked elements is called combinatorial: it just combines logic elements together. This is one of the domains that a Module contains. It is always named comb, and it can be accessed via m.d.comb.


Logic that contains clocked elements is called synchronous because all of the flip-flops (FFs) within a particular clock domain all change, in synchrony, according to the clock domain's clock. Each clock domain also has a reset signal which can reset all FFs to a given state. Finally, the domain specifies the edge of its clock on which all the FFs change: positive or negative.

FFs that are not clocked using the edge of a given clock domain cannot be in that clock domain. By definition, they have a different clock and reset, and so belong in a different clock domain. Attempts to set a signal in two clock domains will result in a driver-driver conflict.

Some hardware supports only one clock domain. Many FPGAs support at least two clock domains.

Unless otherwise specified, there is one synchronous domain in a Module called sync. It can be accessed via m.d.sync.

Creating more domains

There is no reason to create combinatorial domains. As mentioned above, modules already contain one combinatorial domain, comb.

You can create a synchronous clock domain using ClockDomain("<domain-name>", clk_edge="<pos|neg>"). This gives you both the clock and the reset signal for the domain. By default, the domain name is sync and the clock edge is pos.

You add the domain to a module using the syntax += <clockdomain>. For example:

m = Module()
mydomain = ClockDomain("clk") += mydomain

m.d.mydomain += ... # logic to add in the "mydomain" clock domain.

You can access a domain within a module via its name. So a domain created via ClockDomain("myclk") is accessed via m.d.myclk, or m.d["myclk"].

You can get the clock and reset signals like so:

  • ClockSignal(domain="<domain>") gives you the clock signal for the given domain.
  • ResetSignal(domain="<domain>") gives you the reset signal for the given domain.

Tip: clock domains with the same clock but different edges

This can be done simply by creating one ClockDomain for the positive edge, and then creating another ClockDomain with a different domain name and clk_edge="neg":

pos = ClockDomain("pos")
neg = ClockDomain("neg", clk_edge="neg")

Next, assign the positive domain's clock and reset signal to the negative domain:

neg.clk = pos.clk
neg.rst = pos.rst

And then you can add these to the module. We can add more than domain to a module with the same statement: += [pos, neg]

Access to domains

As stated above, a module can access its domains via its d attribute. By default, if a synchronous domain is added to a module's domains attribute, then all modules everywhere will also have access to that domain via their d attribute, even if that module is not a submodule of the module where the domain was added.

m = Module()
m2 = Module() += ClockDomain("thing")
m.d.thing += # logic
m2.d.thing += # logic

You can explicitly inhibit this global propagation by setting the local named parameter of the ClockDomain to True. This forces the clock to only be present in the domain of the module it was added to, and all submodules of that module.

m = Module()
m2 = Module() += ClockDomain("thing", local=True)
m.d.thing += # logic
m2.d.thing += # this will fail


The equivalent of ports in a module is public attributes. In the following example, a and data are publicly available to other modules, while b is not, just as a and data are publicly available to other Python classes, and b is not.

class ThingBlock(Elaboratable):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = Signal() = Signal(8)

    def elaborate(self, platform: str):
        m = Module()

        b = Signal()

        return m

Reset/default values for signals

If a signal is set in the combinatorial domain, then you can specify the default value of the signal if it is not set. By default, this is zero, but for a non-zero value, you can specify the default value for a signal when constructing the signal by setting the reset named parameter in the constructor. For example, this creates a 16-bit unsigned signal, self.x, which defaults to 0x1000 if not set:

self.x = Signal(unsigned(16), reset=0x1000)  # Yes, "reset".

Likewise, if a signal is set in a synchronous domain, then you can specify its reset value using the reset named parameter in the constructor. By default the reset value is zero.

Explicitly not resetting

For synchronous signals (that is, signals set in a synchronous domain), you can specify that it is not reset on the reset signal, instead only getting an initial value on power-up. This is done by setting the reset_less named parameter in the constructor to True:

self.x = Signal(unsigned(16), reset=0x1000, reset_less=True)

This would create a 16-bit unsigned signal that is initially set to 0x1000, but is not reset to that value when the domain's reset signal is activated.

This is especially useful during simulation or formal verification where you want to activate the reset, but keep some signals "outside" the reset. For example, a cycle counter that maintains its count across resets.