diff --git a/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/3.5.2/libRPGMaster2e.js b/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/3.5.2/libRPGMaster2e.js index a342b6a2a..295300bfa 100644 --- a/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/3.5.2/libRPGMaster2e.js +++ b/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/3.5.2/libRPGMaster2e.js @@ -899,14 +899,14 @@ const libRPGMaster = (() => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars {name:'Tallfellow-Halfling',type:'HumanoidRace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=Tallfellow Halfling}}{{subtitle=Race}}Specs=[Tallfellow Halfling,HumanoidRace,0H,Humanoid]{{Alignment=Any (usually NG)}}{{Languages=Often *common, halfling, dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, orc,* and any one Elven language}}{{Height=Males [40+2d8](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 40+2d8 ins height)ins, Females [38+2d8](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 38+2d8 ins height)ins}}{{Weight=Males [52+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 52+5d4 lbs weight)lbs, Females [48+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 48+5d4 lbs weight)lbs}}{{Life Expectancy=Average at 180 years}}{{Section=**Attributes**}}{{Minimum=Con:10, Dex:8, Int:6, Wis:7, Chr:5}}{{Maximum=Str:17, Dex:19, Wis:19}}{{Adjustment=Wis *or* Dex:+1, Str:-1}}{{Section1=**Powers**}}{{Section2=None}}{{Section3=**Special Advantages**}}{{Secret Doors=Like elves, a Tallfellow can recognize a secret door on a [1 in 6](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 1d6\\lt1) if passing within 10 feet.}}{{Magic Resistance=Magic-resistant, giving a bonus to saving throws against magical wands, staves, rods, and spells of +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution score.}}{{Poison Resistance=Save vs. poison at +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution score.}}{{Attack bonus=+1 To Hit with slings and thrown weapons}}{{Hide in Wood=Tallfellows receive a +2 bonus to surprise rolls when in forest or wooded terrain under all circumstances.}}{{Other Surprise=Enemies get a –4 penalty to surprise if the halfling is: 1) moving alone, 2) is 90 feet away from the rest of their party, or 3) is with other elves or halflings and all are in nonmetal armor. If the halfling must open a door or screen to get to the enemy, the penalty is reduced to –2.}}{{Section5=**Special Disadvantages**}}{{Infravision=***None***}}RaceData=[w:Tallfellow Halfling, attr:str=3:17|con=10|dex=8:19|int=6|wis=7:19|chr=5, align:any, weaps:any, ac:any, thmod:throwing=1|dart=1|hand-axe=1|magical-stone=1|slings=1, svatt:con, svpoi:3.5 svrod:3.5, svsta:3.5, svwan:3.5, svspe:3.5, ns:1],[cl:PW,w:Elf Detect Secret Doors,lv:0,sp:0,pd:-1]{{desc=This subrace of halflings is not so common as the Stout or Hairfoot but exists in significant numbers in many areas of temperate woodland. Averaging a little over 4\' in height, Tallfellows are slender and light-boned, weighing little more than the average Hairfoot.\nThey enjoy the company of elves, and most Tallfellow villages will be found nearby populations of that sylvan folk, with a flourishing trade between the two peoples.\nTallfellows display the greatest affinity toward working with wood of any halfling. They make splendid carpenters (often building boats or wagons for human customers), as well as loggers, carvers, pipesmiths, musicians, shepherds, liverymen, dairymen, cheesemakers, hunters, and scouts. They are better farmers than Stouts (although not as good as Hairfeet) and more adept than any other subrace at harvesting natural bounties of berries, nuts, roots, and wild grains.\nThe only halflings who enjoy much proficiency at riding, Tallfellows favor small ponies. Indeed, many unique breeds of diminutive horse have been bred among Tallfellow clans: fast, shaggy-maned, nimble mounts with great endurance. In a charge, of course, they lack the impact of a human-mounted warhorse; nonetheless, Tallfellow companies have served admirably as light lancers and horsearchers during many a hardfought campaign.\nOn foot, Tallfellows wield spears with rare skill. They are adept at forming bristling `porcupine\' formations with these weapons, creating such a menacing array that horses and footmen alike are deterred from attacking. This is one of the few halfling formations capable of standing toe-to-toe with a larger opponent in the open field.}}'}, {name:'Tinker-Gnome',type:'HumanoidRace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=Tinker Gnome}}{{subtitle=Race}}Specs=[Tinker Gnome,HumanoidRace,0H,Gnome]{{Alignment=Any (Usually NG)}}{{Languages=*Tinker Gnome, Gnome Common, various human tongues*}}{{Height=Males [38+1d6](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 38+1d6 ins height)ins, Females [36+1d6](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 36+1d6 ins height)ins}}{{Weight=Males [72+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 72+5d4 lbs weight)lbs, Females [68+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 68+5d4 lbs weight)lbs}}{{Life Expectancy=250 to 300 years (rare)}}{{Section=**Attributes**}}{{Minimum=Str:6, Con:8, Dex:8, Int:8}}{{Maximum=Wis:12}}{{Adjustment=Dex:+2, Str:-1, Wis:-1}}{{Section1=**Powers**}}{{Expert Miners=Detect slopes, unsafe walls, cielings \\amp floors, determine approximate depth and direction underground}}{{Section3=**Special Advantages**}}{{Infravision=*Infravision* to 60ft.}}{{Magic Resistance=Gnomes are magic-resistant, giving a bonus to saving throws against magical wands, staves, rods, and spells of +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution score.}}{{Attack bonus=+1 To Hit kobolds and goblins}}{{Small size=Gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and titans suffer a -4 penalty to attack}}{{Section5=**Special Disadvantages**}}{{Item failure=20% chance for failure of any magical item except weapons, armor, shields, illusionist items, and (if the character is a thief) items that duplicate thieving abilities.}}RaceData=[w:Tinker Gnome, attr:str=6|con=8|Dex=8|int=8|Wis=3:12]{{desc=The Tinkers are a very courageous and curious bunch of gnomes.\nTinkers resemble the rest of gnomedom - in the fact that they do value various types of stones, attributing to them great and supernatural powers. However, whereas the other subraces seek gems, the Tinkers hold a different substance as the grandest rock of all: coal. The Tinkers hold that coal (also known as the "Father of Steam") is the most valuable substance of the world, and those places where it can be mined quickly become Tinker Gnome warrens.\nIn size and stature, the Tinkers resemble Rock Gnomes--so much so that the difference is not immediately apparent, at least when based only upon appearance.\nTinkers who live out their lives can attain an age of 250 or 300 years, but it must be noted that this is a rare occurrence among the members of this subrace. If one of his or her own inventions doesn\'t do a Tinker in, chances are good that one of his or her neighbor\'s gadgets will.\nEven in childhood, Tinkers are encouraged to experiment with gadgets and gimmicks, trying different means of making things to perform tasks that could otherwise be easily done by hand. The Tinker reaches adulthood at about the age of fifty (by which time perhaps 10-15% of them have already succumbed to the common fate of their kind). Despite this high attrition, it\'s not until maturity that a Tinker Gnome\'s activities begin to get really dangerous.\nUpon reaching adulthood, the Tinker Gnome must select a guild for himself or herself. The number of guilds available varies by location, but in Mount Nevermind on Krynn--which is the center of Tinker civilization and by far the largest community of these inventive creatures anywhere--there are more than 150 active guilds. These include virtually all areas of practical endeavor, and quite a few impractical ones as well.\nAfter selecting a guild, each member of the subrace settles upon a Life-quest. The actual choice of the quest may take several decades, but once it has been decided, it becomes the reason behind that Tinker\'s existence. The Lifequest is an attempt to reach a perfect understanding of some device (anything from a spelljamming helm to a screw), a task at which the Tinker very rarely succeeds. Indeed, the best estimate is that less than 1% of these gnomes ever do fully grasp the nature of the object that has occupied their attention for so much of their adult lives; the rest of these easily-distracted gnomes get hopelessly sidetracked somewhere along the way.\nDespite the vagaries of their existence, the Tinkers are a fun-loving and generally sociable race. Their speech is unique in both its speed and complexity. Two Tinkers can rattle off information and opinion to each other in a succession of thousand-word sentences, speaking simultaneously and yet listening and understanding (as much as is possible, given the esoteric nature of many discussions) each other even as they voice their own points of view. Those Tinkers who have had some experience interacting with other races have learned to slow the pace of their communication but never quite overcome their frustration with those who can\'t talk and listen at the same time.}}'}, ]}, - Race_DB_Creatures_A_E:{bio:'

Creatures Database

v2.02 14/10/2023

This sheet holds definitions of pre-defined creatures from The Monsterous Compendium that can be used by the RPGMaster API system (creatures can also be added directly to a character sheet by editing the Monster tab on the sheet). The definitions include automatically setable attributes, valid alignments, the weapons & armour each creature can use, bonuses and penalties to saves, attacks, surprise etc, and the powers that the creature gets. Depending on API configuration, the APIs can restrict creatures to these specifications, or not as desired.', - gmnotes:'
Change Log:
v2.02 14/10/2023 Fixed issue with War Dog & added Leopard & Snow Leopard
v2.01 29/09/2023 Added several families of Giants, and all Chromatic & Metalic Dragons, Titans, & others with substantial functional upgrades
v1.34 24/09/2023 Fixed issues with Goblin definition
v1.33 13/08/2023 Added a basic chest to act as the basis for the *Drag & Drop* container system
v1.32 11/07/2023 Added creatures that can be contained in an Iron Flask
v1.31 07/06/2023 Corrected some spattk & spdef entries with wrong syntax
v1.30 30/04/2023 Added creatures to support Figurines of Wonderous Power and other MIs
v1.28 03/03/2023 Added Elephant, Rhino and Mouse to support Wand of Wonder
v1.27 12/02/2023 Added Adder as a creature to support Staff of the Serpent (Adder)
v1.26 16/01/2023 Added both attkmsg & dmgmsg to display with attack & damage respectively.
v1.25 14/01/2023 Switched round creature attack names and dice rolls so will work with character sheet buttons as well as APIs
v1.15-24 16/12/2022 Added more creatures and changed format for inherrited template fields
v1.14 25/11/2022 Added more creatures, especially undead at DM request
v1.10 14/11/2022 Initial live release of a sample creatures database
v1.02 10/11/2022 Fixes and additional creatures
v1.01 01/11/2022 First version of Race-DB-Creatures', + Race_DB_Creatures_A_E:{bio:'

Creatures Database

v2.04 14/09/2024

This sheet holds definitions of pre-defined creatures from The Monsterous Compendium that can be used by the RPGMaster API system (creatures can also be added directly to a character sheet by editing the Monster tab on the sheet). The definitions include automatically setable attributes, valid alignments, the weapons & armour each creature can use, bonuses and penalties to saves, attacks, surprise etc, and the powers that the creature gets. Depending on API configuration, the APIs can restrict creatures to these specifications, or not as desired.', + gmnotes:'
Change Log:
v2.04 14/09/2024 Version change to force deletion of any extracted databases used for temporary fixes
v2.02 14/10/2023 Fixed issue with War Dog & added Leopard & Snow Leopard
v2.01 29/09/2023 Added several families of Giants, and all Chromatic & Metalic Dragons, Titans, & others with substantial functional upgrades
v1.34 24/09/2023 Fixed issues with Goblin definition
v1.33 13/08/2023 Added a basic chest to act as the basis for the *Drag & Drop* container system
v1.32 11/07/2023 Added creatures that can be contained in an Iron Flask
v1.31 07/06/2023 Corrected some spattk & spdef entries with wrong syntax
v1.30 30/04/2023 Added creatures to support Figurines of Wonderous Power and other MIs
v1.28 03/03/2023 Added Elephant, Rhino and Mouse to support Wand of Wonder
v1.27 12/02/2023 Added Adder as a creature to support Staff of the Serpent (Adder)
v1.26 16/01/2023 Added both attkmsg & dmgmsg to display with attack & damage respectively.
v1.25 14/01/2023 Switched round creature attack names and dice rolls so will work with character sheet buttons as well as APIs
v1.15-24 16/12/2022 Added more creatures and changed format for inherrited template fields
v1.14 25/11/2022 Added more creatures, especially undead at DM request
v1.10 14/11/2022 Initial live release of a sample creatures database
v1.02 10/11/2022 Fixes and additional creatures
v1.01 01/11/2022 First version of Race-DB-Creatures', root:'Race-DB', api:'cmd', type:'class,race', controlledby:'all', avatar:'https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/241737383/GL25pkAS2z5JJ4S9cMKkjw/max.png?1629918721', - version:2.03, + version:2.04, db:[{name:'Adder',type:'creaturerace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'%{Race-DB-Creatures|Poison-Snake-20}{{}}Specs=[Poison Snake,CreatureRace,0H,Poison Snake 20]{{}}RaceData=[w:Poison Snake 20]{{title=Adder}}'}, {name:'Advanced-Bullywug',type:'creaturerace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=, Advanced}}RaceData=[w:Advanced Bullywug, cattr:int=8:10|size=M]{{subtitle=Creature}}%{Race-DB-Creatures|Bullywug}{{Intelligence=Average (8 to 10)}}{{Size=M, 5-6ft tall}}Specs=[Bullywug Leader,CreatureRace,0H,Bullywug]{{desc1=**Advanced Bullywug:** A small number of bullywugs are larger and more intelligent than the rest of their kind. These bullywugs make their homes in abandoned buildings and caves, and send out regular patrols and hunting parties. These groups tend to be well equipped and organized, and stake out a regular territory, which varies with the size of the group. They are more aggressive than their smaller cousins, and will fight not only other bullywugs but other monsters as well. The intelligent bullywugs also organize regular raids outside their territory for food and booty, and especially prize human flesh. Since they are chaotic evil, all trespassers, including other bullywugs, are considered threats or sources of food.}}'}, {name:'Advanced-Bullywug-Shaman',type:'creaturerace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=, Advanced Shaman}}RaceData=[w:Advanced Bullywug Shaman, cattr:int=8:10|size=M|cl=pr:Shaman|lv=2]{{subtitle=Creature}}%{Race-DB-Creatures|Bullywug}{{Intelligence=Average (8 to 10)}}{{Size=M, 5-6ft tall}}Specs=[Advanced Bullywug Shaman,CreatureRace,0H,Bullywug]{{desc=**Advanced Bullywug Shaman:** For every 10 advanced bullywugs in a community, there is a 10% chance of a 2nd-level shaman being present. The creature requires the spellbook setting up, and spells to be memorised}}'}, diff --git a/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/libRPGMaster2e.js b/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/libRPGMaster2e.js index a342b6a2a..295300bfa 100644 --- a/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/libRPGMaster2e.js +++ b/RPGMlibrary AD+D2e/libRPGMaster2e.js @@ -899,14 +899,14 @@ const libRPGMaster = (() => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars {name:'Tallfellow-Halfling',type:'HumanoidRace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=Tallfellow Halfling}}{{subtitle=Race}}Specs=[Tallfellow Halfling,HumanoidRace,0H,Humanoid]{{Alignment=Any (usually NG)}}{{Languages=Often *common, halfling, dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, orc,* and any one Elven language}}{{Height=Males [40+2d8](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 40+2d8 ins height)ins, Females [38+2d8](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 38+2d8 ins height)ins}}{{Weight=Males [52+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 52+5d4 lbs weight)lbs, Females [48+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 48+5d4 lbs weight)lbs}}{{Life Expectancy=Average at 180 years}}{{Section=**Attributes**}}{{Minimum=Con:10, Dex:8, Int:6, Wis:7, Chr:5}}{{Maximum=Str:17, Dex:19, Wis:19}}{{Adjustment=Wis *or* Dex:+1, Str:-1}}{{Section1=**Powers**}}{{Section2=None}}{{Section3=**Special Advantages**}}{{Secret Doors=Like elves, a Tallfellow can recognize a secret door on a [1 in 6](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 1d6\\lt1) if passing within 10 feet.}}{{Magic Resistance=Magic-resistant, giving a bonus to saving throws against magical wands, staves, rods, and spells of +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution score.}}{{Poison Resistance=Save vs. poison at +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution score.}}{{Attack bonus=+1 To Hit with slings and thrown weapons}}{{Hide in Wood=Tallfellows receive a +2 bonus to surprise rolls when in forest or wooded terrain under all circumstances.}}{{Other Surprise=Enemies get a –4 penalty to surprise if the halfling is: 1) moving alone, 2) is 90 feet away from the rest of their party, or 3) is with other elves or halflings and all are in nonmetal armor. If the halfling must open a door or screen to get to the enemy, the penalty is reduced to –2.}}{{Section5=**Special Disadvantages**}}{{Infravision=***None***}}RaceData=[w:Tallfellow Halfling, attr:str=3:17|con=10|dex=8:19|int=6|wis=7:19|chr=5, align:any, weaps:any, ac:any, thmod:throwing=1|dart=1|hand-axe=1|magical-stone=1|slings=1, svatt:con, svpoi:3.5 svrod:3.5, svsta:3.5, svwan:3.5, svspe:3.5, ns:1],[cl:PW,w:Elf Detect Secret Doors,lv:0,sp:0,pd:-1]{{desc=This subrace of halflings is not so common as the Stout or Hairfoot but exists in significant numbers in many areas of temperate woodland. Averaging a little over 4\' in height, Tallfellows are slender and light-boned, weighing little more than the average Hairfoot.\nThey enjoy the company of elves, and most Tallfellow villages will be found nearby populations of that sylvan folk, with a flourishing trade between the two peoples.\nTallfellows display the greatest affinity toward working with wood of any halfling. They make splendid carpenters (often building boats or wagons for human customers), as well as loggers, carvers, pipesmiths, musicians, shepherds, liverymen, dairymen, cheesemakers, hunters, and scouts. They are better farmers than Stouts (although not as good as Hairfeet) and more adept than any other subrace at harvesting natural bounties of berries, nuts, roots, and wild grains.\nThe only halflings who enjoy much proficiency at riding, Tallfellows favor small ponies. Indeed, many unique breeds of diminutive horse have been bred among Tallfellow clans: fast, shaggy-maned, nimble mounts with great endurance. In a charge, of course, they lack the impact of a human-mounted warhorse; nonetheless, Tallfellow companies have served admirably as light lancers and horsearchers during many a hardfought campaign.\nOn foot, Tallfellows wield spears with rare skill. They are adept at forming bristling `porcupine\' formations with these weapons, creating such a menacing array that horses and footmen alike are deterred from attacking. This is one of the few halfling formations capable of standing toe-to-toe with a larger opponent in the open field.}}'}, {name:'Tinker-Gnome',type:'HumanoidRace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=Tinker Gnome}}{{subtitle=Race}}Specs=[Tinker Gnome,HumanoidRace,0H,Gnome]{{Alignment=Any (Usually NG)}}{{Languages=*Tinker Gnome, Gnome Common, various human tongues*}}{{Height=Males [38+1d6](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 38+1d6 ins height)ins, Females [36+1d6](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 36+1d6 ins height)ins}}{{Weight=Males [72+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 72+5d4 lbs weight)lbs, Females [68+5d4](!\\amp#13;\\amp#47;r 68+5d4 lbs weight)lbs}}{{Life Expectancy=250 to 300 years (rare)}}{{Section=**Attributes**}}{{Minimum=Str:6, Con:8, Dex:8, Int:8}}{{Maximum=Wis:12}}{{Adjustment=Dex:+2, Str:-1, Wis:-1}}{{Section1=**Powers**}}{{Expert Miners=Detect slopes, unsafe walls, cielings \\amp floors, determine approximate depth and direction underground}}{{Section3=**Special Advantages**}}{{Infravision=*Infravision* to 60ft.}}{{Magic Resistance=Gnomes are magic-resistant, giving a bonus to saving throws against magical wands, staves, rods, and spells of +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution score.}}{{Attack bonus=+1 To Hit kobolds and goblins}}{{Small size=Gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and titans suffer a -4 penalty to attack}}{{Section5=**Special Disadvantages**}}{{Item failure=20% chance for failure of any magical item except weapons, armor, shields, illusionist items, and (if the character is a thief) items that duplicate thieving abilities.}}RaceData=[w:Tinker Gnome, attr:str=6|con=8|Dex=8|int=8|Wis=3:12]{{desc=The Tinkers are a very courageous and curious bunch of gnomes.\nTinkers resemble the rest of gnomedom - in the fact that they do value various types of stones, attributing to them great and supernatural powers. However, whereas the other subraces seek gems, the Tinkers hold a different substance as the grandest rock of all: coal. The Tinkers hold that coal (also known as the "Father of Steam") is the most valuable substance of the world, and those places where it can be mined quickly become Tinker Gnome warrens.\nIn size and stature, the Tinkers resemble Rock Gnomes--so much so that the difference is not immediately apparent, at least when based only upon appearance.\nTinkers who live out their lives can attain an age of 250 or 300 years, but it must be noted that this is a rare occurrence among the members of this subrace. If one of his or her own inventions doesn\'t do a Tinker in, chances are good that one of his or her neighbor\'s gadgets will.\nEven in childhood, Tinkers are encouraged to experiment with gadgets and gimmicks, trying different means of making things to perform tasks that could otherwise be easily done by hand. The Tinker reaches adulthood at about the age of fifty (by which time perhaps 10-15% of them have already succumbed to the common fate of their kind). Despite this high attrition, it\'s not until maturity that a Tinker Gnome\'s activities begin to get really dangerous.\nUpon reaching adulthood, the Tinker Gnome must select a guild for himself or herself. The number of guilds available varies by location, but in Mount Nevermind on Krynn--which is the center of Tinker civilization and by far the largest community of these inventive creatures anywhere--there are more than 150 active guilds. These include virtually all areas of practical endeavor, and quite a few impractical ones as well.\nAfter selecting a guild, each member of the subrace settles upon a Life-quest. The actual choice of the quest may take several decades, but once it has been decided, it becomes the reason behind that Tinker\'s existence. The Lifequest is an attempt to reach a perfect understanding of some device (anything from a spelljamming helm to a screw), a task at which the Tinker very rarely succeeds. Indeed, the best estimate is that less than 1% of these gnomes ever do fully grasp the nature of the object that has occupied their attention for so much of their adult lives; the rest of these easily-distracted gnomes get hopelessly sidetracked somewhere along the way.\nDespite the vagaries of their existence, the Tinkers are a fun-loving and generally sociable race. Their speech is unique in both its speed and complexity. Two Tinkers can rattle off information and opinion to each other in a succession of thousand-word sentences, speaking simultaneously and yet listening and understanding (as much as is possible, given the esoteric nature of many discussions) each other even as they voice their own points of view. Those Tinkers who have had some experience interacting with other races have learned to slow the pace of their communication but never quite overcome their frustration with those who can\'t talk and listen at the same time.}}'}, ]}, - Race_DB_Creatures_A_E:{bio:'

Creatures Database

v2.02 14/10/2023

This sheet holds definitions of pre-defined creatures from The Monsterous Compendium that can be used by the RPGMaster API system (creatures can also be added directly to a character sheet by editing the Monster tab on the sheet). The definitions include automatically setable attributes, valid alignments, the weapons & armour each creature can use, bonuses and penalties to saves, attacks, surprise etc, and the powers that the creature gets. Depending on API configuration, the APIs can restrict creatures to these specifications, or not as desired.', - gmnotes:'
Change Log:
v2.02 14/10/2023 Fixed issue with War Dog & added Leopard & Snow Leopard
v2.01 29/09/2023 Added several families of Giants, and all Chromatic & Metalic Dragons, Titans, & others with substantial functional upgrades
v1.34 24/09/2023 Fixed issues with Goblin definition
v1.33 13/08/2023 Added a basic chest to act as the basis for the *Drag & Drop* container system
v1.32 11/07/2023 Added creatures that can be contained in an Iron Flask
v1.31 07/06/2023 Corrected some spattk & spdef entries with wrong syntax
v1.30 30/04/2023 Added creatures to support Figurines of Wonderous Power and other MIs
v1.28 03/03/2023 Added Elephant, Rhino and Mouse to support Wand of Wonder
v1.27 12/02/2023 Added Adder as a creature to support Staff of the Serpent (Adder)
v1.26 16/01/2023 Added both attkmsg & dmgmsg to display with attack & damage respectively.
v1.25 14/01/2023 Switched round creature attack names and dice rolls so will work with character sheet buttons as well as APIs
v1.15-24 16/12/2022 Added more creatures and changed format for inherrited template fields
v1.14 25/11/2022 Added more creatures, especially undead at DM request
v1.10 14/11/2022 Initial live release of a sample creatures database
v1.02 10/11/2022 Fixes and additional creatures
v1.01 01/11/2022 First version of Race-DB-Creatures', + Race_DB_Creatures_A_E:{bio:'

Creatures Database

v2.04 14/09/2024

This sheet holds definitions of pre-defined creatures from The Monsterous Compendium that can be used by the RPGMaster API system (creatures can also be added directly to a character sheet by editing the Monster tab on the sheet). The definitions include automatically setable attributes, valid alignments, the weapons & armour each creature can use, bonuses and penalties to saves, attacks, surprise etc, and the powers that the creature gets. Depending on API configuration, the APIs can restrict creatures to these specifications, or not as desired.', + gmnotes:'
Change Log:
v2.04 14/09/2024 Version change to force deletion of any extracted databases used for temporary fixes
v2.02 14/10/2023 Fixed issue with War Dog & added Leopard & Snow Leopard
v2.01 29/09/2023 Added several families of Giants, and all Chromatic & Metalic Dragons, Titans, & others with substantial functional upgrades
v1.34 24/09/2023 Fixed issues with Goblin definition
v1.33 13/08/2023 Added a basic chest to act as the basis for the *Drag & Drop* container system
v1.32 11/07/2023 Added creatures that can be contained in an Iron Flask
v1.31 07/06/2023 Corrected some spattk & spdef entries with wrong syntax
v1.30 30/04/2023 Added creatures to support Figurines of Wonderous Power and other MIs
v1.28 03/03/2023 Added Elephant, Rhino and Mouse to support Wand of Wonder
v1.27 12/02/2023 Added Adder as a creature to support Staff of the Serpent (Adder)
v1.26 16/01/2023 Added both attkmsg & dmgmsg to display with attack & damage respectively.
v1.25 14/01/2023 Switched round creature attack names and dice rolls so will work with character sheet buttons as well as APIs
v1.15-24 16/12/2022 Added more creatures and changed format for inherrited template fields
v1.14 25/11/2022 Added more creatures, especially undead at DM request
v1.10 14/11/2022 Initial live release of a sample creatures database
v1.02 10/11/2022 Fixes and additional creatures
v1.01 01/11/2022 First version of Race-DB-Creatures', root:'Race-DB', api:'cmd', type:'class,race', controlledby:'all', avatar:'https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/241737383/GL25pkAS2z5JJ4S9cMKkjw/max.png?1629918721', - version:2.03, + version:2.04, db:[{name:'Adder',type:'creaturerace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'%{Race-DB-Creatures|Poison-Snake-20}{{}}Specs=[Poison Snake,CreatureRace,0H,Poison Snake 20]{{}}RaceData=[w:Poison Snake 20]{{title=Adder}}'}, {name:'Advanced-Bullywug',type:'creaturerace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=, Advanced}}RaceData=[w:Advanced Bullywug, cattr:int=8:10|size=M]{{subtitle=Creature}}%{Race-DB-Creatures|Bullywug}{{Intelligence=Average (8 to 10)}}{{Size=M, 5-6ft tall}}Specs=[Bullywug Leader,CreatureRace,0H,Bullywug]{{desc1=**Advanced Bullywug:** A small number of bullywugs are larger and more intelligent than the rest of their kind. These bullywugs make their homes in abandoned buildings and caves, and send out regular patrols and hunting parties. These groups tend to be well equipped and organized, and stake out a regular territory, which varies with the size of the group. They are more aggressive than their smaller cousins, and will fight not only other bullywugs but other monsters as well. The intelligent bullywugs also organize regular raids outside their territory for food and booty, and especially prize human flesh. Since they are chaotic evil, all trespassers, including other bullywugs, are considered threats or sources of food.}}'}, {name:'Advanced-Bullywug-Shaman',type:'creaturerace',ct:'0',charge:'uncharged',cost:'0',body:'\\amp{template:'+fields.defaultTemplate+'}{{name=, Advanced Shaman}}RaceData=[w:Advanced Bullywug Shaman, cattr:int=8:10|size=M|cl=pr:Shaman|lv=2]{{subtitle=Creature}}%{Race-DB-Creatures|Bullywug}{{Intelligence=Average (8 to 10)}}{{Size=M, 5-6ft tall}}Specs=[Advanced Bullywug Shaman,CreatureRace,0H,Bullywug]{{desc=**Advanced Bullywug Shaman:** For every 10 advanced bullywugs in a community, there is a 10% chance of a 2nd-level shaman being present. The creature requires the spellbook setting up, and spells to be memorised}}'},